21. Na Yeon's P.O.V

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After I ran away from my own wedding, I stayed at a hotel to let myself in for a night.

My friend who I've been consulting with picked me up the next morning and let me stay at his house.

The night, i regretted ever running away but I still had to move because now, I chose my career over love.

My book needed it's epilogue, and to have that, I needed to explore on my own. Without Taehyung.

My heart longed for him every day, but it clenched every time knowing that Y/n was the one who married him instead of me.

It didn't take much time before I published my book.

I lived a different life, with a different name , different lifestyle.

I also ran away because I couldn't forget the guilt of cheating on Taehyung.

I was drunk that night when I kissed a guy, and that the guy is the who's helping me hide right now. Feeling more guiltier.

"Na Yeon, you should sleep. Stop editing your book." He advised me, seeing I was still writing, he came and leaned down to check the part I just wrote.

He clicked his tongue before dragging me towards my bed.

"Na Yeon, I like you and number one symptom of liking somebody is worrying about the person. I'm worried about you pulling all nighters behind me."

He let me sleep, which I just sighed. He confessed to me the day he picked me up and he's been saying that ever since.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down to kiss him, I needed to kiss him.

I didn't know if I was just hallucinating but I saw him as Taehyung that night and we had sex.

After finally publishing my book with the help of Jun, I was already being paid enough to feed myself. But Jun insisted so I was living with him.

I hurt him a lot, from taking him as Taehyung that night and taking advantage of his father's status, I was very sorry. Jun has been nothing but supportive of me.

His father was a famous clothing brand companies owner, and it always reminded me of Taehyung but I never had the face to meet him.

I saw the news of Him and Y/n going to honeymoon, I had serious fever that night when I heard of it.

I wonder if he slept with my sister? Y/n is someone very bold, cold and blunt, she wouldn't ever accept Taehyung besides Hong Joong.

But at this point, I had no right to be angry at Taehyung. I was the one at fault.

And just like that, 2 months passed by, I saw Y/n and Taehyung drive to their mansion together. They both seemed somewhat happy.

But not when I saw Hong Joong visiting their mansion.


I visited the hospital he was working in, I invited him out to have coffee with me.

I waited for him, and he came quickly.

He rolled his eyes seeing me, sat down while burning holes at me with his stare.

"I know you're angry at me even if you have no right to." I said, and he sighed in mock.

"If you're so smart to figure that out then you should be smart enough to make right decisions too." He spat and called the waiter and ordered what he wanted to drink.

"Do you still love Y/n?"I asked him, demanding answers.

"Did I ever stop loving her?"

I smiled, a ray of hope. "Then what is the situation between Y/n and Taehyung?"

"They both are happily living together. She is still angry with me so I can't really know how far have they gone." He smirked, I knew he was leaving hints to make me angry.

"Hong Joong, there's a party going to be held for the Famous brands. I give you this invitation card and bring along an acquaintance, that night, I want you to win over Y/n and I want Taehyung left alone." I said, sliding the invitation card over to his side.

He smirked, "I feel bad for Y/n to have such an evil sister."

I gritted my teeth as I watch him leave the cafe. I know Y/n is my sister and I love her a lot but if she is stealing my man then I'd rather have them separated. Besides I'm not doing any harm, I'm just taking back what's mine.


I finally decided to show up at Taehyung's company.

I know it's shameless of me to do so, but I just wanted to let him know that I am back.

When I walked in, every body were shocked to see me and some of them were even panicking. No one stopped me because they know who I am. Taehyung's fiance.

I quickly go to his office and knocked on it, his faint voice that said come in was heard, and I smilingly entered the office only to have my smile wiped off.

There was Y/n, feeding him food.

They both looked towards me, Y/n wasn't shocked to see me, I wonder why? She looked like as if she already knew I would show up.

Taehyung looked at me indifferently, there was no love in his eyes while looking at me. There was no adoration.

Y/n stood up and wiped her hands with a tissue, before walking to wards me, "Happy to see you back, sister." She hugged me before exiting the office to give us space.

I could see the maliciousness in her words, biting lips, I looked back at Taehyung. Now he was already standing up, and motioned me to sit on a chair.

I nervously sit down, seeing his reaction, I wonder if he is happy or angry to see me.


He smiled at me, but that smile didn't reach his eyes, "So, care to answer my questions?" He asked.

I gulped, "Taehyung I had my reasons."

"Hm, I can sense that. The reason is?"

"I wanted to explore things on my own. Having you with me felt like I was burdening you, and I felt like i wasn't ready to be with you for a long time. I ran away to clear up my head."

"I know there's more to it, Na Yeon. Even if I know it, I want you to confirm it for me. You cheated?" He asked, looking straight in my eye. And I could see that he wasn't angry but upset.

"Nothing happened more than a kiss Tae." I admitted

"And then I wonder why you ran away with the same guy" he laughed, before standing up and pouring me cup of water.

"You've been gulping from that time, here, have a cup of water" he said, sliding the cup to my side.

I drank the water nervously, by the time I said my next sentence, Y/n came in.

"Tae, I'll be going home. Come home earlier " she said with no expressions and grabbed her bag that was on the sofa of his office, he smiled at her before nodding.

"What is going on between the two of you?"I asked, hurt.

"Working on our marriage together." He said.

And I had my world shatter, that moment I wanted to tell him that she wasn't right for him. That she had another man who is courting her.

"Taehyung, Hong Joong is in Seoul, and he wants Y/n back." I said.

"Who cares? It's Y/N's choice if she wants him back or not, while she's with me, I can see she doesn't need or want any other man."  He confidently confessed, and I pursed my lips from falling off.

And I left the company before I broke down in tears to save myself from Embarrassment.

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