chapter 21

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Recap (jason)

Z - "Caren is willing to help us against our rivals .She even rejected their offer. Inspite of their political power she is willing to help us.

J - "I'll call you back later".

I thrown my phone on the ground. What w-what.... Why she is willing to help me!! What's wrong with her . I-I don't deserve her help. I don't deserve anything from her . Why is she willing to help... God wh-whats happening.



The moment I landed here in norway every single minute I've have spent in this place ran in my mind like a movie. Especially the memories with my friend 'no no he is not my friend anymore he is just a person named Derick'.

I completely regret coming back here but that guilt is killing me. Even though I'm not the reason for that horrible state of Jason's company. But still a part of me believes that I'm also responsible for that mess. Only for that reason I'm willing to help that dumb.Me and Gwen rented a mansion for a couple of months because I don't like living in hotels.

"Caren look at this magazine". I took the magazine and saw its cover.

"Derick" was the only word left my mouth. Handsome as always.

"When I met Derick for the first time. I thought he was your boyfriend Caren"

"What the hell? He is my childhood friend. How can you even think of him like that". I snapped back

"Oh my god! You didn't know all these years! You are an idiot boss".

"What I didn't know?".

"Caren! Derick was always in love with you. Actually you didn't love him but he was so much in love with you. I thought you have already know this, or you have rejected him".

"Gwen please stop assuming things. He is my friend. Even if he loved me he would have proposed because he is not afraid of rejections. He is a strong one in physique as well as in heart".

"No Caren I guess something might have went wrong with his proposal or he might have thought that you were happy with Jason so he decided not to interfere. But I know one thing for sure he was definitely in love with you maybe he is still loving but that's not important now though". She chuckled.

"Yeah yeah whatever even if he love me now I would never forget or forgive him for leaving me alone. Neither him or his family I will never forgive them for betraying me".

"Ok ok I'm sorry please you calm down. Sorry for bringing this matter up let's not talk about it anymore. Please you relax". She massaged my shoulders within a couple of minutes my body and mind returned back to its peaceful state.

"Gwen before going to his I would like clear some matters with you"

"I already know those matters boss". I blinked rapidly and waited for her to continue. "You want me to maintain same act rite? Not willing to speak uh!?".

"Yes your rite I'm not going to speak atleast for couple of years I guess. Speak for me in places where I need to speak like we used to do for the past 8 months".

"Ok I will do as you order boss".

"Please stop calling me boss I feel like an old lady" I glared at her.

"Ok stop glaring and tell me what do you want to eat baby boo". With her cheeky smile she went to make breakfast.

I guess boss was better. God this lady will be the death of me. If she calls me baby boo in front of my colleagues!! My image will be totallyyy ruined. I hope she won't do that.

Suit or dress hmm let me ditch suit and wear a dress for my first day. Exactly it's not my first day but still it's a first day.

We both left the mansion as early as we can but still it was late

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We both left the mansion as early as we can but still it was late. We informed them to have a meeting at 9 but we reached the company by 9:30. I lost my punctuality the moment I landed here. I'm a punctual person but Derick never maintain the punctuality. Oh why I'm even thinking about him.

I started at Gwen with a frown. She was the reason for my thoughts. I have a problem if somebody talks about a person at early morning, throught out the day I'll be thinking about that person. Likewise it happens the same in songs also.

"Are you mad?" What's with the stare boo boo".

"Stop calling me like that". I pinched her thigh. "I think boss is better call me Caren or boss OK".

"Ok bo-CAREN" she screamed.

"You-id" I saw a car parked near the company's entrance " Gwen that car"

"Belongs to Derick". She ended the Statement. "What the hell he is doing here? Inside the company your ex boyfriend jason outside the company your ex best friend Derick. What a great day to begin with isn't?". She patted my back and looked at me with a creepy smile.

As she said what Derick is doing here. I already regret coming back here and helping Jason and now I regret even more because of some people who I never want to see in my life again.

"It's going to be a long..... Day Gwen".


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