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Eddy and I are in the kitchen, goofing around as we cut up onions and sweet peppers. Raina and Diego are sitting at the small table, coloring with the book and crayons I gave them. I love being around them. They give me so much peace only God knows. The door pushes open and I snort when I see who it is.
"Hiya, Natalie."
Eddy turns around and snarls. "Who let you in?"
She smiles. She's no longer bulging pregnant. Instead, she pushes a baby in a stroller. "Your mom. Eddy, I need to talk to you."
"Too bad, because I don't want to," Eddy growls, turning away from her and continued to chop the sweet peppers. I quietly usher the kids out the room.
"Eddy," she starts, sitting down on the chair. "I made a mistake! I was wrong. Please forgive me. Let's talk about this, please."
I snort and start cutting up the onions. At this very moment, Scarlett comes in. "Ms. O'Neil, I need-"
I follow her gaze and notice that she's staring at Natalie. She starts hyperventilating. "N-N-Natalie? W-What are you doing here?"
"Scarlett?" Natalie exclaims, fake excitement in her voice.
"Eddy, is this Natalie's first time at the orphanage?" I whisper, gripping the knife. He needs, watching Scarlett have a panic attack. The door swings open and Elena, too, sees the unwelcome guest and freezes.
"Scarlett, we have looked all over for you!" Natalie proclaims. "You're uncle has been so sad and lonely without you."
The lightbulb clicks in my head. This must be Scarlett's uncle's girlfriend. Natalie tries to step towards the girls, but I bring the knife to her throat, almost cutting her. "You should leave, Natalie, before things get out of hand."
"He won't help you," I snarl. "You are a liar. You didn't love either of them then, and you sure as hell won't love them now. Leave, before I do something that's going to end me up in a prison cell."
"What is going on here?" Mama Celestia asks. I don't lower the knife.
Fuming, Natalie whispers, "Nothing, for now. I was just leaving."
"Don't come back," Eddy calls after her.
Mama looks at us. "Explanation, por favor?"
"That's my uncle's girlfriend," Scarlett whispers, eyes wide as she slides to the floor. "They know where I am, and they will kill me. My God, I'm going to die."
We try to soothe Scarlett, but its no use. Alex runs into the kitchen, out of breath. "Mama, there's a guy outside by the name of Marcus O'Neil. Do I let them in?"
"Who?" I squeak, my neck snapping in Alexander's direction.
Two minutes later, my father walks into the room. It's my turn to panic. "Daddy? What are you doing here? Is Isaac okay? Is Frankie alright?"
"May I speak to my daughter in private, please?"
Everyone leaves the kitchen, and I sit down in a chair. He sits across from me, his face serious. "Anastasia, did you know your brother had cancer?"
"He was cured of lung cancer right before your mother died from her own brain tumor."
Blinking back tears, I say, "He's okay, right? How can he not tell me this?"
"Good question. You're brother asked the same question when I asked if he knew that you were raped at seventeen."
My eyes fly to his menacing gaze. He's angry. And I realize why. We've all been keeping secrets. All mom ever wanted was to be one big happy family. The sad truth is mom died, and her dreams died with her. Shaking, I say, "You know."
"Yes, I know. Celestia called me and told me everything, Anastasia. I just want to know one thing. Who?"
My heart skips a beat. Closing my eyes, I shake my head. "I can't tell you."
"What do you mean you can't tell me?! Someone raped you, Anastasia! What if he's still out there doing it to other girls? Why didn't you say something? WHY?!"
Sobbing, I yell, "I CAN'T! AND I WON'T! Please, just leave it alone. Its done. Its over now, daddy."
"Who. Did. This. To. You?"
Opening my eyes, I stand up, and look at him. "Look at my scar, daddy. The devil has marked me. He knows where I live, who I live with, what I do, when I do it, how I do it, and why I do it. He is ruthless, daddy. He has promised to kill the ones I love. Why else do you think I've kept it a secret? Why else did you think I've suffered for so long? Daddy, I love you. I love Isaac and Frankie, too, and so much more people. I'm sorry, daddy. I can't tell you, and I won't. Any day, at anytime, I will sacrifice my happiness for the lives that I love."
Aggravated, he runs his hand through his hair. "Fine. You're just like your mother. Loyal even if it means sacrificing your happiness."
"How long are you staying?"
"I leave tomorrow morning."

* * *

That night, I'm walking past the kitchen when I hear my dad talking to someone. "So, you and my daughter, huh?"

"Uh. Yes sir."
I plaster myself to the wall and listen.
"She seems happy when she's with you, Eduardo." My dad says with no emotion.
"I know she's happy, sir."
"Eduardo, do you know I know how to shoot a gun?"
"No sir, I didn't know. Thanks for telling me, I'll keep it in mind." Eddy replies.
"Eduardo, you're a nice man, and you come from a good family. Hurt my daughter, and you won't live. Understand?"
"100%, sir."
Eddy shakes my dad's hand, and walks out of the kitchen, smirking when he see's me. "Doing okay, cupcake? Eavesdropping isn't very nice."
I shove him and he throws me over his shoulder and carries me to his room.
"Eddy!" I squeal. "My father is in this house!"
Smiling devishly, he kisses me. "I know. I think, we should play the silent game."
Wrapping my legs around him, I grin and nod my head. "Okay."

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