Chapter 11

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Derick grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "stay away from her". He said in bold tone.

In an instant Jason's face expression changed from being sad to mad.

Seriously!  is he mad at me. I only have the rites to be mad at him but I won't.  Because in the first place I made the mistake. Its my fault that I hid my identity. I won't be mad at him but that doesn't mean I'll forgive him. Maybe I'll forgive him one day because the way he loved me , the way he took care of me will melt my stone heart one day but that day is not today.

I never thought of breaking up with him but I need some time to calm my self . As a boss he successfully did his duty but as a lover he failed. That's why I decided to take a break from this relationship . I continuously  stared at him with a blank expression.

"So.. I can see that you are moved on already" he said that in a sarcastic tone while rubbing both his palms slowly. 

"Think whatever you want". Yes think whatever you want and I'm not in mood to explain you because the word explanation is used after trust. You never had that trust on me. And there is no use of explanation.

"Think whatever you want! Showing me your bitchy attitude uh? Caren. What did he offered you to move on. Hmm let me think your already rich so you won't need his money then... I'm sure he would have offered you his body especially his d..." I slapped his face with a huge force before he could complete the statement.

I barely controlled my emotions. Control yourself lady you are stronger than you thing. Never show your vulnerable side to this world. No man can make you weak. Control yourself you are more stronger than you think ... I continuously chanted these words in my mind.

Throughout this entire conversation I perfectly maintained that blank expression on my face that made him more and more angrier every single second

"Sometimes it's hard to accept the truth Caren. Actually do you know one thing" by rubbing his cheeks he pushed Derick aside and stood closer to me.

"I know that you are a Rodriguez ...... two years back". He smiled creepily.

What the f***?

My heart pumped in a rapid pace. He broke my blank expression into million pieces. And Tears gushed out from my eyes.

All these years I... I thought I was the one who cheated him. Even after knowing the truth he acted like innocent, acted like he loved me. He played with me using the word love.  He played with my emotions. I thought he really loved me even after all this mess.

But I get that now this mess was created by him to get rid of me. He could have simply said that Caren let's break up I don't want you anymore. I would have left him though it will be painful but still I'll accept his decision. I would have never forced him to love me. But he decided to insult and embarrass me in front everyone. As Mathews said I fooled myself thinking that he loved me. But he never did. Who knows if he is telling the truth or not. Maybe he might have known my true identity even before he proposed me.

I wiped my tears. Took a deep breath to control my emotions. I cleared my throat to give him a slapping reply.

"Oh that's good it's good know that you already know" once again I managed to pull back that blank expression of mine. I'm never gonna cry for this man anymore.

"Guys better we keep moving and stop wasting our time here". I said facing Derick and Brian. Derick grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. I was confused by his action. Our faces were few inches apart. He moved his face near my ears and whispered.

"Caren please allow me to give a punch on his beautiful face before we leave" his hot breath on my ears tingles my body. I pushed him back slightly and said "no you don't".

"Really but why? Do you sss.." I slapped his mouth. "Shut your fucking mouth and carry my back" I ordered him. He softly patted his baby pink lips and followed my order.

"Wait a minute miss Rodriguez before you leave I would like to make an announcement". Jason said in a rough tone.

For a minute actually I forgot that he was still standing there. I totally would have ignored him happily and went to my flight. But shit I heard his voice once again. I rolled my eyes and turned back at him.

"We both are getting married in a couple of weeks". He grabbed Wren's waist tightly and pulled her closer to him. Though she was suprised by his sudden announcement. She smiled happily as if she achieved something and gave me a pity look as if I lost something.

Jason eagerly waited for my reaction. To be accurate he waited for my sad expression or  even he would have  expected me to beg him like jason please don't leave me , stay with me bullshit!.

"Why the hell are you telling this to me and wasting my precious time Granger". I gestured him to leave. He was shocked by my unexpected reaction and reply. Even wren was in confusion.

Wowww am I even saying this. I'm totally not affected by his announcement. How is that even possible? Suddenly I felt my heart completely turned into a steel. I was not affected by any of his words. Like he said.. did I moved on already!!?. Weird. Did I even loved him truly or convinced myself that I loved him!!? So many question raised in my mind.

On the other side Derick and Brian looked at me with a suprised Pikachu face. Gosh they are so cute. My mind pushed me to capture their cute face but my heart scolded me to act like matured one in this situation . But still I took a snap secretly.

"Because you are so important to me Caren. You must definitely come to our wedding I'll be waiting for your presence". He said softly by directly staring at my eyes.

"I'm sorry mister Granger I won't be available for more than a year so I can't attend your wedding but please let me wish you in advance. Wish you a happy married life MR and MRS Granger". I smiled widely and offered my hand first to wren . She shook my hand with that same confused expression. Then I went to Jason. He slapped my hands and grabbed my face with his hands. Tears run down from his cheeks as if he was sad . sad eh....  "Why are you doing this to me Caren please stop hurting me" he  said with a sad expression on his face.

Is he bipolar or what ? Changing from sad to mad then mad to shock then shock to sad . What the hell is wrong with you man?

I politely removed his hand from my face and took a step back. "I'm just wishing you guys for a happy married life Granger. Is that wrong?" I raised both of my eyebrows.

Before he could answer "Caren! Let's go or we'll miss our flight" Brian shouted.

"Wren don't forget to send me the wedding snaps" I smiled at her in return she nodded . I gestured bye to them and without a second look we three ran to check in at the gate.

Within a couple of hours we reached our destination . "Derick let's go to my home"

"But Caren we decided to stay in the hotel"

"Yes but now I changed my mind . You guys stay there I'll go to my home"

"We will come with you" Brian replied.

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Bye cuties..

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