chapter 12

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Home sweet home. After all these years nothing has changed even the bad memories. Once it was a beautiful place were me, my brother and my parents lived happily. But now the word happiness was buried along with my brother's corpse.

"Wow Caren how come nothing has changed in the past ten years" Brian was mesmerized by its beauty

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"Wow Caren how come nothing has changed in the past ten years" Brian was mesmerized by its beauty.

I took care of the building with the help of my maids. Even though I hate to come here, still it was my family's house once and that's why decided not to turn this place into a Haunted mansion.

"I had my maids to take care of it Bri". With my hands I gestured him to close his mouth . For a couple minute he forgot that his mouth was freezed in a big round O. He scratched his head and giggled like small kid.

"Come on guys let's go in". I looked at Derick. With a folded arms he silently stood near the car.

"What happen devil?" I went near him and poked his cheeks playfully. He simply stared at me with a blank expression.

"Hey what's wrong Derick ?" I asked in a husky voice.

"Caren are you okay?". I was confused by his question am I okay ?!!.

"What? I'm fine devil. why are you asking this question". I smiled with confused expression on my face.

"This house. Are we really gonna stay here. I'm asking because , this house it's a beauty place for me and Brian but for you.... Is that okay for you to stay here? Answer me honestly Caren. WILL YOU BE OKAY ?".

No I won't be. He is rite I won't be fine . Till today that incident took place in my house ten years ago still haunts me. Especially this house haunts me day and night. I became a workaholic not because of my addiction it's just to keep my mind occupied . Just to stop thinking about my haunting memory.

I decided to come here after jason met me at the airport. Though I acted strong and bold in front of him still a biggest part in my heart was aching more and more and more... He never loved me but my stupid heart still loves him. My mind hates him but this heart..... I couldn't come to a conclusion . I was struggling to put my mind at ease.

To reduce the pain in my heart I needed more pain . I needed more powerful pain to occupy my mind and heart to forget the pain which was given by him. That's why I came here. This place is the major source of my pain .

"Caren! Please stop talking to yourself and answer me" Derick bought me out of my thoughts.

"I will be fine. You don't worry" I winked and dragged him to the main door.

As soon as the door opened "My baby oh my god... you have grown so much" my ex mother (biological mother) pulled me for a hug. I stood there like a statue without hugging her back.

"What the hell are you doing here" I said in a annoyed tone. Why she came here.. god.. please show some mercy I'm already so tried by all the incidences that took place in the past 24 hrs. I'm completely drained out I can't fight or shout anymore please make her invisible atleast to my eyes. Pleasee..

"Baby I came here to see you. I've missed you so much. I know you hate me but still you are my daughter , my baby. I bought you into this world. You will always be mama's precious little baby" tears gushed out from her eyes while her hands were holding my face.

"Please stop with your little drama.  Already I'm so.... Done with my life now". I pushed her hands aside and went inside the house. My ex mother hugged Derick and Brian. Yeah she is good hugger.

I went to the living room "There is my beautiful daughter" a man's voice echoed from my side. Shit.... Not that one . It should not be him .. I closed my eyes tightly.

"Caren baby" my ex dad happily hugged me. I guess this is the most beautiful 48 hours of my entire life. In the first 24 hrs a man broke my heart for the second time in the next 24hrs people who broke my heart at the first time came to pour there love on me. Great...

I simply stared at him without any expression. "You have grown so much. I still remember those days when I had you in my arms. You were so tiny , cute and adorable. Now you have grown into a smart, elegant and beautiful lady". He continuously blabbered something.

My ability to look , listen , speak and walk slowly started to reduce. First of all my body was exhausted because of travelling second I was exhausted mentally become these people my ex love and my ex parents.

Without a single word I moved away from him and managed myself to reach my room's door knob. When I opened "Carennn!!". A small kid jumped from the bed and hugged me. Now who are you. Shit! shit! shit! shit! what the hell are these people doing in this house. I wanted to shout but I couldn't I need rest .

A beautiful lady in her 40's stood from the bed and picked the child up. "Luca don't distrub your sister she look so restless. Leave her alone". She playfully pinched that kids cheek. Wait sister!!??.

"You were so tiny the last time I saw you . Now you have grown really well Caren" she smiled beautifully.

"Who are you?. Do I know you?" I asked bluntly. Really I don't know . Who is she!.

"Caren you don't remember me. I'm Janice your father's second wife". She said with a sad expression. Wait did she expected me to remember her? Wtf I hate her husband in the first place my so called biological father. How do she expect me to remember her when I'm trying to forget the memory of her husband itself.

"Oh Janice yeah I remember because of the work pressure I tend to forget few things." I smiled a little. I don't like her but still apart from marrying my  father no other sin she commited in her life. As women I respect her but as a daughter I hate them both.

"Caren this is your brother Luca he will be 8 next month" she kissed her son's cheek. He smiled adorably. I was mesmerized by his adorable face. He reminds me of someone. Sigh....

"Um correction it's your son not my brother. I don't have anyone. I'm an orphan"

"Caren pleas..."

"Please take your son and leave this room. I'm so tried. I need some sleep" I was so annoyed buy all there fake love acts.

"Ok we'll leave. You take rest" she patted my shoulders and left the room.

After she left I locked the door and went inside the bathroom to take a hot shower. I hope atleast..... This shower helps me out.

I came out in my robe and wore some comfy clothes. I hopped on the bed and prepared myself for a long nap. But before that somebody knocked that damn door. I was so....annoyed and decided to punch that person on the face who was knocking the door.

I opened the door and raised my hand to punch but before that he grabbed my hands tightly. "Preparing yourself for a boxing match uh? Darkness". Derick smiled widely.

I slapped his hands and went back to my bed. "Leave me alone I'm so tried".

"Yeah I know you can sleep but before that I came here to remind you... Tomorrow...." I cut him in the middle and said.

"My brother's death anniversary"

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Have a nice day cuties..

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