18. Ex's are headache

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After coming back to Seoul, Y/n had another health check up session with the doctor.

Obvious to say, she didn't want to go in there. But before all that, her health came first so without any hesitation she went in.

Unexpectedly, Hong Joong had been waiting for her at the entrance.

She tilted her head  and glared at his form, just annoying.

Pathetic, she thought.

"Hi"He happily greeted her to which coldly just nodded and motioned him to walk.

"Still the same Y/n." He thought while smiling, she hasn't changed at all.

"Take care of your body more, Doctor Park suggested some healthy foods to you so I'll give you the list." He took out an envelope from the drawer and handed it to her.

"Hm" she hummed and started to stand to head back when he stood up too.

But when she stood up, she noticed he locked the door. So she decided to just break it and compensate it later on. Walking without hesitation, she was going to when Hong Joong stopped her by back hugging her.

"Y/n..." He trailed, and Y/n was already done with his ass. She tried to unlock his arms from her but he was much stronger.

"Leave me right now." She warned.

He only tightened his hold making her unable to take out her phone and call the authorities.

"Am I not the one who is supposed to be angry at you?" He said, his breath tickling her ears and she pursed her lips.

"You married without breaking up with me, left me hanging and trying to find you everywhere only to know you came back to Korea." He said, it was almost that he had a heard attack when knowing she was married. Left with confusion and hurt.

And he knows Y/n, she wouldn't just marry anyone without any proper reason. There must be something that she did this for.

She never tells him every thing, how much she's suffering and what she's craving. For a while, he couldn't understand her but as time went by, he started to know how closed off she is. Doesn't talk much but when she does, she says it so detailed that the other person is less of words.

At this point, she didn't even try to move. She just waited for him to Finish his explanation.

"That night, I had thought of breaking up because I felt like we were breaking apart. We weren't like normal couples, we always had to compromise not seeing each other and when we saw each other, we had only a little time." He said, leaving little kisses down her neck, "But then I deleted the text, regretting ever thinking about it because I thought you deserved someone better, but then I decided I will try to be better so that you get the thing you deserve."

She just gritted her teeth, feeling suffocated, and this time, she only had one person at mind.


"I'm sorry for that night, I should have been more understanding." He turned her around, "and I know the marriage is arranged."

He leaned in to kiss her, she didn't budge so he just pecked her lips, joining their foreheads,
"I want you back, Y/n."

She looked at him, no expression at all. "Took you long enough but you're late."

She pushed Him aside and broke the door lock with her heel, and wore it back again.

"Your nurse lady needs you, Doctor." She snickered before walking away.

He followed her,to the entrance.

She stood there and was met by someone. He smiled at her lovingly, obvious that he likes her. She muttered out some words to him with no expression and just got in the car.

He gritted his teeth and ran towards them.

"Y/n!" He yelled, and he checked out Taehyung, seeing their interactions, Hong Joong knew this man was already used to her.

Taehyung looked at him and raised a brow, before smiling in mock.

"Oh Y/n, is he the one? The ex?" He questioned, and looked at her, she gave a small nod before looking ahead.

Hong Joong clutched his fist, not wanting to make a scene in front of the hospital.

"Must say buddy, you lost a gem." He winked at him before patting his shoulder and getting in the car.

He watched them leave together, and he already was planning on getting Y/n back.


"I might have teased him a little." Taehyung said, after giving her the burger he just bought.

She nodded, he looked at her expression and there was something different.

People would think nothing is different but having been spent time together, Taehyung noticed those little annoyance and anger.

"Did he say something?" She blinked at her question, and he could see her having thoughts.

Seeing her waver, his heart thumped in Jealousy. Although they both weren't in love or like each other, he might have started to have protection over her.

He doesn't know what he's feeling for her but he surely knows he doesn't want her near That boy.

"I just wish I never dated. Ex's are a headache." She muttered.

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