27. I'm Kim Taehyung's Wife

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While going back to the hotel, I saw Hong Joong running after me.

He called for my name and I stopped on my tracks.

"Hey, I couldn't find you in the party." He said, smiling at me with his usual charming smile.

"Why would you want to find me?" Before walking away but he walked along with me.

"Because you're...my girlfriend?"

I looked at him, before saying, "I have cleared this a thousand times, I'm not your girlfriend. I am Kim Taehyung's Wife."

He gritted his teeth and frowned at me, " can you stop with that?"

"It's an arrange marriage, Y/n."

"Don't people fall in love during the arrange marriage?" I retorted before trying to walk away again.

He stood in front of me, stepped closer to me. Making me glare at the distance that was left.

His hands started to hold my cheeks, and his other hand going around my waist. Making me raise my eye brows, oh so this is your next plan.

When he leaned in, I stepped on his feet with my heel that I was wearing, he cried out in pain.

"You're not seduced!?" He asked, still holding his feet in pain.

"I told you before a long time ago, I'm not going to be seduced by this." I said, because this clearly was a shitty move. If you're seducing someone just to have them, then it's totally not my cup of tea.

"I will be seduced only with assurance, support and with words. Using your body, isn't my forte." I say.

He sighed, before looking at me, "Y/n, I'm sorry. Please, take me back."

"I won't get ever get back with a cheater." I muttered, and walked away, making sure he doesn't stop me again.

He widened his eyes in surprise, he thought I'd never know. Even though the nurse lady that came along with him is fake and he was trying to make me jealous, he cheated on me while we were still on good terms.

"And I hope you give up, I'm not changing my mind once I set it."

I went in my room, to see Taehyung there, sitting on the bed. Calmly looking.

Once hearing me enter, he looked up. "I couldn't find you back there."

He was mentally tired, and i could see because of whom. "We have to get ready for the auction too." He said.

The auction and night party would start at 8 and now it's 5, so we had to get ready on time.

"Hmn." I replied.

I quickly went in for a shower and dress myself, in 1 and a half hour. Now it was the turn of Taehyung, so I was just touching my make up when he came out.

"Style my hair and make up again please." He pleaded, looking at me.

I nodded with my eyes and motioned him to sit in front of the dressing table.

"You look beautiful in that dress." He complimented, while sitting infront of the mirror and looking at me through it.

"I always do,"I muttered, focused on his puffy hair, "You look handsome as always." I said.

"Are you going to buy anything tonight?" I asked him.

"Only if you want anything." He replied while staring me through the mirror.

After I was done with his hair, I stood in front of him and did his make up.

Taehyung was a handsome man, his lips were perfectly shaped and his face was perfectly aligned. Working on this face was like treating a diamond.

"Can I kiss you before going to the auction?" He asked in a tiny voice, he fiddled with his fingers.

I look back at his eyes, "You'll ruin my make up."

"Just a peck." He pleaded.

I stopped doing his make up, and rested my palms on the nook of the table and in the arm chair he was sitting, tilting my head, "If you want to kiss, then why wait for later."

I tell before kissing him on the lips, my eyes closed itself, and our lips just danced and moulded with each other. He wanted to grab my face but he didn't want to ruin my make up, which I found funny and couldn't help but smile.

"Your lipstick taste funny." Hw muttered once we stopped.

"Your mouth taste delicious." I replied, before going back to fixing his make up.

He did his usual lip pursing that he did to stop himself from smiling.

Once I was done, "it's done."

He looked at himself, "Ah I'm handsome."

Rolling my eyes, I put back my make up tools in my bag.
I was going to walk away when he grabbed me by my waist and let me sit on his laps.

"you look hot, in this dress you know." He whispered in my ear, before looking at the mirror along with me.

I looked back at him, "the auction is starting, Tae."

He kissed my exposed shoulder,
"I don't want to go."

I moved in his laps to take a better view of his face, "We need to, other wise I'll do something in this room with you that might be very...." I trailed while my finger stopped on his lips.

He gulped, "very....?"

"Very pleasurable and harsh." I whispered on this ear and quickly stand up.


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