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"Good morning," I call out to the class. The girls smile and turn around. Its been a couple weeks since my dad dropped in, and so far things have been running smoothly. Too smoothly. My greatest fear is that something is going to go wrong. Turning my attention back to the girls, I smile back at them. "I finished marking you're math, science and spelling tests. I'm so proud of you girls. You guys are doing a wonderful job."
There's a knock on the door, and Diego stands there. "Ms. O'Neil?"
"Sí? Is there a problem?"
"Someone is here to see you."
"Can you bring her to the classroom, please?" When he runs to get the person, I turn back to the class. "As I was saying, I'm so proud of all of you. You guys have succeeded not only in you're studies, but how you interact with each other. And since the dance competition is on Saturday, I thought I would reward you with a little treat."
Alexander and Diego stand by the door again, and I smile as I see the guest.
Embracing her in a hug, I say, "I've missed you so much."
She takes off her sunglasses. "Me too."
"Girls," I announce the class, "This is my best friend, Francesca."
Frankie waves her hand. "Please call me Frankie. And its so nice to meet all of you."
The girls smile, but I can tell that their confused. To clarify, I inform them, "Don't worry, you're reward is waiting in the house. Please thank Frankie in advance for delivering it."
After they day thanks, we walk to the house, where a couple boxes await. Frankie opens them, and starts giving out gift bags to the girls. By the time all the girls are done opening the bags, gift wrapping paper is littered all over the floor. The world are screaming with delight at the top of their lungs. A while back, I had asked the girls what they wanted for Christmas. They all asked for a laptop, or an iPad, or some electronic device along with other necessities. Whatever they asked for in the journal is what they have now. Except for the people who asked for world peace because that can't be bought with money. Sadly.
"Girls! Calm down!" I shout. "That's not all!"
When they stare at me, I say, "That was just the gifts. We still have to get to the dresses and jewelry for the dance competition..."
Alexander pushes in a cart full of dresses. Each dress is either a blue or white, with a long flowing tail, and has an adjustable gold belt around the dress. "Wait! Before you go all crazy, you need to try them on first! Pick a dress, go to you're rooms and try them on. Okay?"
When all the girls are in the room, Frankie looks at me. "What's going to happen when the school supplies and other stuff come?"
And so the madness begins.

* * *

Later that evening, Frankie and I sit on the patio, looking at the kids playing in the new park I got for them, or at the kids sitting at one of the picnic tables, coloring in their coloring books with new crayons, pencil crayons and markers, or the girls dancing to music from their new iPads, or the boys, playing with their new sport equipment. And I just sit here just smiling, enjoying the fact that their happy. Even Mama, I got her a new television, fridge and stove that would stop breaking down every second.

"So...remember how you said you were going to have a long talk when you saw me?"
I sigh. "I remember. Do want to know the truth now?"
"Actually... You're dad already told me."
"What?" I hiss. "He did what? What is he going to do, tell the whole world?"
Frankie chuckles. "No. On a more serious note, I'm glad the truth came out."
"I didn't want you guys to know. It would end badly. And besides, its over now."
She hugs me. "You're right. Anyways...I saw that guy staring at you before he left. What was his name? Eddy?"
My lips twitch. "Yeah, his name is Eddy."
"Ana!" She gasps. "Are you in love? Spill the details, like, now."
So I tell her everything, my smile growing with every memory.
Eddy and Alex return from wherever they went, and Eddy instantly walks over me. He kisses me right on the lips, and I'm pretty sure my cheeks ate going to hurt later from all this smiling. I'm glowing.
"Hey, Ana." His voice is so sexy. He turns and notices Frankie. "Hey, Frankie. Nice to see you, again."
"Yeah. Uh, you too." I'm briefly confused at her nervousness, until I see Alexander behind Eddy, and I understand why.
"Eddy, I think we should go somewhere private, don't you think?"
He grins devishly. "Yeah, I think you deserve it."
I can't even bother hide my smile as he leads me to his bedroom.

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