6. The replacement

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Y/n was hurriedly dressed up, and make up wasn't strongly cared since her face was a favour to make up.

In an hour, she was ready. Mrs Kim came in, sympathizing Y/n that she had to do such a thing.

"Y/n, sweetie we're so sorry." Her words were the actual opposite of what her husband said.

Mr Kim came in 5 mintues before her and said, "You have to compensate for your sister. And this is the contract, you have to atleast be married to Taehyung for a year."

Without thinking anything, not thinking about the consequences she has to face and the impact it will have on her career.

She finally came out, wearing the
See through veil. Her face was monotone and didn't have any emotion. She only hoped her grandparents wouldn't have a heart attack.

The wedding hall was decorated so beautifully, she saw Taehyung standing on the pedestal with a happy face. His box smile was obvious on his face, looking like he was on cloud 9.

Y/n took a deep breath, she hoped she wouldn't just tear up the dress she was wearing and just straight up spit out the truth and rub it on Taehyung's face.

She was still far away so Taehyung didn't really notice her, not until he saw her look up and their eyes met through the veil.

Taehyung stayed frozen, his boxy smile finally losing its colour only to turn pale.

"She isn't Na Yeon." He realised it now, the panic face of Namjoon when he kept running here and there, the dried tears on his mother's face. The sudden change in his father's mood and Y/n to suddenly disappear out of sight for 2 hours.

Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi had their eyes cleaned to properly scan who was there standing in the front.

Their suspicion was clear after seeing her walk down the aisle with her father.

The people looked shocked, wasn't it the older sister who was going to get married? Why is it the younger?

Taehyung excused himself and ran without thinking about anything except seeing Y/n in that dress that he chose himself for Na Yeon. Seeing Taehyung run away, Y/n took a deep breath before running towards where Taehyung ran to.

He actually went to Na Yeon's room.

Y/n came huffing behind,holding the door frame as her support because of her heavy dress.

Her hair almost falling.

"Tae....hyung...." She muttered out, Taehyung turned around to look at Her, "where's... where's Na Yeon?"

"She ran away." Y/n said in one breath and walked towards Taehyung. Taehyung fell on to his knees.

"Taehyung..." She crouched down in front of Taehyung, holding him by his shoulders.

"She ran away in the middle of the night. I'm sorry to break it to you and I won't sugar coat it either." She said, letting Him know that it was real and she's gone.

"Why did she run away?" He asked like a lost child, looking at Y/n as if he was begging her to tell the truth.

"I don't know," she lied, maybe she knew why she ran away but she wasn't sure about it, "all was that she was nervous about the marriage."

"Then why are you in her place? Shouldn't this wedding be cancelled?"

Her and his parents' came running in, only to see them having a conversation on the floor. Seeing their son in such a state, they had barely held it together.

"She's the replacement." Namjoon spoke out, seeing Y/n unable to answer.

Y/N's mind only crumbled more when she heard that word from Namjoon.


After the vows said by the pastor, they now had to kiss.

Taehyung didn't have any soul left in him. He just stood there, looking at the girl infront of him which he never expected to be.

"Taehyung...." Y/n muttered and blinked her eyes before giving a little peck on his lips. Immediately, she wanted to run away.

After all the methods done, Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

Y/n had to endure all the hardship and take pictures with all the people.

Their family just lied saying it was a printing mistake which they never checked before giving them out.

Finally, people were starting to go and the wedding hall became empty.

The reception started to end too.

"Why was Y/n instead of Na Yeon?" Jimin asked, looking in disbelief.

"Na Yeon ran away."


Right after the wedding, without any notice Taehyung went back to Seoul.

I couldn't sleep all night, I just watched him drive away from my balcony.

Was Na Yeon so unsure of Taehyung? Then why did she have to bring marriage up?

The morning, I was left gloomy. Since Taehyung went all alone, I was to be accompanied by The Guys and His parents.

None of the boys wanted to talk to me, I don't know why was it but I do know that Na Yeon had a special place in all of the guy's heart. Not romantically, just attachment. And me replacing her, I bet they didn't want me there.

Sitting in the back seat, and Mr Kim driving and Mrs Kim looking at the wedding photos, I just closed my eyes to realise what I just did yesterday.

My sister ran away, I was contracted to marry Taehyung for a year and I actually married Taehyung, not to mention the peck.

Licking my lips in regret and shame, I unknowingly scathed my skin with my nails.

"Y/n, You and Taehyung will be living in a mansion that we bought for the two." Mr Kim said, glancing back at me from time to time.

Mrs Kim just sighed, and finally looked at me, "Y/n, sweetie, I know it's gonna be hard and would affect your career but from now on, you'll have to be Tae's companion. And when I say companion, I mean that you have to company, support and Sleep on the same bed with Taehyung."

I look at her, gulp, and then just nod.

It's just sleep on the same bed, besides he won't even dare touch me, nor even come...home?

We finally arrived at the mansion, I just hoped some Papaprazzi didn't follow us way back here.

"I'll find Taehyung, you can stay here." Mr Kim announced and went back to his car, waiting for Mrs Kim..

She walks towards me and kisses me on my temple, "Take Care, y/n"

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