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"We have something to tell you too." Na Yeon spoke out, to break the silence.

"Hm yeah, what is it?" She asked, not taking anything seriously because of how her eyes started to sting.

"I'm going to marry soon."

Y/n choked on her food.


"You never told me you had a boyfriend."

"You never even told me you started dating someone."

"You never told me this was your 5th month."

Y/n started ranting about all the reasons, and she finally stopped to drink a cup of water.

"You never answered our calls."

Y/n stopped on her tracks, rolling her tip of tongue on her inner cheek, she sat down infront of the dressing table and continued to cream her face before bedtime.

"You know I always check my messages, if you could've just texted me. I would have replied it to you. Now you're going to marry someone and I don't even know who the fuck that guy is." She let out, roughly but carefully putting on the lotion on her face.

Na Yeon gulped, "but I'm not sure if I wanna "

Y/n turned around to look at her, "what do you mean?"

Na Yeon scoot closer to her younger sister who looked at her in disbelief, "I mean is that I'm not sure. I haven't achieved my dreams like how you did. I haven't published my book yet and I'm already turning 26 next year."

"Girl, 26 is still young. Besides, being a writer takes time and it has its own time to bloom."

"But I'm not ready to take Risk of marrying him because he is very well known. I can't take more of the fame, I'm tired of it. First it was yours and now it will be his. When am I going to have mine?" Na Yeon sighed, she was tired of stealing fame all the time.

She wanted her own.

"Girl...who is he?"

"Kim Taehyung."



Having heard of her sister marrying soon, Y/n became the elder sister and shopped with her.

"So what kind of wedding do you want?" Y/n asked as she linked arms with her sister.

"Small but big, elegant but cute." She simply stated.

Y/n casually picked dresses that she found eye catching, Na Yeon was used to this since her sister has always been this way when shopping for dresses.

"Summers coming, we should buy clothes." Y/n said before giving her sister some dresses.

She waited for her to change into the clothes she gave Na Yeon. From the changing room, Na Yeon yelled, "Y/n, Tae's coming!"

"Okay." She muttered back, sipping on her Starbucks.

Na Yeon finally came to view, spinning around she cutely did a peace sign and giggled.
Y/n was unfazed by this, quickly standing up and fixing her clothes, straightening Na Yeon's shoulder, "this looks nice." She muttered.

She didn't want to be this way but being a model for so many years, it came of naturally to be strict about poses.

Mean while Na Yeon only laughed, oh how seriously is she gonna take dressing?

"Boo~" a voice yelled from behind, And Y/n could only cringe.

Na Yeon smiles widely and runs to her fiance forgetting the model.

They both became very huggy and cuddly right in the between the clothing centre.

Clearing her throat to get the attention of the two, she stands up and introduces herself.
"Hi, it's Jung Y/n."

Taehyung shakes hands with her, recognising who this lady was. She was the one who signed up with the most famous modelling company in Seoul and was also landed a luck in his company.

"Yeonnie, and Y/n wanna go eat?"

Saying that, they all go to eat something.

"So what are your opinions on getting married to my sister?" Y/n asked, poking on her salad lazily before looking at man directly.

"I love her. We both decided on getting married because we know we're still young and being married early wouldn't make a difference since it would still feel like we're dating. Most importantly because, she can be closer to me in terms because her parents won't allow living relationships."

"So you want to marry her just to ...?"

"No no no, it's not that way." Taehyung cleared out, feeling awkward and begging Na Yeon to come back from her washroom.

"It's just that we both feel like getting married. I'm fine if we are married or not, Na Yeon bought out the topic so I just agreed to it. Nonetheless, I will respect Na Yeon's choice"

With that paragraph, Y/n was bought into confusion. Yesterday, Na Yeon was so nervous and unsure, Right now what Taehyung is saying is completely different.

Y/n nodded, "I would like to order some things from your company, Taehyung."

Taehyung eyebrows raised, he smiled widely, "Sure, I can send them to your house. You just tell me what you want."

Na Yeon comes back wiping her hands with a tissue, happily strutting back to the two.

"Should we go?" She asked, taking her bag and patting on Taehyung's shoulder.


Na Yeon and Taehyung were going to get married by the next month and half of the wedding things were complete.

Y/n did whatever her parents wanted her to do, running errands, ordering the flowers, hiring the wedding planner.

Even if she was often busy, she couldn't help but think about Hong Joong. Was he busy like her? Did he eat on time?

They ended on a very bitter note.
Y/n was busy with her modelling but she still would try to find time for Hong Joong. But Hong Joong was still a student so he was always stuck in the university. As expected from a Harvard Student.

They never fought until it was enough to hold the frustration in, they set a dinner date but Y/n couldn't make it which led to a fight. And then, Hong Joong never called for days. Which she thought that they had finally broken up.

Shaking her thoughts, she went in her room for a shower.

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