4. His Friends

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I woke up and quickly brushed my teeth, doing my morning routine, I got out of my room and was immediately greeted by father.

"Y/n-ah, go downstairs fast!" I roll my eyes when my father rushed me to go downstairs, sigh, there must be some work they want me to do.

Still in my pyjamas, I go downstairs drinking water from my water bottle.

"I'm here!" I shout to the earthly people and come down holding my water bottle as if it's my crown.

When I was finally down to look at the view, I regretted coming down.

I awkwardly smiled and waved towards the new guest, 6 fine boys in the living room , gawking at me like I'm on drugs or something.

Na Yeon comes in my aid and pushes me towards the new people and let me sit.

My loose sweater which was basically showing all my colar bones and my shorts which rode till my thigh only, I glared at Na Yeon.

"They are the fine boys I ordered for ya, forget that HJ boy." She whispered and I internally planned her funeral.

Taehyung's parents and my mother were talking to them as if they were their long lost sons.

I nervously rubbed my knees when one of the boys asked me something.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin." The guy with the tucked in cheque shirt and jean guy spoke.

"I'm Jung Y/n." I say and shake his hands.

"Yeah I know, you're really beautiful when you model." He said which I could see he muttered all his power into the words he just said.

I smiled at him, my infamous smile that made my eyes have small crescents.

"Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook." Another guy with the perfect gelled hair, leather jacket and ripped jean. Scanning his dressing sense, I clicked my tongue. I like this guy.

"I'm Jung Hoseok and this is Min Yoongi." The two blondes greeted and I greeted back. Min Yoongi just smiled and bowed half way not wanting to talk. While, Hoseok gave off a very bright smile.

"Namjoon," a handsome guy with perfect dimples spoke, "Kim Namjoon, the groom's brother."

I tried not to blush under his gaze, goddammit he has a girlfriend.

"I'm World wid-" the last guy stopped when Namjoon put a hand over his thigh, so he continued, "I'm Kim Seokjin, the cousin of the groom."

"The Kim supremacy." Na Yeon said and all the three Kim's laughed along with Taehyung.

I couldn't help but look at Jeon Jungkook. His style, damn boy.

Distracting, very distracting. Excusing myself, I sprint back into my room to take a shower.

When I got out of shower, I saw Na Yeon sitting on my bed and scrolling through her phone.

"What you doing here, fake ass." I muttered and went to my suitcase.

"So which one caught your eye?" She smirked while asking me, eyeing from top to bottom.

"Girl, I don't have any interest in them or whatsoever. Let me have my break up phase and be peaceful."

"Who the fuck is happy in their break up phase?"  She questioned.

"Because I have a reason to tell people I'm sad, at least they'll think I'm reasonable for once." I muttered.

She just sighed.

"Do you have any plan today?" She asked, I shook my head and started wearing my bra.

"Then, come with us. You need to be the photographer."


The guys helped Na Yeon on the lighting and shit while I was the one taking pictures.

I could see the closeness between them, wonder where I left of.

But taking pictures, I remember When Hong Joong used to take pictures of me when we were home.

Quickly coming out of zoning out zone, I take pictures of Taehyung and Na Yeon carefully.

"Okay, Y/n? I'll take a break!" Na Yeon shouted, sitting down on the bench near the field.

"Ay ay ay girl! Don't step on the flowers!" I yelled when I saw her dress stabbing the flower field.

I was checking the photos if they came clearly, A person came towards me.

"Can I look at them?" I look up to see Jungkook smiling at me, we were nearly the same height.

I just nodded and gave him the camera.

"Wow, you're pictures were taken beautifully."

I thanked him and looked at the love birds teasing each other and Na Yeon looked quite annoyed of Taehyung constantly teasing her.

I smiled small before looking back to take my camera but Jungkook just took a picture of me.

He handed me back my camera, leaving me stunned, he happily hopped back to the group and I looked at the camera roll.

Must say, I looked aesthetic in the picture.

Smiling to myself while scoffing, I look at Jungkook only for him to give me a wink.

I rubbed my temple trying not to smile.

Friendly wink, Y/n, Friendly flirting.

In the car, I was sitting at the back, but we had only 2 cars so we squeezed ourselves in. I had to sit on Jimin's laps because I didn't have any space for myself.

I didn't have any problem with it but the tension in the car was really tense.

I casually leaned in Jimin's arms and asked him, "Jimin, is this okay?" I bent the camera to make him look at it.

He gently swiped my hair strands away and looked at it, "They are taken very beautifully."

Nodding at his taste, I look at Na Yeon in the front who couldn't seem to stop smirking my way.
To tease her, I wrapped my arms around Jimin neck and scooted closer to his chest. My whole torso leaned on to him.

"Now it's comfy." I say and take a glance at Na Yeon, as expected she choked and was surprised at my action. Taehyung seemed to panic and looked at his fiancee.

I'm sorry Jimin for taking advantage but I'm really enjoying the warmth.

He seemed to have stopped breathing, I look back at him. He finally choked out some words, "Can you tell me what do you want?"

He gulped and his voice had gone much deeper, must be cause I'm horny that I want him right now.

I innocently smiled, "I need you to review the pictures I took." He gulped down more and looked at me dangerously.

Sighing a very deep breath, he held on my waist tighter than before , now my boobs hitting his chest.

The two guys who sat beside us had stopped breathing, Our bright Hoseok seemed to have been meditating without trying to breathe.

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