chapter 13

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Sista.. why did you left me? You said you will come and find me. But you left me to die. Why sista do u hate me? That's why you killed me?

"No .. no ray I love you.. I love you so much. I....I... Di.. didn't...."

Stop it sista. You are a murderer. You took my life. You took everything from me. I considered you as my mother. But you killed me for your happiness. That's why you suggested me to play hide and seek with you that day.

Our last hide and seek. Do you remember it... Sista

Our last hide and seek...

"NO........ Stop it".....

Our last hide and seek ...

"Please stop please"..

Why did you kill me sista..

Why did you kill me

Why did you ...

"Stop it...stop it please... I would never do that you.... Iam not a murderer . I never killed you. Please leave me"..... I..I



I woke up from the bed and stopped my phone's alarm. It's 6 in the morning. Usually my morning routine starts at 9 or 10 but today I can't sleep till that and even if I do it won't be appropriate. This is the day which turned Caren's life upside-down.

"Raymond's death. Death anniversary".

Raymond's death was an accident . Nobody expected this to happen but Caren blames herself. She thinks herself as a murderer. sighs

"Bro wake up" Brian banged my door.

"Stop shouting I'm already up. What about Caren?" I asked is in a sleepy tone.

"She is not up yet. You have to wake her up. I have some work to do" .

What!!! Is she still sleeping weird. She is an early bird how come she is still sleeping. Ok let me get ready first and then I'll go there.

Third person POV

Caren was 6 years elder than Raymond. Caren never considered him as her brother she treated him as her own child. Because of work and other reasons their parents never took care of him. From the day he born Caren and their maids took care of him. Raymond used to call their maids as uncle 1 , uncle 2 and it goes on.

Occasionally he calls Caren as mother , sista or Caren. The name changes according to his mood.

Ten years back During their summer vacation as usual Caren and Raymond never left the house. They always use to play indoor games to spent their holidays. Their parents never spend their time for them. It's always just Caren and Raymond who spend their time for each other.

It was quite raining outside that day. So Caren suggested her brother to play hide and seek inside the house. As she started counting from 10 Raymond ran here there to hide. Finally he found a perfect spot and hid  himself well.

"Raymond where are you?" Caren smiled and searched him .

"Stop Ryan I'm so done with your attitude" Caren's mom shouted from the main door.

"Please you first stop acting like a bitch and tell me to control my attitude" Caren's dad replied to her mom in rough tone.

Caren stood their in silence by watching them shouting at each other.

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