10. Questions

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This had never happened to Taehyung before. He was the one who would make people flustered but yesterday night, Y/n was the one who flustered him to his wits.

He shook his not believing what happened yesterday, and of course he had to take care of something that Y/n did.

He felt like he was betraying Na Yeon. More like cheating on her.

"Gosh..."he slapped himself lightly, he looked at the damp hair of his.

"Why was I the one who got flustered?" He questioned himself.

Last night,After doing that, Y/n was so normal it creeped him out.
She went back to reading a book and sat like a normal human while he stood frozen in the corner of the room awkwardly.

And sleeping beside her was a big task.

He just went out of the bathroom that suddenly a knock was heard.
Y/n looked up and at the door,
"Y/n, Taehyung! Breakfast!" Mrs Kim yelled.

Before Mrs Kim could open the door, Y/n immediately stood up and was drying Taehyung's hair with a towel.

The door opened and Mrs Kim smiled at the sight.

"Aigoo, you two. " Mrs Kim almost forgot Na Yeon's existence, she didn't like her anyways.

"I'll keep it here, make sure to eat it." She winked At Y/n, to which she fake smiled in reply.

After she went, Y/n looked at Taehyung who was still waiting for her to dry his hair.

She tsk before taking out her hair dryer and let him sit down on the bed.

After drying his hair, she gave him his clothes which she personally chose.

And handed him the breakfast, she only ate the strawberries and left to change her morning clothes.

When she came out, Taehyung was already ready, he ate his breakfast just now.

"Are you not eating more?" Taehyung asked, worried because he never saw her eat.

She shook his head and went to her dressing table, she took out some of her make up appliances and put on fake hickeys. Taehyung was amazed by her acting skills.

They both came down together and sat down in the living room, Y/n washed the breakfast tray away and came in the living room.

They found out Mr Kim had left without informing both of them.

Y/n was just doing what Mrs Kim was teaching her to do when she asked a very private question.

Which Taehyung shamelessly was explaining, "We could've done much more but we couldn't do-" Y/n immediately jumped towards him covering his mouth.

"That's enough, Taehyung."she said, fake smiling to show Mrs Kim.

Mrs Kim cleared her throat, "I'm going to visit some of my friends, so I want You two to have some quality time." She spoke, looking at the subtle hickeys on her daughter in law, she nodded wisely before continuing, "Taehyung, your father has given you an off day from work."

After Dropping off Mrs Kim to her friend's house, they both sat in the car.

"So where should we go?" He asked.

"If you have any thing to do today, you can drop me off at the mansion." She said, and put on her sunglasses and hat again so that no one spots her.

Before Taehyung could say, His phone rang.

Without thinking much, he received the call and he regretted it.

"Ya Taehyung-ah! Let's go out to drink tonight. You'll forget about Na Yeon too! Don't worry about Y/N, she can survive alone besides you don't even like her!" His phone was on speaker.

Hearing that, Y/n scoffed before texting someone. After finishing with his call, Taehyung was going to speak to Her about the thing when a car stopped by.

"Go ahead, drink with them. I'll go visit my agency for some meeting." She said before quickly jumping out of the car, before she got in the other car, she looked back at Taehyung and shrugged before showing him her middle finger.

Taehyung frowned, why is this girl so weird.

He only realised it when he tried to start his car, that damned girl had damaged his tire.


She didn't visit the agency, she just asked the driver to drop her at her and Taehyung's house.

Her thoughts were true, the guys hated her and the voice was coming from one of his friends.

She made herself a cup of tea, trying to calm herself from all the work. She regretted going online, from her last post every thing had gotten worse. Fortunately, company's and brands still demanded her since she was the perfect one to model for their brands.

She now has 6 months of vacation and it's going worse. She hasn't had time to calm herself down.

Not even 5 minutes since she drank the tea, the door opened revealing Taehyung.

She shut her eyes for a moment before looking at him from the sofa, "didn't you go to drink?"

"I wouldn't want to leave behind my wife." He said, trying ignore that she was the one who damaged his car tire.

She looked at him discreetly, "Why are you talking that way? Mrs Kim isn't here."

"Aren't you my wife?" She sighed when he said that.

"I am legally but not by feelings, you still have Na Yeon in your heart." She stood up, and went to the kitchen to fill her cup of tea again.

She poured another cup of tea for Taehyung, and handed it to him.

"Why do you think Na Yeon ran away?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know for sure why but she once told me that she was unsure to marry you. She told me she had enough of fame and hiring it from people, she wanted her own. And her unfinished book, she wanted to complete that and fulfill her dreams."  Y/n said, sipping the tea.

She stared at Taehyung, seeing his expressions it was clear he was hurt.

"Why are you so brazen? Like why are you open to flirting with people?" Taehyung asked, curious and Y/n was surprised by his questions.

"Taehyung, let me explain. I flirted with Jimin to give Na Yeon a peace of mind. She had been pushing me telling me to forget about My ex and choose one of your friends. I apologized to Jimin right away, Taehyung. And you, I had a valid reason to do so, I won't apologize for that." Taehyung nodded, she was so detailed about every thing she does.

"Why don't you want to move on from your ex?" He asked questions after questions that annoyed her but answered it anyway.

"So that I can have a reason to be upset and hurt, I'm tired of not having any excuse of feeling tired and hurt while still feeling tired and hurt." She said, almost robotically as if she already recorded all of what she said just now.

"What happened between the two of you?"

"Nothing happened that's why."

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