3. Happy Y/n

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I called Patricia after showering, to extend my vacation but I forgot that my assistant would've changed after breaching the contract.

I ate some vitamins and went downstairs to look for my parent's. I didn't see Na Yeon till now means she is probably hanging out with Taehyung.

"When are we going there?" I asked once I saw my father changing the dried out flowers on the vase.

"By next week, Your grandparents are very eager to meet you two" my father laughed, and gave me the homemade Plum Juice.

I sat down on the table and talked with my father for a while before I decided to visit the mall.

The wedding was going to be held in the country side because both Taehyung and Na Yeon wanted a small wedding. So that no reporters or camera's could reach them.

After arriving at the mall, I bought some unnecessary things which I absolutely adore. The bracelet kit or a jewelry kit.

I bought some vintage style diaries, vintage paintings and sculptures.

On the way, I saw a very beautiful pen that attracted my eyes.

Since I was going to buy my own apartment in Seoul, I had decided to decorate my apartment myself.


The day had come when we were travelling to Busan, me and Na Yeon were crazy enough to jump into the puddles with our white canvas.
To which we got a lot of scoldings for.

Our Grandparents were the head of the village, so it was obvious for them to have the largest of houses.

Not to mention, every household had a big garden.

On the first night, Na Yeon and me were sharing beds. We stayed awake for the first two hours to watch the kdrama we both wanted to see.

"Do you think I should really get married?" Na Yeon suddenly asked, making me frown.

"Girl, you're not too late you know. If you're not sure of getting married, fuck all of this and tell Taehyung." I advised, it sure wasn't too late to back out now. There's still 20 days left to wedding.

She laughed, "I'm just nervous."

I nodded and we proceeded to watch the kdrama.


The next day, Our Grandma taught us to plant chilli plants.

We helped them farm, and also their mushroom farm. I love mushrooms so today, most of the dishes were made of mushrooms just for me.

"Wow, the favouritism for the younger is so clear." Na Yeon scoffed, to which grandpa quietly gave her lots of meat.

Today was also the day, Taehyung arrives.

When he arrived with his family, Na Yeon was giggling all around and helped him arrange his room.

The mother in law was quite a sweet heart, she was warm and very friendly but whenever she saw Na Yeon, she would awkwardly smile and just nod to whatever she says.

The father in law just went along with our father and had fun in their own way.

"Aigoo, is this Y/n?" Taehyung's mothers came to squeeze my face, which I  didn't want her to do.

"Yes, she just came back from The US a week ago and is on a vacation." My mother informed, looking at me smilingly.

I greeted Mrs Kim, I found out she has a liking towards me. Saying if his other son didn't have a girlfriend, she would have made us meet each other for a blind date, which I just laugh it off. Not wanting to be in the scheme.

"Aunty and Uncle, your room is ready. If you two need anything, you can call Na Yeon." I say, she comes to me and hugs me tightly before squishing my face again.

"Sure sweetie."

Oof, she smells good.

Na Yeon just smiled,she went downstairs to bring the homemade Plum Juice for them.

I followed Na Yeon into the kitchen but only to find Taehyung there with his hands around her waist, I looked up the ceiling, what type of disgusting scene was I seeing?

Squinting my eyes, I waited for Na Yeon to come up, I was currently standing on the stairs.

When she finally did, I scrunched up my face in disgust, and tsk, "Unnie,I know you two love each other but you have to consider that I just had my heart break weeks ago." I say.

She laughs and kisses my cheek, winks towards me and runs away. My jaw was left ajar, seriously why is she even my sister.

Ignoring her taunts, i start to walk away when I bump into Taehyung.

"Brother in law, could you atleast look where you're going? Or do you look at Na Yeon only?" I roll my eyes, and he laughs.

"Ye sister in law, i only look at your sister." I vomit over his words, and show my tongue at him which he starts chasing me.

I immediately sprint off running towards the living room, thinking he stopped chasing me but that darn boy was still chasing.

"Taehyung, Stop before I scoop out your eyes." I warn and think about jumping out the window, because he really was set on catching me.

He gives a sarcastic smile, "Only when you call me oppa, you've been disrespecting me by calling me by my name."

"T A E H Y U N G!" I spell his name one by one, poking him more and teasing him.

His sarcastic smile growing more, but I found an escape when I saw Na Yeon coming down.

"Taehyung your wife!" I pointed towards her and he immediately look towards her, which I took advantage of and ran away.

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