chapter 18

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I'm waiting for that day to come as early as possible. I don't want them to hurt her but without them hurting her I can't prove my parents the decision they took was wrong.

I want my love back. I want her rite under my arms. I want to kiss her until I'm out of breath. I want her in my life. I can't live without her.

God please bring her back to me. I hope she is alright. But still I have this weird feeling that something is wrong with her. I have to find out.

Please be fine for me baby....



After that mini accident of mine life became totally different. Different in both good ways and bad ways. Still now I couldn't believe that I have wasted 6 months just by sleeping in the bed.

As my doc said I lost my vocal cord temporarily he assured me that I can talk with in a couple of weeks . Actually to be honest I spoked few words with my doc during my personal checkup. The injury was not deep or huge it's a just a minor scratch but I asked my doc to tell my parents (ex parents ) that the injury was deep and I can't talk atleast for a couple of years.

My doc Nelson  he is a close  friend of mine so as I said he informed my parents about my fake pity state. As Nelson said the information to my parents and their partners they unleashed their inner water beast through their eyes. They cried through out the day and blamed themselves for this state of mine.

Thought I slightly felt guilty for putting up an act still I was satisfied to see their reaction. I have cried and yearned for their love and care through out my life which I have never got, atleast let them cry now and feel the pain what I have felt through out the 24 yrs of my life.

After resting for a couple of days I went back to start my work. I informed my secretary Grace to change my company in German as the headquarters of all the companies which I had all around the world. First I had Norway branch as my headquarters but now because of few changes in my life I decided to change few things in my companies as well.

My personal life should not affect my professional life that was the only thing I had in my mind. My personal life is filled with failures and my professional life is filled with success. My personal life is always hell and my professional life is heaven. That's why I decided to cut my personal life completey and focus on my professional life only.

Within a couple of months I took over all ownerships of the above average and below average earning companies and bought them under my control. Though the owners of the company was still a part in it they can't make any decisions with out my permission.

Apart from my doctor Nelson and my secretary Grace nobody knows that I can talk well. I maintained my silent act in front of my staffs as well. Without talking I couldn't convey the details properly that's why I picked Grace as my voice. She the only person I can trust atleast for time being. Sorry I have trust issues... I can't trust anyone that easily.

"Grace you said something you want to talk with me. Tell me what's the deal" yesterday night no in mid night she called me and informed that there is something important to discuss with me. She tried to tell the matter but I stopped her in the middle and said her 'whatever the important thing is let it wait till morning'.

"Um.. that thing about .." she paused for a minute. "What happened? yesterday night you were so eager to say the matter but now why are you hesitating?".

"Because yesterday night I was talking with you in phone and now I'm sitting in front of you. I'm afraid that you might throw something at me out of anger" with a sad pout she said.

"Okay I promise you I'll be calm and composed. Still if you are afraid you can even tie me up Graceyy.." I winked at her.

"Still that won't stop you from throwing things bossss.. Anyway I'll  convey the message. Your boyfriend I-I mean your ex boyfriend that all mighty Jason Granger is under huge stress". She cutted the Statement and eagerly waited for my reaction .

"Let him die out of stress". Those were the only words left from my mouth.

She laughed her heart out "ok I expected that reply from you honey but still let me tell the whole information which I got. Couple of days back I got few calls and mails from his rival companies. They want our help to put your ex's company down".

"Our help hmm interesting but wait where is the profit in that for us. Without profit I won't take this offer".

"There is few profits in that deal Caren . One you can have your revenge for him breaking your heart. Two his rivals have some power in political side which we can use in future for our needs. Three Jason don't deserve that position even after you giving your shares to that shit he lost everything".

"What you mean by lost everything. Look I'm not supporting him but in business perspective he is really good at handling things and not to mention his company means a lot to him".

"Yeah yeah means a lot to him bullshit that's why that bitch broke your heart".

"Gracey please let's not talk about the past".

"Ok fine yes as you said his company really means a lot to him but something went wrong. There was some drastic changes in his behaviour. To be accurate those changes where seen after you left him. The board member and other higher authorities in his company started using his money without his knowledge.

Infact for the past 4 months he stopped going to his company. Also there are few rumours that he became addicted to alcohol, drugs and so on. Plus he lost all the shares which you gave him in some gambling. That's why his rival companies are taking this opportunity to bring him down completely". 

Though I hate him I still pitied him for his current state. He worked day and night to bring that company on top 10 spot. Unlike me he was not born with silver spoon. He earned every single penny through his hard work. But now what the hell is he doing with his company. Even I worked hard and helped him to achieve his goal.

That man wasted his, not only his also my blood, sweat and tears as well. How dare he. What will happen to the people working in his company. Especially the staffs who can't get acess to his money. They won't even get a their proper salary. What about their family. Gosh that Jason bitch what have you done man..

"Caren tell me what's that devil mind of yours is saying now. I definitely know that devil mind already came up with a decision. Tell me what's that".

"We will take over his company"

"What!!!!! Are you out of your mind. You gonna help that bitch?". She screamed

"No I'm not gonna help him. I'm only gonna help the staffs in it. Unlike him they don't deserve this shit".

"Yeah yeah whatever you say. I guess you are going to fall for him one more time" she grinned sheepishly.

"Graceyy only a person with heart can fall in love with another person. I'm heartless darling" with that I winked at her and wore my coolers and took my back.

"We have few companies to take over darling. So stop staring at me and book us flight ticket to Norway".

"Yes boss"

Jason one last time, one f*** last time I'm helping you once again to stand in your own feet.


Hey my dears reader so sorry for my late update .

Feel free to point out my mistakes via comments and

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