12. Handsome Eyebags

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It was so fucking nerve wracking.

Why does she not want to be the sub?! Aishsh, every time I try to make her weak, she comes back stronger than the 90's trend.

She was fast asleep beside me, and I was still in the position she left,my eyes were positioned upside and all you can see the is the white part. I look like a ghost right now.

It was now 4 am in the morning, I still couldn't sleep but this lady was asleep.

I deadly looked at her when she woke up and drank water, she took a second to glance at me, frowned and just shook her head before going back to sleep again.

So, why am I the one being tortured right now?

It was now 8 in the morning, she finally woke up yawning and stretching on the bed. She looked at me and her face scrunched up, "Why do you like a dead person? Hooo, the eye bags, Sheesh."

Thought she would give me some thing to help me with my eye bags but she just got up and went to the bathroom. Leaving me sleep deprived.

Before she even came out, I was passed out.


Y/n went downstairs to see Mrs Kim cooking breakfast.

She offered help and she was working with Her when she asked about her son.

"He's still asleep, last night he was too wild." She muttered and Mrs Kim choked on her own saliva because of her daughter in law's bluntness.

Y/n looked around and thought if she said anything wrong and realised her phrase was a bit exotic.

"Um I mean, he stayed up all night watching dramas. So now he's passed out." She rephrased and Mrs Kim nodded not knowing what to say after wards.

They both ate their breakfast, it was kind of a heavy breakfast. Traditional Korean breakfast one.

Mrs Kim told her to bring the lunch tray to Her room to give it to Taehyung and said that the dishes will be on her. y/n shrugged before taking the tray to Their room.

He was still fast asleep.

"Taehyung, get up." She slapped his cheeks lightly but he still wouldn't budge.

She went to bathroom and poured sink water on the mug before throwing it on his face, lightly.

He immediately got up, his eye bags were still very obvious.
"Taehyung it's 2 in the evening now."

His eyes wide, he had to go his office today.

"Eat your food" she muttered and handed him the tray.

She went to her make up bag and bought out eye patches.

Sitting on the opposite of him, while he was eating lazily, she carefully put it under his eyes.

He stared at her, looking at her was something he got used to. Instead of Na Yeon, he now sees Y/n that he never expected it to be.

While Y/n, she did this because it was agonizing to see those eye bags under his handsome face. Seeing such a face with eye bags, her eyes were sore.

"Take it out after some time." She ordered and patted his head, "I asked leave from your company for today. You were fast asleep."

His heart thumped when having his head patted.


The boys had come over to hang out with Taehyung, he came out groggily and sat in the living room with all his friends.

Y/n came downstairs to greet all of them before going back in but Taehyung stopped her, "Y/n, help me with the eye bags again."

Y/n sighed before going to her room and bring out eye patches again. Her expensive eye patches were being used by this man.

Putting it on, she held his cheeks before soothing out the wrinkles on his forehead. And went back to her room.

"Taehyung, what's going on between the two of you?" Jimin asked, seeing the interaction between the two.

"They're working on each other." Mrs Kim innocently popped out of her room to greet them.

All of their eyes went wide and stared at Taehyung. His eyes still small due to lack of sleeping.

"Quit staring at me, I'm not at the best state right now" Taehyung announced before resting his head on Seokjin's laps.

"They're working on each other? Means?" Jimin asked, confused.

"Starting to accept and love each other."  Mrs Kim explained 7  words.


"Taehyung what did I hear?!" Jimin yelled, glaring at Taehyung up close.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung calmly asked, not knowing why his bestfriend was so worked up.

"Did you ever think about Na Yeon? It's only been a month and you're already moving on!?" Jimin's words made Taehyung perplexed, why was he caring so much about Na Yeon?
More over, the working on each other thing was just to make his mother believe.

"Jimi-" he got cut off, "Don't fucking Jimin me, I don't like the fact that you're so close with Y/n."  Jimin said.

Taehyung dropped his jaw, what the fuck was his bestfriend even saying.

"Jimin, do you have feelings for Y/n?" He asked, he just asked because he could clearly see the hurt in his eyes.

"It's not about feelings Taehyung, it's about Na Yeon."

"Jimin, she ran away. Without any notice. You fucking know how much I love her, I would have cancelled the wedding last minute if she was unsure or not ready. I would have supported her if she felt like she was lagging behind but she chose to do it alone. But you know what, I'm not mad at her because Y/n was reasonable. I should be upset and Angry at Na Yeon but I'm not, I just want answers from her!" Taehyung replied angrily, the one person who would understand him and support him should be Jimin but instead he was yelling at him and blaming him.

"I don't know what I should feel right now about Na Yeon. But I'm sure right now, that I'm not angry with her at all because I feel like she has reasons why she ran away. I want to know her side before I blame her for running away. And Y/n, she did nothing wrong but to accept and be by my side."

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