5. The runaway bride

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The night before the wedding day, Na Yeon couldn't sleep

She was anxious of what was going to happen tomorrow, her mother visited shortly after.

"Na yeon-ah, why aren't you asleep?"

She just smiled back in reply, "Just....nostalgic."

After having a heart to heart talk with her mother, they bid goodnight to each other.


Y/N's grandparents were fast asleep, she sat by the window bed and stared at the number saved with name "Boyfie".

2 weeks passed by easily, she remembered the scandalous behaviour she performed that day with Jimin.

It was very shameless of her to do that because she just wanted to check whether she still has feelings or not.

Very sorry for using Jimin, she immediately apologized to him that same night.

She remembered Hong Joong texting a 3 word sentence "Let's break up" before deleting it right away. He didn't know but Y/n saw that text.
She had been thinking about their relationship while looking at their past text when he sent that message.

She remembered nearly punching someone out because she went to drink out for the night forgetting her diet. She was lucky that the man just forgave her since he was a gentlemen. He really was a gentlemen.

From that day, they never called, they never texted and Y/n made up her mind that they had finally broken up.

She sent a message to him but it never went because of the bad network connection. She sighed and smiled, "bad timing."


The next day, Everyone woke up early and got ready for the wedding.

Y/n was specifically busy so she put the responsibility to Na Yeon's friends to doll her sister up.

But an unexpected news was given to her.

She immediately ran towards her room only to find Na Yeon's friends and her parents' sitting in worry.

"Where's she?"

"She is nowhere to be found." Her mother replied, breaking down the second she said it.

Y/n nearly had her anxiety coming up, she supressed it before calming herself down.

Soon enough, Taehyung's parent's came running up.

They looked confused and furious or whatever emotion they had.

"Mrs Jung, where's your daughter?" Mrs Kim cried out, "you know it's gonna be shameful for our family if she ran away."

Y/n's mother only shed tears looking at nothing particular, Mrs Kim held her arms and just muttered some words that may be curses.

Mr Kim looked gloomy and wasn't really paying attention to what was happening to his wife.

Y/n immediately called Na Yeon hoping she would have atleast answer her call. "Unnie, please answer."

But her phone was ringing in the room, only to find that she left all her devices.

Her wedding dress still kept hanging in the closet room. Y/n leaned on the closet door frame and sighed desperately.

It was a disaster. Meanwhile, Taehyung had no idea of his bride running away. He was happily chatting with his friends.

Y/n immediately went and informed Namjoon.

Namjoon and Jin came running into Na Yeon's room after excusing herself, "what happened?"

"Joon-ah," Mrs Kim now held on to his son's arms.

Y/n sat blandly, not believing that Na Yeon could do something like this.

They had their elderly talk while the wedding was 2 Hours away.
Y/n didn't pay attention to the talk, only tried calling Na Yeon to come back. Even now if she came back, it wasn't too late. If she didn't want to wed then it was okay, Taehyung would surely say yes to every thing she said.

But now half an hour passed, there's still no sign of her. It seemed that she ran away in the middle of the night.

"Now only one solution is left," Mr Kim suddenly spoke out after being quiet through out the whole conversation, "Let Y/n marry Taehyung."

That one sentence being spoke out, Y/n looked at him in disbelief.

"Mr Kim, are you out of your mind?" She lowly spoke out, having a dangerous glint in her eyes.

Any solution was reasonable but marrying Taehyung? She won't ever agree to it.

Taehyung's voice was heard outside the room panicking, they all went out side to drag Taehyung out of it..

"Y/n, please...." Her mother begged her, she was on her knees, with joined hands.

"Mother are you crazy what are you doing!?" She yelled when seeing her start to hold her ankle.

"If this marriage breaks, then The Kim family will be shamed. You know that they are well known, and your father promised to give one of his daughter to The Kim family. It was a promise made long ago when Na Yeon and Taehyung were kids." Her mother explained, half begging in between so that Y/n says yes.

It was a tough situation, Mrs Jung felt bad to let her daughter go through all of this. Right now, she didn't even know if she was supposed to be angry at Na Yeon and she didn't know it was wrong of her to beg her daughter to marry someone she clearly doesn't know.

10 minutes went by and her mother's begging didn't stop.

"Y/n, marry Taehyung for my sake?" her mother begged, looking at her mother's form, her eyes softened and nodded without thinking about any thing.

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