29. Real Sex

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Y/n left Hong Joong too, because he started to annoy her.

Leaving to get in her room, she noticed Hong Joong following after. She rolled her eyes.

Getting in her room, she left the room door open on purpose.
Quickly removing her accessories and removed her make up.

She saw Taehyung in the balcony.

Dragging him in and pinning him against the wall, she looked at him with lust and want.
She pressed herself against him, "You can't ever go near, Na Yeon" she muttered.

Seeing her suddenly drag him in, he was furious too. His good mood was destroyed by Na Yeon, and seeing Y/n come in, he felt a little better but an angry conscience left in him.

His black shirt that he was wearing was already open because he ripped them open. Y/n kissed his cheek before holding up his long index finger up, she put it in his mouth, before sucking it. It made him turned on.

He tilted his head to the left and his eyes fell on the door that was open and the figure that was hiding, it was obvious that it was Hong Joong.

He licked his lips before grabbing Y/n by the waist, "you really torture me, Y/n"

His hands landed on her butt, he squeezed them making her moan in delight. "Moan more." He demanded and slapped her butt through her dress. She moaned loudly, making him happy.

She sucked on his neck, before heaving out a shaky breath making him tingle. "Why are you addicting." She whispered, when Taehyung moaned.

She liked hearing him moan, the shakiness and heavy breath made her feel wet.

She grabbed his cheeks, biting his jaw line and then kissing it to soothe them. "Mmh!" She was slapped hard on the butt making her sudden moan.

When Hong Joong saw this, she leaned back on the wall and closed his eyes. He had officially lost Y/n.



I saw him leave, and I didn't stop.

But Y/n suddenly stopped sucking on my jaw, and rest her forehead on my chest.

"Tae..." Her breath was shaky, and then I could feel her fingers trail down my arm and touch the finger that she sucked. "Your fingers are long." She whispered, "but I have to shower."

That didn't make sense. Annoyed by her teasing me every time, I didn't let her go. I didn't want to.

Every time she did this, I controlled not to look needy. But today, I had enough. This time, I'll make her beg for my touch. I had to make her a sub.

Grabbing her and this time I pinned her, her body slammed against the wall, she yelped a cute squeak. I bit on her ear lobe.

I didn't notice Na Yeon watching us.

"You can't do that to me every time, Y/n. You'll regret this." I growled, and kissed her.

Forcing her mouth to open, she eventually gave in and circled her arms around my neck.
We kissed roughly but yet the taste of her lips was so addicting, I bit her lips harshly that made her plump lips bleed but kept going, making me smirk.

I picked her up, and she surrounded her legs around my waist. This gave access of her neck to me, her exposed collar bone that was on show, it looked gorgeous. I bit on her neck,and the sucking on, leaving wet spots, her moan filling our room.

"Moan loudly, Baby." I demanded and she did when I sucked on her chest.

"Mmgh Tae!" She yelled in pleasure. I picked her and slammed the door shut, not caring who was standing outside. In fact, every single one should hear what was happening in our room. Now pinning her against the door, I spoke, "Do you like this?" While I rubbed my crotch on her, she nodded. Smirking, "is it a yes or no, baby?"

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