1. Coming Home

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"Patricia cancelled all of my schedule for today. So I'm coming back, the letter for the break is still being sent so it'll take time." Y/n spoke over the phone, her father humming at her words but nearly not heard because of the commotion held near her.

Paparazzi, reporters and their camera flashes and all of the fans taking pictures. Her bodyguards suffering a lot due to this, to which she coldly looked back at her watch.

"I'll be reaching home by tomorrow night." She says and quickly cuts of the call, and puts on her cap.

She looks back at the commotion,  her personal guard coming in aid for her. "It's time."

They quickly sprint off before the commotion up roars  but one sentence had her halt in her steps.

The person just asked her if she broke up with him or he broke up with her.

She turned back at the person, raises her head to look at it, she gives a small smirk before walking the same steps she was before.

The person was caught off guard by her sudden smirk, it only meant she was the one breaking up with him. Did he cheat?

When she was boarding, she dismissed her personal guard.

Sitting on the plane on her private booth, she finally let loose all her stiffness. Her exhaustion could be clearly seen on her face. She touched her temple, warmth coming off which indicated she was getting a fever.

"Miss, what would you like?"

"Mushroom Soup." She softly let out, her eyes couldn't flutter open due to the exhaustion. The man quickly went in to take care of her order.

The man comes back with her mushroom soup along with some medicine, "Miss,"

She forced herself to sit straight and properly thank him. "Thank you."

"Miss, here's some medicine. You're having a fever." He politely bows before pouring her a glass of water.

He bows again and leaves her to her personal space. She looks at the medicine, and blinks, and blinks until she realised she had to take it. After taking the medicine, she stares at the window of the plane.

Quietly sipping on her hot mushroom soup,  she ties up her hair to focus on it properly. Her airpods were blasting with music since she didn't want to be disturbed by the noises coming from the other section.

After finishing her soup, she scrolls through her pad, looking at her photos.

Last year was the year she signed a contract with a foreign company, which led her to move to New York.

And now, she was signing a contract with her birth country, Korea. She is only 22, looking at her modelling photos, she was proud of herself.

It wouldn't be so hard only if she didn't fall in love.

Being a model has its consequences, having no time for her relationship, it was destiny that it had to sink.

Her and him couldn't go to dates, hang out together or cuddle. And when they had time, they would cherish it but it wasn't enough. He also is a Korean, but he decided to study in New York for the sake of Y/n. Kim Hongjoong is his name.

"Slowly I'm having no one beside me." She whispered to herself, a model from a different country modelling in a foreign country is a huge load. Being far away from her family is hard.


She finally arrived At Seoul Airlines, dialing a number while avoiding all the cameras.

"I've arrived."

"Hm, I'm here. I'm waiting near the park stations." The other person said.

She immediately sprints towards the direction and finds a car, a woman tapping on the car door from the inside with sunglasses at night.

Y/n smiled to herself, walking to wards the car and getting in.
"Did you wait long?"

"Nah." The elder woman said and drove off.

"Unnie, you look older" Y/n stated.

The woman looked offended and dramatically thumped her chest,
"Y/n you haven't even arrived and you're calling me old."

She laughed, and opened a candy car and fed it to her sister, "Eat candy, stay young."

"How come a model like you has candies?" She asked.

"Last minute buying, I'm not a model for the next 4 months. It's a break for me."Y/n says, slumping on the seat.

"Woah our model finally is gonna stay at home for a long time." Na Yeon said, looking quite impressed.

"Yeah for a long time. I'm not going back, I signed with a company here."

With that, the break was needed and Na Yeon's eyes bulged.


"You are too skinny now." Her mother showed a look of disapproval. She made sure she went there full and chub but now it was bones.

"Mom, I'm a model. It's the usual." She said plainly, before laughing and pouring herself warm water.

Her mother comes and touches her stomach only to find abs being carved.

"Oh my gosh, did you go to gym?" She looked surprised, and called her husband.

"Papa, I just got 4 packs nothing else." Y/n innocently popped, her father came and lightly touched her belly.

His wide smile broke out and threw a thumbs up at her, "She isn't skinny yeobo, she is healthy."

Her mother rolled her eyes, "Now that you're staying, you better eat a lot of meat."

They had a family dinner, homemade food and all four of them sitting together.

"Back there, I didn't get much time to eat food." Y/n reasoned, looking quite pitiful.

"I'll make sure to get you fat." Na Yeon patted her back, "make you fat." She repeated.

"How's HongJoong?" Her father asked, but seeing how her expression fell and she awkwardly smiled, he knew there was something that happened.

"He has been doing fine. You all haven't heard the news, have you?" Y/n quickly dissipated her awkwardness and put more food into her mouth.

"Yeah we didn't."

"Him and I Broke up 2 weeks ago." She softly let out, before pouring herself the porridge more.

"We have something to tell you too."

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