chapter 9

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Caren POV (after the meeting)

My whole body became numb. Inside - out I couldn't feel anything . Everything felt like a big dream . Guess I woke up from the coma after four years.

Mathews took my hand and dragged my dead soul-alive body out of the company. Derick sat on the back seat near me, Mathews drived the car and Brian took derick's car.

Derick wrapped my body with his muscled arms and pulled me closer. My internal energy drained out completely I felt so tried and restless. I  pushed his arms from wrapping my body.

"Caren if your not comfortable I won't distrub you" said in a soft tone and he slightly moved towards the door.

"I'm tried Derick"

"Lay your head back darkness . I will adjust the seat for you. Take some rest". He slightly pushed my seat back and gestured me to sleep.

I stared at him for few seconds and went near him, rested my head on his lap. Without a single word he started combing my hair with his one hand and another patted me softly. In an instant my eyes gave out and I slept on his lap comfortably.

When I woke up I was in my bed. I think Derick might have carried me here. I rubbed my eyes with one hand and took my phone with another . I called my secretary.

"Kath did you gave those files ?"

"Yes Caren I gave those files to his manger and said him to pass it to Granger".

"Hmm thank you".

"Shut up you idiot. Caren please act like a boss using thank you and wasting sorries for useless stuffs. You are my BOSS and this is my DUTY. Do you get that?".

"Whatever". I chuckled.

"Wasted" she said and hung up the phone. I laughed by her reaction.

"Well..finally I can hear somebody's giggling sound after a long time uh darkness". Derick came inside my room with a tray in his hands.

He placed two plates on the bed. The plates were filled with shredded roasted chicken, rice and veggies. He took a spoon and a fork in his hands then gave a pair to me .

"Im not hungry".

"I'm not asking Caren I'm ordering you to eat". He raised both his eyebrows and glared at me.

"Oops sorry I won't take orders especially from you devil". I poked his chest with my index finger.

"Is that so baby" he smiled sarcastically.

"Don't you dare call me ba.... Before completing the sentence he shoved the food in my mouth and giggled happily. Unknowingly I smiled by seeing him happy.

When I gulped the first portion he once again prepared himself to shove some more. "Fine.. give me the spoon you devil let me eat by my self". With a huge satisfaction on his face he gave me the spoon.

"Caren we have an issue in our company".

"Yeah I got the news from Kath earlier. Some papers has to be signed for our company merge in German rite?".

"Yes... But I'm .. I'm so sorry to put you under pressure after all happened tod.." I stopped him in the middle  "Derick it's okay there is no use in talking about the past. I never cared about my company even once in my life time. You guys carried all my burdens on your shoulders. Atleast from now on let me handle and take care of burdens". I said it firmly

"Ok darkness whatever you say . For now take rest for couple of days and then we leave".

"No let's leave tonight"

"But you look so restless. You might not care about your health but it is very important to me". He said in a bold tone.

Yes he is rite I'm not fine. I was weak , stressed and depressed but I won't let those things consume me. Especially for my family. Even though they are not my real family they will be affected more by seeing me in this state. I don't like to show my vulnerable side to them. Though Derick can read my mind completely still he acts like he doesn't know anything about me and that's the reason why I trust him more than myself.

From my childhood till today he was the only soul who can understand me . Though we became friends through our parents by business dealings we always shared a special bond which was more than friends and less than love.

On my 20th birthday Derick said me to come to the spot were we first met during our high school days. Rather than going there I went to see jason . I had a biggest crush on him from the day I entered the college . He was really popular among girls at that time. I never expected him to propose me but he did.

Because of the huge crush I had on him I accepted his proposal and became his girlfriend officially. Because of this incident I totally forgot about Derick. I felt so guilty for ignoring him. Now I'm even more guilty that I went to jason that day because of today.

For the past four years I always had this question in my mind. What suprise he had for me on that day? Even I asked him directly to break my curiosity he said it was nothing much just few fire works. But I definitely know he was lying.

I was totally immersed in my thoughts and forgot Derick was sitting in front me the whole time . He was staring at my face for more than five minutes straight.

"CAREN" he snapped me out my thoughts.

"Are you alright? No no I guess better let me take you to a exorcist to get that evil spirit out of your body". He said in a serious tone .

"What the hell are you talking Derick". I asked in confused tone

"I saw you speaking to the evil spirit inside your head for the past five minutes" he pouted his lips with wide eyes. I smiled at his cute reaction.

"I'm serious lets go the exorcist darkness".

"I'm fine now devilll". I pinched his cheeks playfully.

"Owwww its paining you evil spirit come here! Come here". He shouted while rubbing his cheeks.

When I'm about to move from the bed. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him with a huge force. Which made me to fall on his muscled body.

I perfectly laid on top of his body whereas his hands was on the back of my waist. We both felt awkward avoided eye contact as much as possible.

I felt his heart was beating in a rapid pace. I broke the awkwardness by moving away from him and sat near the edge of the bed. He did the same as well.

His neck , ears and face became red. "Derick are you alright? Why you suddenly seem so restless?". I checked his body temperature by placing my forehead on his forehead. He slightly flinched when our skin touched.

"Oh my god, your temperature is too high". I touched his face and neck. He was literally hot as fire.

"Let's go to the hospital . You might pass out at this rate". I grabbed his hands and pulled him with my full strength. He didn't even move a bit instead he pulled and me to sit on the bed.

"I'm alright Caren it's just because of the temperature outside" he smiled

"Temperature ?"




"Made you hot ?"

"Yeah Caren exactly that's why I'm hot"

"It's 20°c ....." I stared at him blankly.

"Gosh I'm alright darkness let me go and pack my bag. We are leaving at 9" with a wink he went out from my room.

Yeah let me pack as well.

God give me strength to forget everything and move on in my life please .


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