What's New?

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He slams the car door, and I can't help but smile a bit. Turning to him, I say, "Aw, shucks. You shouldn't be so grumpy. You'll give yourself wrinkles."
He glares at me and starts the car. "You're mood swings like monkeys. One second your all hot headed and the next second your calm. What's wrong with you?"
"And your annoying everyday. You don't see me saying anything."
"I'm not annoying."
"Why are we going to the market? Mama did grocery shopping yesterday. I know because she dragged me along."
Eddy smiles. "She forgot milk. And besides, the only reason she's constantly dragging you out of the house is because you're always locked up in that room."
"What else am I supposed to do?"
"Don't stay in your room all day?"
"I don't do that." I protest. Didn't Isaac say the same thing before I left? "I am a very social person."
"You're such a liar."
I know. "See what I mean? You're annoying me again."
"Its not my fault you're easily annoyed."
I sigh and lean back into the seat. "Yes, it is."
Changing the topic, he asks, "So how is you're first alcohol free month?"
I stare at the road. "Its okay. Sometimes I miss it. Like one in the morning... That's the best time to have some alcohol."
He runs his fingers through his hair, a habit he seems to have. "I agree with Mama, I don't think alcohol is your problem."
"Okay smart one, what is it? Depression?" I snapped.
"I believe its part of it. I think that someone close to you betrayed you, and hurt you in some way that you won't be able to forgot."
"Stop trying to read me. I'm not an open book."
Parking the car and turning off the engine, he looks right into my eyes. "Sometimes, Anastasia, you are. You're little book of secrets crack open, and we can read you."
I don't say anything, I just get out of the car. Control, control, control is all I have to chant to myself to stop myself from crying. I don't need a blasted reality check. I need salvation.
We walk into the market, Eddy grabs the milk, and I purchase some chocolate for the kids. Were about to leave when a voice calls out, "Well, well, well. If it isn't Eduardo. Long time no see, Mister. And I see you've moved on."
Eddy sighs, and turns around. "Natalie. Hola. Congrats on the marriage and baby."
Natalie chuckles as my eyes zoom in on her baby bump. "Gracias. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend? From America?"
Eddy hesitates but says, "This is Anastasia O'Neil. She's the new volunteer."
Recognition flashes in Natalie's eyes. "Oh! The little rich one!" Turning to me, she gives me a sly smiles and says, "I would love to stay and chat, but I wouldn't want to get tipsy."
"Oh, Natalie. I would slap you into next week but I wouldn't want to get bitch all over my hand."
Eddy hides his grin and looks at Natalie. "We need to get going now. Bye."
I look at him in the car. "Ex?"
"What happened? I really can't see you dating a girl like that."
"I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and she hurt me. A lot."
"I see."
"You know, your really rude at times."
"She deserved it."
"I know." After a moment he adds, "Thanks."
Now its my turn to act surprised. "For what?"
"Insulting her like that. She really did deserve it."
I laugh. "And you say I'm the mean one."
"You're not that bad. I thought you'd be worse."
"Like what? A snobby rich girl? I told you, what you see is what you get."
"Not exactly. You're a mystery. Like Elena and Scarlett."
"What's up with those two anyways?"
"What do you mean?"
I stare at him. "You know what I mean. Those two hate each other. Why?"
Eddy shrugs. "We've been trying to figure that out for years. When Elena first came here, it was midnight. On a Friday. She was traumatized, and didn't want anyone to touch her. She eventually got used to us, but she never told anybody what brought her to the orphanage. A month later, Scarlett shows up, looking like the devil was chasing her. When Elena saw her, she lost it. Almost killed Scarlett. Every now and then they'll have a little fight, but that's about it."
"I see. I guess we'll have to solve their mystery before it gets out of hand."
"I guess so," he replies with a grin. "And Anastasia?"
"You're really making a difference in the girls. I've never seen them work so diligently on their school work. You should really be proud."
"Thanks Eddy. I appreciate it."

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