9. Fake Sex

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The next day, Y/n never came home.

Taehyung called her parents if she visited their house, but they said she never did.

He asked her parents if she has any friend but they said she doesn't really talk about her friends and they assumed she never had friends in Seoul.

He attended his office meeting and met with his clients, but asking his hyung's to find Y/n but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Tae, we can't find her. She left all her phone to you right?" Seokjin patted the youngers shoulder.

"Eh why am I even caring about her? I bet she wants to be alone."


After 3 days, She finally came home.

She thought there was no one home and Taehyung was probably at his office, and she had no energy to deal with his tantrum.

But not when she heard the washroom sink being used.

She sighed, the last three days she was living at the agency quarters and thankfully her agency made sure Taehyung didn't suspect them.

"So where did you stay the last 3 days?" Taehyung asked once he came out, wiping his hands on his towel.

"Somewhere where I can stay peacefully."

"Where's that somewhere?"

"Please, I do not have any time for interrogation right now, Taehyung." She said annoyed, every one always counted her steps, she doesn't need an extra to be added.

She was going to leave the room but Taehyung stopped her by holding her wrist.

"At least, stay." He said, and walked in front of her.

"My parents are going to visit. So we need to .." Taehyung awkwardly let out.

She rolled her eyes before snatching her wrist away from him and go to the washroom.

In the shower, she thought about how all men were same. First, hurt the girl and then slowly be awkward and say sorry, sorry my ass.

While reading novels, she thought about how similar her situation is to those plots. And after that, what happens? The girl will fall in love with the guy, the guy will slowly start to accept the girl and then suddenly his ex comes in.

But her, she doesn't need him to accept her. She doesn't even need to fall in love. She is in love With HongJoong and she will be.

And Na Yeon, she mentally called her a bitch for letting her suffer in this type of situation.

When his parents' came,  they greeted her like a normal person. No touching and keeping distance.

But they bought in their....suitcases?

"Hi, Y/n!!" Her mother in law enthusiastically called out, immediately grabbing her cheeks.

They finally let them sit down and served them Juices.

"So how's the two of you doing?"

"He is still on about Na Yeon." Y/n bluntly said.

The two couple, Taehyung's parents were set on making Y/n fall in love with him. While she really hated him.

"We're doing just fine." Taehyung said, no smiles on his face.

Their parents looked at each other before pursing their lips in a tight line.

"Taehyung, we know it's a bad situation right now but you don't have any right to treat Y/n wrong." Mrs Kim spoke, making him frown in annoyance.


"Mrs Kim, We both got married in a rush.  We don't know each other well nor do we have any idea. So for now, we are only getting along with each other, besides it's only for a year." Y/n explained, her face still monotone.

Mrs Kim sighed seeing her facial expressions, she always watched Y/n runway walks and all the photoshoots, her face had always been this way.

Although it didn't stop her from being a fangirl when she met Y/n.

"And, Taehyung and me are still working on each other." She added.

This sentence meant she was trying to get closer to Taehyung, although Y/n lied, it was just to give a fake layer just to make them believe.

Taehyung's eyes sprang towards her.

The Kim couple smiled, "I decided to stay with you two for 2 weeks."

Taehyung just wanted to cry at that moment.


Night had fallen, and all of them ate their dinner. Mr Kim was sleeping over for the night.

When Y/n finally got into the room, Taehyung immediately followed after.

"Y/n, what do you mean by working on each other?" He asked.

Right before answering, She heard some footsteps, meaning Mrs Kim was obviously overhearing their conversation.

Her foot shadow was so obvious, Y/n sighed internally before catching Taehyung off guard by pinning him against the door.

Nearing his lips, "Aren't we working on each other, Tae?"

He gulped, he wanted to push her away but she was very insistent on pinning him right against the door.

Moreover, her voice slightly high pitched as if she wanted someone to hear it.

"Na Yeon isn't married to you, I'm the one who did. So, I'm your wife and you're my husband. No matter what, we should start to love each other." She said.

Taehyung's eyes wanted to run away seeing her up close, what the fuck was happening?

Y/n grabbed each of his cheeks and eyed him saying his mother is on the other side. He widened his eyes more than he should and understood what was happening.

"But Na Yeo-"

"Stop taking her name. It's starting to get annoying." Y/n thought Mrs Kim would immediately leave hearing the conversation between the two but she stayed. Sigh, she has to take it to another level now.

She started to make kissing sounds, thumped the door and moaned, "mmh, tae that's....mmh"

She still wasn't leaving.

She slapped his cheeks a little to act and he did, he said something which caught her off guard.

"You can't walk tomorrow morning then." His voice was clear hoarse, and he slapped Y/n's butt to make the sound.

"Mmh, fuck me then." She yelled a little higher, that was the cue of Mrs Kim to leave.

Immediately knowing that Mrs Kim left, Y/n left Taehyung's side and walked away as if nothing happened.

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