chapter 16

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Deal am I a deal to them. All these years I wa-was  I was just a deal to them?. Everything was an act? Even Derick was a part of this act? Linda? Brian? D-Did they really left me? From now on am I - am I a stranger to them? Am I nothing to them? The love the care they shown me everything was a part of this deal?

My heart started banging in a rapid pace as if it's going to tear and pop out of my chest. I literally took a another bath in my sweat. The dizziness slowly consumed me. The last think I remember before falling into darkness was I'm falling off from the stairs because of my blurred vision

With a stabbing pain throughout my body everything went black.



Finally when my dark blurred vision cleared, somehow I managed myself to open my eyes.

I found myself lying in a bed with lots of tubes and beeping equipments around me. Plus few tubes were connected with my body. Who bought me to the hospital was the first question running in my mind.

"Baby!! Oh my god you woke up finally" my ex mother cried and hugged me tightly. "I thought we lost you". She cried even more louder. Without any expression I looked at her silently.

"Oh my god Caren. What happened  who pushed you down? I will kill that bast** tell me Caren". Who pushed me down? Stupid I know my ex father is a stupid but still I never knew he was very much stupid and brainless. With all CC tv footage shits is he still asking me who pushed me. Isn't that I obvious i was unconscious and fallen on the stairs on my own.

From my ex mother I gave the same blank expression to my ex father. After him followed by his wife and his son then my ex mother's husband all came inside the room. Shit why did I even woke up pleaseee god let me die in piece. Please put me back into the dark pit. God I'm soo tried.

"Caren why are you not speaking anything please say something baby please" my ex mother pleaded. But sorry not sorry I was not a in mood to talk and you people are not my favourites either.

The word favourite hit me like a Strom. Derick, Brian , Mathews , Linda and jason was my favourite people IN MY PAST BUT NOT ANYMORE. Even after my ex parents left I was not completely broken because I never liked them apart from my little brother I never considered them as my family.

But everything changed completely when jason, Derick and his family entered my life. Unlike my parents I loved them with all my heart. I gave so much importance to them. I gave up all my ego and pride for them. I really consider those five people as my everything but in return what they gave me.

PAIN and BETRAYAL apart from those two things, they never gave me anything. Jason used me for his business and status. Derick and his parents used me for a deal. I don't even want to know what was that deal because I'm completely done with everybody. I'm done with every single person in my life.

From now on I'm an emotionless devil. I'm not gonna be like those weak womens who spare or take away their life by their own hands for some shitty and heartless human beings. I will show them the horrible consequence for taking advantage of me, for using me , for hurting me, and for betraying me in the name of love, friendship and family.

"Caren please say something". My jerk ex father screamed. Still I didn't give any reply.

"Mr Rodriguez please let your daughter to take some rest and she is not in a state to talk sir" a middle aged  man I guess he is a doctor, came inside the room.

"What ? Not in a state to talk"

"Sorry to say this sir because of the fall, her throat took the biggest hit and her vocal cord was damaged. She won't be able to speak until it gets healed completely". That doctor explained.

"What the hell!!! She can't speak. When will it heal completely? My ex dad freaked out.

I don't know why I was happy that I couldn't speak. I should be sad rite?. I really don't know.

"Sir atleast it takes a couple of years. She can speak but it takes a lot of time because of the deep rupture."

"Couple of years!!!" My ex mom cried. Even my ex father was sad. Really.... I thought they will be reacting like some happiest human beings on this earth after listening to the doc. I guess it's an another act.

"Sorry sir, sorry mam we tried are best but we couldn't fix it with the surgery". The doc replied with a sad expression. No no no don't be sad doc I'm really happy after hearing this. Atleast my throat can rest in peace for a while unlike my heart and mind taking craps from these people around me.

I took my ex mother's phone to know the time (not that I like her..).

My eyes got widened by looking at her phone. "Baby what happen" my ex mom rushed and sat near me. "Baby what's wrong". I stared at the phone with a freaked out expression

I guess somehow she understood the reason for my expression so she replied.

"Yes baby you were in coma for 6 months".


Feel free to point out my mistakes and don't forget to click that star icon in the bottom of your screen cuties

Have a nice day 😘

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