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I feel like I'm being embraced by the sun, and yet still I snuggle closer, wanting more. And then a blaring noise makes me jump out of this peaceful heaven that I'm in.
"Stop. That. Noise. Now." I croak, rubbing my eyes. Eddy rolls over and hits a button on his alarm, making it stop. I actually slept a whole night?
"Morning, Ana," Eddy greets, rolling out of bed. Groaning, I refuse to get up. This feels so good, and besides, I'm still tired. "Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?" He murmurs, opening the curtains, and then yanking the blanket off of me. "Come on, people are going to wake up soon. Imagine if Fernanda walks in here...like she usually does...."
I sigh and get up. Five in the morning was made by God to vex me. "I know my breath smells terrible, but thanks for letting me sleep with you. I slept very well."
"Me too," he smiles, and opens the door for me. I walk into my room, and I feel a bit too giddy. Grabbing my toothbrush, I look at myself in the mirror. Deep inside, I can feel it. My heart is starting to lose its frost. The sun is definitely shining now.

* * *

I sit in my plastic chair and watch the girls go over the first bit of the routine.

The boys walk past and distract them, and now we have to start all over again.

"Girls! What is wrong with you? Concentrate!" I yell.
Eddy walks past me, and puts a note in my hand. Opening it, I see two words in his neat writing. Still cranky. I snarl and give him the finger, making him laugh.
Taking out my own pen, I tear a piece of paper and write back, Clearly your not doing much to notice.
I notice a kid from his class that's talking to Scarlett, and call out for him. "Uriel! Come."
He jogs over. "Sí, Miss?"
"Stop distracting my girls and would you please give this to Eddy?"
After yelling at the girls some more, Uriel comes back, with another note.
"Gracias," I say, taking the note. Opening it, I read, Its my job to annoy you...
I chuckle and take out my pen again. Well, you're succeeding. Immensely. Now leave me alone I'm trying to teach! =)
I look up to see the Scarlett passing by. "Hey, Scarlett, can you run and give this to Eddy?"
"Oh, love notes. Can I read it?"
"No," I scowl. "And they aren't love notes."
"So why were you smiling?"
My God. "Because I wanted to smile. Geez. Stop interrogating me and go and deliver the note. Please."
She takes it and runs off. I try to wipe the smile of my face but its not that easy. When I first arrived in Nicaragua, I wasn't expecting the sun to come out in my life. And now, all I can feel is its warmth.

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