New Beginning

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Wake up. Its five in the morning.
Not that I was sleeping anyway.
Brush teeth.
Find a nice dress to wear.
Brush back hair.
A little mascara, and I add some lip gloss.
I look like a new person, but I'm still the same me. Deep down, the pain flows like a river. Opening the door, I find a girl...her hand positioned to knock. Oh yeah, I'm that good.
"Morning!" I recognize her as Eddy's sister. She smiles just like her mother, and her eyes are so full of life.
"Good morning, Fernanda."
"So you're going to be teaching the girls today. Are you excited?"
I chuckle. "I guess so. Who used to teach the girls before?"
"Eddy, Alexander or Mama. It depended who was available. Half of the time Eddy would have to try to teach both boys and girls at the same time, but it just wouldn't work out. And Alexander doesn't have patience."
"I see. Are the girls nice? They seemed well behaved yesterday."
Fernanda gives me a small smile. "For the most part, the girls are nice. However, there are days when Elena and Scarlett will have their offset moments. Oh, I hope you know how to cook. We need all the help we can get for the meals. Come on!"
I follow her and I am in constant motion, cooking or serving food. When I finally get to eat my own breakfast, I notice a little boy across from me that isn't eating.
"Hey, what's your name?" I ask. When he doesn't answer, I try again in Spanish.
"Diego." Is his simple answer.
"Ah. Why aren't you eating, Diego?" I ask him in Spanish.
"Diego doesn't like to eat. He barely eats since he came here," Alexander, another volunteer, tells me as he sits beside me.
"Why not?"
"Nobody knows why. We have tried everything. Nothing works."
I pull out a small pack of gummies and wag it in front of his face. In Spanish I tell him, "I will give you the pack of gummies only if you eat half of your porridge. You think you can do that for me?"
He stares at me like I'm stupid. "No."
I did not do four years of high school drama for a no. "Diego. These are really, really good!" Opening the pack, I hand him one. "Eat."
He reluctantly drops it into his mouth and chews. I stare at him as he tries to hide the facial expression that he likes the treat. He stretches his hand again, eyes pleading for another one.
Grinning, I whisper in Spanish, "Not until you eat at least half of the porridge, Diego."
He stares at the porridge and then back at me. I point at the bowl.
He sighs, and starts to eat. In fact, he eats all of the porridge (I'm that good, I know) and stretches out his hands, and I give him the little package, and I watch him run off with it.
I smirk at Alexander, who is still staring at the empty bowl in shock. "What, never seen a girl work her magic?"
"Not like that. He's been here for two weeks and that's the most that he's eaten."
"Two weeks?"
Eddy (a.k.a the most incredible, sexy guy on the planet) sits across from me. He's so considerate, sitting on the opposite side so I can soak in all of his beauty like a sponge.
For the second time in two days, he snaps in my face. "You zone out a lot, don't you?"
Uh..."Sorry. I didn't really sleep last night. What were you saying?"
"Its amazing that you were able to bribe Diego into eating. Good job."
"Listen. I'm not a dog that wants a pat on the back. There's no need to tell me 'Good Job' like I'm a little kid. And besides, bribe is such an ugly world. I prefer to say I traded with him...Even though the only person that really benefitted from the trade was him." I stand up and give my 'Bitch I'm perfect' smile. "Any other questions?"
"Is this the first time you're doing missionary work?" He asks, slightly annoyed now.
"Maybe. Maybe not. Its for me to know and you to find out."
Alexander grins and looks at his best ftiend. "I like her, Eddy. She's keeping you on your toes."

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