15. What if I kiss you right now?

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I woke up to feelings arms around me, I stared at the figure that held me.

I was currently being craddled which I was the one who was supposed to do that. Last night's event played on my mind, having a sudden smile I moved a little from her arms and held her in my arms, the original one.

Holding her right now, felt different. There was no similar feeling to Na Yeon's, this is different. The girl in my arms are different. But it feels nice to have her in my arms right now. When the sun rays hit her face, she moved in closer and hid her face
With my chest.

I smiled at her cuteness, and damn she still had her resting face, aka poker face.

What was this that we were doing?
I suddenly felt like I was cheating on Na Yeon. Immediately, and carefully leaving Y/n to sleep, I went to freshen up.

I stared at the mirror, touched my lips that crashed at Y/N's last night, I smiled and quickly held my composure.

I turned around when feeling her stretch and yawn on the bed, she sat up quickly and held her hair in a messy bun.

She stood up and poured herself a cup of water, in her form that was last night.

Taehyung, no, you don't stare at them. Nope. It's very perverting of you to do so. So stop.

"Y/n, breakfast." I say and she hums before wearing her robe and sat in the opposite of me.

Looking at her expression, she was so calm as if nothing happened last night.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have kissed you like that." She suddenly apologized and looked me in the eyes.

I blinked, staring at her lips that was parted and the cream was smeared a little in the corner of her lips.

Biting my lips, I stared at her for a while, closing my eyes shut and opening it right after, I stand up and sit on my knees, turning her chair towards me. I parted her legs and set my body in between them.

"What if I kiss you right now?" I asked, and she put down the cream puff, and fully concentrated on me as if I was crazy, "for compensation." I added, before holding her cheeks with my palm and my thumb rubbing her cheeks.

And I kissed her. Willingly.

She kissed me back, almost like she was craving for this and her lips felt like she was revenging or angry at something.

I kissed her with the same force, I smiled in between but she quickly held my cheeks and didn't give me time to breathe. Damn, she was a good kisser.

Her legs parted more for me, I picked her up and laid her on the bed and was ready to lose myself to her when the the door knocked.

Cursing at the person, she sat up and kissed my lips before trying to go to the washroom, I immediately hold her wrist and stop her from going. Wanting to kiss her more but she smirked before travelling down her nails to my pants, and patted it. My eyes wide due to her actions, and she shrugged. And ran to the washroom.

Grabbing my hair and messing it up, I went to the door and opened. To see a waiter and he handed me a letter.

Which was from my father. Goddamn, now he was interrupting the session.


After a week, me and Y/n are going back to Seoul, Korea.

The scenes that happened in Italy was kept in between us, coming down to calling it lust, we forgot and never talked about it again, although I didn't.

This time, me and her weren't bombarded with crowd and we went to our home peacefully.

My parents kept snickering and smiling at each other while glancing at us, and I remember Y/n asking me something in the car.

50 minutes earlier~~~

"Taehyung," she dabbed at her neck, "Give me a hickey."

I choked on the drink I was sipping, and just nodded. I was still awkward after that day because I was very needy of her.

Seeing me being very slow, she pulled my cheeks in and let my lips touch her neck.

I take my time and suck on it, making it visible and clear. Then I turn her head and suck on the other side, giving multiple hickeys ,I sat back on the seat proudly.

She then leaned in and sucked on my neck too, making me moan suddenly because of her actions, and opened my buttons before scratching them a bit with her nails.

And rubbed on it to sooth them.

I just watched her do the thing, goddamn she was amazing.


My parent's were fooled into thinking we did it but we never did, we just went to kissing and nothing more.

3 days passed, and I was back again busy with my schedule.

Every time I come back, Y/n had already eaten her dinner and would be sitting on the bed.

Which I felt a bit upset because I thought she would wait for me.

My mother had already moved back in with my father.

So I had to order food for myself.

But one day, coming home, she was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching Tv.

I sighed, "did you eat already?"

She nodded.

I sat down beside her, "I thought you would wait for me and eat it together, specially after how much time we have spent together."

I loosened my tie, and waited for her to speak.

"Do you want me to do that?" Y/n asked, stopping what she was watching.

I gulped, "isn't that what normally people do who are living together?"

She concentrated on me, before sternly asking, "I asked do you want me to do that?"

"Yeah." I admitted, she tried to hold in her smile but I just looked at the ceiling.

To cover up my Embarrassment, "I mean isn't that all wife's do, like wait for their husbands I mean of course we don't love or like each other  more accurate we hate each other a lot but you know you still could...."

She hushed me, "You could've just told me, I would've waited for you till 2 for you,Tae."

I parted my lips to say something but not knowing what to say, she leaned closer and took the phone from my hand and asked my password.

It was my birth date.

"What do you wanna eat, Husband? Our fridge is empty so I can't make anything at the moment." She simply said and my heart thumped, just what was this woman doing to me?

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