chapter 17

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Sorry sir, sorry mam we tried are best but we couldn't fix it with the surgery". The doc replied with a sad expression. No no no don't be sad doc I'm really happy after hearing this. Atleast my throat can rest in peace for a while unlike my heart and mind taking craps from these people around me.

I took my ex mother's phone to know the time (not that I like her..).

My eyes got widened by looking at her phone. "Baby what happen" my ex mom rushed and sat near me. "Baby what's wrong". I stared at the phone with a freaked out expression

I guess somehow she understood the reason for my expression so she replied.

"Yes baby you were in coma for 6 months".


Derick (before 6 months)

"Dad this is completely bullshit. Why do you even trust those creeps. They have ruined her life dad"

"I know but still they are her parents her biological parents Derick. we have to give them a opportunity and for that we people have to stay away from her"

"STAY AWAY FROM HER. Yeah dad I can stay away from her after my death but now it's not possible not only for me it's not possible for you either"

"Ye-yes... I can't leave my daughter to them but I'm still a guardian Derick . I can't do anything... I-I can't .. Rodriguez called me yesterday".

"I hope you didn't talk with that thing dad"

"Listen Derick . He begged and asked me for a chance. A chance to stay with his daughter and take care of her"

"A chance to take care of Caren? Dad you are kidding me rite. They can't take care they just only know how to ruin her life and make it a living hell . Please don't trust them".

"No Derick this time when he spoke I felt the sincerity and his love for Caren. He deserves a chance".

"You are totally out of your mind old man. I'm not gonna listen to your useless words. Let me talk to my mother she will never accept to your decision. Give the Phone to her".

"She was one who made this decision".

"WHAT!! No your lying I won't trust you".

"Derick your father is telling the truth my dear"

"M-mom how could could you do this to Caren . I thought you considered her as your own daughter".

"She is Derick . She will always be my daughter. I love her as my own but... But still we have to give them a chance to be with her. Me and your father we are just her guardians they are her parents".

"Give them a chance?  Listen you can't make decisions in her life. Caren will decide whether if she want them in her life or not".

"No Derick . She will never give a chance to them. We have to make her to take that decision and for that we have to stay away from her".

"Mom are you guys out of mind. Why the F*** we have to force her to take that decision. Mom please she is already broken don't make her suffer more please I beg you".

"I kn- know dear I know let me and your father take a place in hell for all our actions. We have to do this Derick. You and Brian come back and leave her there with her parents. Your father will take care of other things".

"Mom please don't do this please. She can't handle this s-she can't . Please don't hurt and make her suffer more. Let me bring back Caren along with us let her take this decision. If she is ready then she can stay with her parents or atleast we can convince her mom but please don't hurt her to take this decision".

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry dear we can't convince her. She will never give them a chance. They are her parents Derick we don't have rites to seperate her from them".

"Parents? What kind of parents leave their child and make her life a living hell. Even they blamed Caren for Raymond's death. He died because of them and their carelessness".

"Derick listen to me dear we have to do this. You and Brian comeback. Leave Caren there don't inform her before leaving . Your dad handle the rest".

"Mom listen MOM..."

"Derick I guess mom is rite we have to give them a chance to be with her after all they are her parents" Brian patted my back.

"Even though they are her parents she is not in the state to accept them Brian. Jason broke her completely now we doing same thing she can't handle it". I cried my heart out I can't make my love suffer one more time . God please kill me before doing that.

"Just one chance Derick. That's all they ask for just one f**** chance". Brian held my hands.

"One f***** chance Bri. If they hurt her one more time that's it I'm gonna bring her back to me". With that I wiped my tears. Packed my bag and went to airport.

Derick (after 6 months)

Caren what are you doing? Where are you? What happened to you? These were the questions running in my mind throught the past 6 months.

No news no information nothing we got about her. Unlike us Caren is famous for her achievements and business handling skills in such a young age. She was the center of attraction to every reports. Thought they never saw her in real just her name Caren Rodriguez is enough to increase the ratings of their channels.

But for the past 6 months there was no news about her. We couldn't contact her directly either. The words my father used was too harsh. They were like sword stabbing her already wounded heart. I'm afraid what happened to her?

After coming back from Germany my father ended all the connections with Rodriguez's enterprises and her family. But Caren we couldn't stop worrying about her . Because of stress mom was admitted in hospital for a couple of weeks. Now without sleeping pills and other medications she can't sleep at night or stay active in the daylight.

Dad completely immersed himself with work. He rarely returns home mostly he sleeps in the company. Me and Brian are the only stable mind souls in this house. Because we both promised ourselves if they hurt Caren one more time we will bring her back and rip them completely away from her.

I'm waiting for that day to come as early as possible. I don't want them to hurt her but without them hurting her I can't prove my parents the decision they took was wrong.

I want my love back. I want her rite under my arms. I want to kiss her until I'm out of breath. I want her in my life. I can't live without her.

God please bring her back to me. I hope she is alright. But still I have this weird feeling that something is wrong with her. I have to find out.

Please be fine for me baby....

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Have a great day cuties..😘

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