23. Hong Joong give up

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"What was the document about?" she asked.

He looked at her before smiling adorably, ignoring how her heart fluttered, she looked at him.

"Documents of your health check ups." He said, before sitting on the beside her, "I went to the hospital today, to take the result that came out, Hong Joong gave me."

She peeked at the document, and Taehyung continues, "your health is getting better, and your body is perfectly fit."

Y/n nodded, and looked at ceiling while still nodding, Taehyung glanced at her, almost getting tempted to kiss those lips again. Shaking his head, he looked back at the document.

"Why are my hormones in a mess lately?" He thought.

"You lip- I mean your knees are getting better but he specially informed you not to do heavy lifting and better not hit the gym for a while." He said, Y/n had gotten hurt during gyming because of not focusing on her weightlifting properly.

She rolled her eyes when he slipped words.

Her phone rang, and she looked at the caller, she rolled her eyes back again seeing who it was.

"Hello." She blandly said, keeping it on speaker because Taehyung asked her to.

"Hi Y/n, I'm sorry I called you this late but I wanted to ask if your reports are given to you safely. I don't trust that Taehyung guy." He spoke out.

Taehyung pursed his lips to the left, not believing this guy had the audacity.

"Hm, I got it, now bye." She quickly wanted to hang up but he stopped her.

"Now can we go out on a date?"

Taehyung immediately wanted to holler at the phone but Y/n stopped him by the chest but he still tried to pry away the phone.

She looked at him as if he was crazy, Taehyung bit his lips trying to seem angry with her, she shook her head not believing her husband.

He kept on trying to snatch away the phone.

"Um hello...?"

"Sorry, we're busy right now." She said and hung up.

She finally let loose of the phone and he got it, "why don't you block him?" He angrily said, before looking at his number, looking at her if he can block it.

"He's my doctor, so I can't block him." She said, threw away the blanket, it was getting hot.

"Turn on the Air conditioner." She said and Taehyung immediately did it for her, as if obeying her.

"I blocked him anyways." He threw a peace sign before getting up from the bed  to change his office clothes.

She shrugged as if use to his childishness. She realised how smiley she has been these months with Taehyung. Almost forgetting to put on her signature facial.

Coming out  with fresh clothes, he jumped into the bed, making Her startle, he apologized quickly.

Checking his emails, he got an invitation to the party that is going to be held at 6th. He smiled when seeing that he had to bring an acquaintance.

"Um Y/n, do you wanna go to a party? It's a party held to interact with other brand owners and I need an acquaintance."

"Sure." She said in one word, and that was enough to make him happy and snuggle into the bed of pillows. She had ordered more pillows for him so that he can sleep peacefully.

He frowned upon seeing Hong Joong's message, "Hong Joong, give up." He texted back.

He quickly replied back with a '😛 she's my girl and I'm getting her back'

Taehyung too texted back rapidly,
"Hah! She's married to me. Beat that!💅"

"Hah! It's an arrange and contract marriage!" Hong Joong replied back, Y/n thought Tae was playing a game that he so enthusiastically tapped on his phone screen.

Taehyung teeth gritted at that, "I'll marry her again after breaching the contract."

"You bet? If I take her away before you marry her, she's mine and you need to back off." Hong Joong.

"I don't need to bet and she's not a property that I'm trying to buy, I'll win her with my heart!" He replied although he cringed at his sentence but still proudly sent it.

"🤮With that line, you're not going to win my bro. She hates cheesy lines." Hong Joong.

"She may hate cheesy lines but she endures it for me!" With that he shut off the phone and sulked in the bed.

Y/n finally glanced at him, "what happened?"

"That Hong Joong boy, he said he'll take you away." He said unknowingly before widening his eyes and regretting saying that openly to her.

"So you wanna keep me?" She asked, still reading her book.

He licked his lips, "You're my wife. And yes, I'll keep you."

"Have you fallen in love with me?" She asked and he froze on his saliva. Why was she so blunt about this, his heart beat start to pound faster.

"Then have you?" He questioned in reply.

"Answer my question first." She said.

"Yes." He admitted.

"The answer to your question is same." She replied, shutting her book and looking at him with the usual expression.

Taehyung just looked at her in awe. Just how blunt can this woman be? Blinking in surprise, he gulped, and slid down in between the pillows more.

If a novel author was to see this, she could cry at such a plot. No one confesses their love this way.

Taehyung slid more down inside the bed with bread cheeks, his cheeks suddenly red. He has never been shy about expressing but this woman beside him, always beat him to it.

"I'll turn off the light," she informed, she leaned on the head board and went through her iPad to watch some dramas again.

She smiled at his shy form before patting his head, "Shy baby." She muttered.

She continued to watch her drama, but Taehyung leaned to watch it so she tilted it a bit to let him watch it too.

"Which drama is this?" He asked.

"Doom at your service." She replied.

But he worried about her eye sight although he too watches it under the dark room but still, he should protect her.

He snatched it away from her, switching it off he kept the iPad on his side table.

Y/n looked at him questionably, he leaned in and switch off the small lamp.

"Sleep Time, Y/n." Although he wanted to say Jagi, he held it back and called her name. Still not recovering from her "Shy baby"

She sighed and just slid down to lay her head on the pillow. He finally turned on his back and faced the ceiling, he glanced at her to see her already closing her eyes. His bread cheeks came out again, was he supposed to hug her?

Can he?

"Goodnight." He ended up saying.

"Too." She said with closed eyes.

He internally glared at her.

Feeling him move around the bed a Lot, the ruffle of sheets disturbed her. She opened her eyes, and thought about how shy he is to ask for her.

She grabbed his wrist making him look her away, she scooted closer to his side, and turned her back on him, leading his arms to circle her waist, under her shirt.

His heart stopped beating, the amount of heat that crept in was immaculate.

But  the feeling of her skin felt good even in the hot summer, his smile appeared.

He pulled her closer, and kissed her exposed shoulder. "Goodnight, jagi."

She tried to hold in her smile, before putting her arm over his that kept tightening around her waist.

"Good Night."

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