chapter 14

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I dressed up myself in some comfy clothes and went to Caren's room. I knocked the door but there was no response. "Wake up darkness" I screamed by leaning my body over the door. Still there was no response.

It was really weird that, still she was sleeping. Suddenly I heard some weird murmuring sound from the room. Something was wrong. My gut instincts said me to break the door. But before breaking I turned the door knob roughly, to my suprise she didn't lock the door.

I went inside.

"I'm sorry. I love you ray... I-I " she was shouting and crying with her eyes closed. Still she was on bed . That trauma of her...

I know this past memory of her's will never let her live in peace. One part of her heart believes that she is responsible for Raymond's dead but another part denies it. This war inside her will never end. And this memory haunts her every day and night. To avoid and forget her past she always occupies her self with work. She works until her body's energy drains out completely. That's how she forces her self to sleep every night. This poor soul...

I took a deep breath and moved to the bed. I held her soft body in my arms and made her head to land on my chest.

"Shh.. calm down... calm down its just a dream". I caressed her hair with my fingers and patted her back softly with my another hand.

At first she struggled to move away from my embrace but after few minutes her tensed up body slightly relaxed and she grabbed my shirt tightly.

I can tell she was not ready to open her eyes, still she was in her deep sleep.

I slowly landed her head on the pillow. And caressed her hair slowly. Still she had that tight grib on my shirt. I tried to remove her hands from my shirt but I couldn't . I know definitely she needs someone to calm her down . Rather than me, Brian and my parents nobody can calm her down.

Especially in this home apart from me and Brian she won't even let a another person inside her room. I have to be here.

I sat on the bed near her almost for half an hour, still she had that strong hold on my shirt. Hulk grip

Somehow she manage to open her eyes and looked at me with a suprised bunny face later it turned into a angry expression. Why so serious darkness....

"What are you doing here" she asked in angry tone.

"I um.. you wake up I .." shit I'm really scared of her angry face . "U look like a devil " I replied with a creeping smile.


"look at your face Caren" I pointed the mirror.

"Oh my god!!!" She screamed

Devil she looked like a cute devil. With messy curly hair strands all over her face. Her eyeliner smudged around her eyelids. And not to mention her puffy face. She looked really cute with that angry expression. I guess yesterday she forgot to remove her makeup before bed.

The word yesterday itself exhausting  me. A horrible 48 hrs especially to Caren .

"Still you did not answer my question Derick "

"I came to wake you up Caren it's almost 7 you have to be there rite".

"Yes I'm late. Thank you for waking me up " with a gentle pat on my shoulder she went inside the restroom.

I left her room and went to meet Brian .


After bathing I wore a black knee length dress and paired it up with black wedges.

As I was about to leave I heard a couple of knocks on the door.

"Come in"

"Caren baby" what the ... My ex mother's second husband . Gosh I should have stated in the hotel. Derick was rite I'm an idiot idiot idiottttttt. Thank god he can't hear my mind voice.

"Get out " was the only word came out of my mouth.

"How are you baby?. You have grown so much darling. The last time I saw you.."

"Enough the last time you saw me I was dead like a zombie and still I'm a walking zombie. Now please just LEAVE MY ROOM".

As I said he left my room with a sad face. I know I'm being rude to everyone . I might act like a bitch but still I feel guilty because of my behaviour. Other than leaving me alone they did nothing wrong.

For their love life they left me alone and made my life miserable. The pain I went through after losing my brother was unbearable. I was mentally affected and went through treatments for a couple month. Then another strike crushed the balance one percent of my life. My parents divorce.

I thought even after divorce they would still care about me but they never did. They got married with their new partners and moved on in their life. The only love and care they gave me was this wealth which they earned. They left every properties and  wealth under my name.

Money can never bring happiness. I craved for love and care which I never got from them. Derick's parents  showered me with love and care. They are the only reason for me being live . They are my everything Derick, his parents and brother they are my family , my world.

Apart from them I don't want anyone in my life . Not even my fu.. future... jason.

I'm so sorry for my late update guys
The past couple of weeks I was  concentrating on exams and project work.
Finally I'm done with everything 😁
From now on I'll update as early as possible .
Have a nice day cuties and don't forget to click the star icon in the bottom of your screen .

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