22. I'm getting you back

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I went back home to freshen up, the next photoshoot was going to come soon.

My schedule has been packed up for a while, so I wanted to complete all of it as soon as possible.

The last time I posted on my Instagram page was 3 months ago, so I decided to post a photo of myself bare make up and in my night dress.

As soon as I posted, the comments came filling in which I decided to ignore. You don't know when you stumble across some perverted person asking something inappropriate.

I was suddenly reminded of That day when Taehyung was sick and we....must have been crazy to fuck someone who isn't feeling well.

I was scrolling through my phone when The door bell rang, I frowned. Taehyung knows the password, so why is he ringing the bell?

I slid out of the bed, and step downstairs to look at who came.

Unexpectedly, it was Na Yeon.

What was she doing here at this time?

Opening the door for her, she smiled at me innocently which I raised my brow at. She was acting very suspicious.

"Hi Y/n, long time no see. I didn't greet you today." She kissed my cheeks and went in without my consent.

Closing the door behind her, she went and sat down on the sofa, looking around.

I went to pour her a cup of Juice and hand it to her before sitting.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, she tilted her head as if I just said something ridiculous.

"Y/n, this mansion was a gift to Taehyung and me from my in laws." She replied, her tone of voice had mock laced in it. And right now, I wasn't looking at my sister but someone who's a rival.

She kept staring at me for a long time, before she spoke.

"Divorce Kim Taehyung, Y/n." She demanded, making me smirk.

I laughed like a maniac, before turning to my usual expressionless face.

"I can't, Dear unnie. Tae doesn't want to." I said, taking the cup of Juice from table that I poured myself, I take a sip before smiling against the cup.

I could see her losing her patience, her jaw bone twitched meaning she was gritting her teeth. Happy to see her suffering in jealousy.

"You can divorce him. Besides you don't even like each other, I've come back and I'll take over, you don't need to worry." She said, and set down the cup.

I tilted my head and smiled at her, enjoying this drama. I would have forgiven her for putting me in such a situation, but in her eyes, I saw the glint of jealousy and anger. Which, ignited the maniac in me.

"Unnie," I pouted, "I told you I can't. I've signed a contract with Mr Kim that I would atleast be married to Taehyung for a year."

"So you're this just because if a contract!?" She yelled.

I stayed silent throughout with a smile while she burst into bits of anger.

"I will tell this Taehyung." She said.

I curve my lips downwards, face of pitying, "nice try, but he already knows."

She took long breaths, calming herself down not to strangle me.

Before she could speak further, the door opened revealing Taehyung coming in with some document in his hands.

His smile faltered seeing Na Yeon, and I glanced between the two of them, oof the tension, makes me happy.

Having my usual cold expression, I stand up and greet him by kissing on his cheeks.

He comes in and sits in the sofa, to the further most space where he's far away from Na Yeon.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung questioned, once he drank the water I gave him.

I could see Na Yeon glaring at every step I did.

"Taking back what's mine."

"And what is here that is yours?" When he said that, Na Yeon looked at him in disbelief.

"Tae, I'm your official wife. So divorce her, I'm coming back with you." She said, demand laced in her voice.

To which Taehyung chuckled, "I asked what is here that is yours."

I scrunch up my face and smiled, learnt it from me.

"You," Na Yeon immediately answered.

"I think you got it wrong, I'm a person not property." He answered, I can see he felt bad to bully her but that was the only way to let her out.

She finally lost her patience and threw the glass cup from the table, "Taehyung I know I did a mistake, but I came here to ask forgiveness yet you treat me like this."

"That, you have to pay." I interrupted in, because I was the one who bought those expensive glass.

Na Yeon glared at me, "I thought you were my sister!"

"You lost me as a sister when you decided I was your rival." I reply, now folding my arms and leaning back on the couch.

She scoffed, "Taehyung, I want you back and I'm set on getting you back." She said before strutting back to the exit, and tried to open the door.

I pursed my lips, feeling her embarrassment, I stand up and open the door for her because the door open by finger prints, inside out.

She stomped her sneakers and walked away.

I look at her back that slowly disappearing, my smirk faltered, I thought I had my sister even if there were no friends of mine. But she betrayed me too.

"Um Taehyung, I already ate my food because you said you went out with your friends." She said referring to the text he messaged hours ago.

He hummed in reply before loosening his tie, he walked up to their room and saw the new sheet on the bed.

Y/n followed after, rubbing his back in assurance before sliding back onto the bed. The bed was now cold, she clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.

"What was the document about?" She asked.

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