11. Seduce

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I was currently in the bedroom when Taehyung came in, with his index finger pointed at me.

I looked at him like I was done with his bullshit, he finally spoke, "My mother is home."

I click my tongue, quickly getting up from my bed, I wore my overcoat, took my sunglasses, hats, wallet and dragged Taehyung downstairs.

"Hi, Mrs Kim! Glad you're home but we're sorry we're going out right now, we'll come home late."
I quickly kiss her cheeks in a welcome hug and dragged Taehyung with me.

I look at Taehyung, "Let's see who reaches the restaurant first."

"You're challenging me?" He scoffed.

I raised my brow before giving him the restaurant address, and I quickly get in my car. He gets in his car.

I slid down my window and say, "you sure you'll win?"

He smirked, "If I win, you gotta pay for the dinner!"

I shrugged and drove off with my car, lets see how you come with that car Mr Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung smirked and tried to start off his car but it never did.
Finally realising, "aish Y/n!!!!"



After reaching the restaurant, Y/n sat on on the opposite of the window seat, waiting for Taehyung to arrive.

Her sunglasses covered her eyes and the bucket hat hopefully made her look unrecognisable.

She waited 5 more minutes and Saw Taehyung come out of a taxi.

He looked around before his eyes landed on Y/n, who was staring at him with a poker face. Even with the all the covering on her face, the poker face was so obvious.

He cursed at her and made expressions that were clearly of anger.

Y/n raised her middle finger and pushed her sunglasses up with the help of her middle finger, and just waved at him.

Taehyung gasped, what does this woman take him for?

Getting in  the restaurant, he walked over to her and stared at him wide eyed. Upon his entering, the girls in the restaurant eyed him like he was some candy.

Y/n rolled her eyes before dragging Taehyung in one of the private booths.

"I win." She muttered, setting down herself in the seat comfortably.

"That was cheating." He deadpanned.

"We didn't set any rules besides it was your fault that your car was shit." She shrugged, making him more frustrated.

"Fine, I'll pay." He finally admitted defeat.

"I didn't set my bet yet." She muttered.

Taehyung frowned, "wasn't it who loses will pay?"

Y/n took off her sunglasses, and raised her brows having a look of teasing.

"Just joking, you'll pay then." She finally said, and Taehyung breathed finally.

Y/n didn't order much, she couldn't eat much because of her tiny stomach. Even if she wanted, she couldn't. Sigh, it's torturing I know.

"Don't you have friends?" Taehyung asked.

Y/n shook her head and continued to sip on her drink,
"Didn't have much time to befriend someone."

Taehyung nodded.

"Do you think Mrs Kim is asleep by now?" She asked, she rolled her eyes when he said she wouldn't.

By the corner of her eyes, she spotted someone with a camera and suspiciously.
Y/n immediately kicked Taehyung's shin, and pointed behind with her eyes.

Taehyung looked behind and saw a person with a camera, he bit his lip and stood up, signing Y/n to leave.

They immediately leave the restaurant after paying and ran behind the restaurant. Hiding in the corners, Taehyung took a peek and saw the person calling Someone.

And in frustration, the person left quickly.

They both sprint towards Her car and sat down, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Lets go home." Taehyung muttered, "then where do you think we're going?" Y/n retorted.

Taehyung pursed his lips, "let me drive."

Y/n just shrugged before climbing towards the passenger's and sat on Taehyung's laps.
"Go and drive now, will you?" She asked.

Taehyung stuttered and nodded before climbing onto the drivers seat, he drove away without any word.

After reaching home, they both tiptoed towards their room and they both were going fall when hearing Mrs Kim's laugh in her room. She was talking to her friends.

Taking off her over coat, she plopped herself on the bed.
Taehyung just went to the washroom to brush his teeth.

It was now 11'o clock.

It seemed that both of them were night owls.

After both of them were refreshed, y/n began reading her book again, becoming curious Taehyung asked what book it was.

After getting his answer, he scrolled through his phone and he stumbled upon one of the photos of Na Yeon.

Y/N's eyes caught that, and glanced at Taehyung before getting back to reading her book.

"Do you miss her?" She asked, still fixated on her book.

Taehyung nodded, and regretted more seeing the pre wedding photos.

"I've sent people to look for her. They're still looking but there's no trace of her." She said, Taehyung looked at her. Isn't she supposed to tell him to forget about her?

"Are you that tired of me that you need to search her for me?" Taehyung laughed.

"I just feel bad for you, after all she's my sister, I need to look for her." She said.

Taehyung immediately got up from his lazy form and sat in front of Y/n. His face inched more closure to her face, his arms on the bed board.

Y/n stared him monotone, and continued to until he spoke up.
"Am I cheating on Na Yeon if I'm with you right now?"

"Indirectly, you are." She replied.

He inched closure to see her flush but it never happened. He kissed her temple to see any reaction but there's no reaction at all.

He gulped, he wanted to see if it only affects Na Yeon or Y/n too. Did Y/n really not have feelings for him? After staying with him for days, still no feelings?

"If you're tryna awake my feelings for you without being in love with me, then you're a coward." She muttered before pushing him down on the bed. She sat on top of him, she carefully let his head lay on the head board and leaned closure.

Seeing him gulp and nervous just by this, she smirked.

"And if you're trying to use me to move on, you're a jerk." She bit his ear lobe.

"And if you wanna seduce someone, do it this way that she forgets to breathe." She neared closure to mouth and kissed the corner of his lips.

She touched his wrist lightly, he had stopped breathing for 10 seconds. She smiled, "there, that's how you do it."

With that, she got off from him and sat beside him, opening her book as if she didn't do anything just now.

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