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I've slept in Eddy's arms now four days in a row. And trust me, that is the BEST feeling in the world. Especially when he took off his shirt...those two days I woke up the happiest girl alive. And we joke around a lot. He doesn't bring up my past, and I don't bring up his.
And now its Friday. Which means dancing. I am tired of dancing. I try to sneak upstairs, but Eddy catches my arm.
"No dancing tonight?"
"I am exhausted from dancing. Please don't let me go there and face your mother," I beg.
"Alright, come on. I'll hide you."
"Where?" I ask, following him.
"Its a surprise."
We walk to the river and past the spot where I almost jumped in after my mother. He leads me to a small bridge I never knew was there.
"Was this always here?" I ask.
"Yup. My grandfather built it."
He helps me across (I really don't need help I'm just greedy for his touch) and we continue walking into a clearing. Its beautiful, with different flowers and there's even a bench to sit on.
"Eddy, this is beautiful." I tell him, smelling a flower.
"I'm glad you like it."
"Like it? I love it!"
He chuckles to himself. "Yeah, me too."
"Did you do this all by yourself?"
"Naw. I just keep up with the appearance. My grandfather built it for my grandma back when they were alive. Apparently they used to do a lot more than smell the roses."
I sit on the bench, and he sits beside me.
"Listen, I know it was wrong of me to snoop around in your business, and I'm sorry for doing so."
I look at my dress, and flatten out the creases. "You were right, though. It happened when I was seventeen."
"Ana, you don't have to-"
"Eddy, I do. You were right. I have let this become a secret, and its been eight years that this has been bottled up inside me."
"What happened?"
"It was one of my dads best friends. He was like an uncle to us. We grew up with him. I trusted him. It was a year after my mom died, and it was coming close to my birthday. Six days to be exact. My dad had dragged me along on one of his business trips, and so he asked me to dance. When we were dancing, he told me the usual crap I heard everyday, how's school, how's life, blah, blah, blah. After the dance, he brought me a drink. I still don't know what drug he put in it, but it was powerful. I told my dad that I wasn't feeling good, and tried walking to my room. And...and of course, he found me. I never screamed so hard in my life. Analed me, and then told me that if I told anyone, he would kill someone that I love. I have a twin, a best friend, and I love my dad. So I kept it a secret since."
"And the scar?"
"Oh, yeah. Son of a bitch took a hanger and let it rip. My pain aroused him. I'm sure. I was lucky that he didn't do anymore."
"So all these years..."
I nod. "All these years."
In this moment, he hugs me. And in his arms, I feel invincible.
"How about you? What's up with Natalie?"
"Ah, she's a bitch. Plain and simple. I loved her, Anastasia. I loved her so damn much. I was about to propose when she told me she couldn't. I asked her why and she told me that she was involved with someone else. We got into a massive fight. Her boyfriend and his buddies came along and she told them that I tried to rape her. They beat me until I couldn't breathe. I almost died. I was in a coma for two weeks. And those medical bills..."
"So now she's with the boyfriend that tried to kill you?"
"Married and has a kid on the way."
"Did you press charges?"
"Why not?"
"The same reason you didn't. They'll come back for round two. And this time, it won't just be me. They'll take it out on the kids,too."
"How do you stand her?"
He laughs. "I don't. I hate her. Like, a lot."
We sit in silence for a bit, until Eddy stands up. "It's getting late. We should probably head back. Its getting late."
I stand up, and follow him on the way back.
"Hey, Ana, do you actually think I'm annoying?" He asks.
I mess up his perfect hair, making him scowl. "Naw. You're alright."

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