7. First day

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I chose the master bedroom, didn't care if Taehyung would find troublesome or not.

I'm not some guest that I would sleep on the guest room or the others, I will sleep in this room.

After organizing all of my clothes, I finally lay down on my bed.

It was now 6 in the afternoon, I finally get up to make myself dinner.

My dinner was nothing but chicken salad.

Hehe, sorry for the disappointment.

After eating my salad, I sit on the sofa of the living room and watch Some TV.

It was almost 9, but there was no sign of Taehyung. Sigh, I guess he isn't coming home tonight.

For now, I didn't care if Taehyung came home or not, or is he safe or not. I didn't want to disturb him for a while, he had his biggest shock of his whole life yesterday and I understand if he doesn't want to meet me for a while.

I don't understand why Na Yeon did that but I guess she has her reasons but those reasons don't make sense for her to run away like that.

I look at my phone for a while since the TV shows were getting boring by the minute, I look through my messages again.

There were many messages from my parent's, one coming from uncle and Aunt and none from one particular number.

I led back my head on the sofa, and immediately look back at the messages.

By now, the news of me getting married would've been already known to the world.

I decided not to check those news out. I just look through my messages with Hong Joong, it was filled with texts since we never got time to meet each other, we talked only through texts. When I was in another country, after my photoshoot, we would text each other. We never did video calls since we both didn't want to show our faces. Weird, I know.

I wonder if he just texted that by mistake or intentionally, but even if it was by mistake, it meant he was thinking about saying that.

I loved him. I really did. But I guess we never worked out for each other.

Now almost midnight, I Already thought Taehyung wouldn't come but not when I heard the door click with a thud sound.

Coming in was none other than Kim Taehyung, his blazer was by his arms, his white shirt loose ,his tie hanging by his neck and hair dishevelled.

It was obvious he went to drink.

When seeing my figure, he ignored me and plopped down on the other side of Sofa.

"You don't have to wait for me, I already ate." Taehyung said, his voice much deeper this time.

I just gave a tight smile before saying, "I already ate."



I was forced to go back to the mansion because of my father.

After having a drink night with my friends, I finally decided to go back to the mansion after sitting for half an hour inside the car.

I got in and saw her figure look at me from her phone, I decide to ignore her and sat down on the sofa.

""You don't have to wait for me, I already ate." I said, she wasn't any one to me that she has wait for me to come home.

But I wanted to dig myself in when she said, "I already ate."

"Then why are you still up?"

"I wanted to inform you something. I'm sleeping in the master bedroom, I don't care if you have any problem since your parents specifically told me to sleep together." She blandly said before turning her body to look at me.

I knew my parent's don't like Na Yeon, then why do they like Y/n?

I still remember my father warning me not to marry Na Yeon. I didn't care that time because I loved her.

Looking at Y/n, she didn't resemble Her even a bit. Y/n, she is brazen, very blunt and bold. While Na Yeon, she thinks about what the other will feel if she says anything wrong, she takes care and is kind.

These two were the complete opposite of each other.

And Na Yeon, I don't know what I should feel. She was the one bringing that topic up, even if she told me right before the wedding that she didn't want to marry, I would've cancelled everything for her. Why did she have to run away like that?

And about Sleeping together, I don't really know what I should say. Because just last two weeks, I saw Her flirting with my bestfriend. More over, seducing him.

I don't wanna steal my friends girl.

Seeing that I was silent for a while, she stood up and went ahead towards the stairs, "If you want to sleep in another room you're free to do so, and if you want to sleep in the master bedroom, bare with me."

With that, she walked away, her slippers didn't make a single sound while walking up.

Fucking everything up, I walk towards the master bedroom. Because my clothes were there.

She was on the bed, reading a book.

I scrunch up my nose in distaste, quickly going in the bathroom before vomiting.

Coming out of the bathroom freshly, I came out with a towel around me.

A single towel. Hoping she would choose another bedroom.

I clear my throat, she looked up for a second, checked me out and went back to reading.

I bit my lip in frustration when I saw her not blushing not even wavering.

"Are you not shy to see me half naked?" I say while distracting myself with my clothes.

"I don't have any attraction towards you, why would I have any emotion?" She bluntly said before flipping the page of the book.

I gulped, why was she so hard to deal with?

In frustration, I stomp my slippers on the floor and plop myself on the bed.

By the time I get in the bed, Y/n had switched to her tablet and was watching some drama.

I clicked my tongue and turn the around and shut my eyes closed.
But when I did, all the things happening yesterday showed in a slideshow in my mind.

Forcing myself to calm down, I tightly hold the pillow and grab another pillow to hug. And grab another pillow to keep it by my side in case I need it.

I heard a soft chuckle from her, thinking she was laughing at some scene in the drama, I closed my eyes shut again.

5 minutes went by and I couldn't sleep.

Y/n was starting to shut her table and switch off the light near her.

But before sleeping, she slowly covered the blanket over me.
After that, I felt her getting up from the bed and stand on the balcony.

She called a number, I thought she was thinking of kidnapping me but I was taken off guard when she said something.

"Extend my vacation for another 2 months please. I need to have my medication period properly."

With that, she quickly left the bed room.

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