24. I have a wife, Miss Jung

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When Taehyung went to office the next morning, he went in a happy mood.

Remembering last night's event, he suddenly smiled and coiled himself making weird noises.

People inside the elevator watched him as if he was a weird person.

He looked around to see people staring at him, he quickly held his posture and cleared his throat.

He swiftly entered his office before texting Y/n that he arrived at his office safely, before pursing his lips so that he doesn't weirdly chuckle.

She replied after 10 seconds with a, "hmn"

Squinting his eyes, he searched the emoji section and sent a 🥰.

And she replied back after 30 seconds, "stay safe, Tae." He smiled creepily at his phone screen. Happy with her diplomatic texts, he quickly put it down and worked on his computer.

He suddenly remembered how she specially told the restaurantaurs to make the food mild so that he can eat it tastily, he smiled again like a kid.

"Hmn, get back to work." He reminded himself and focused on the screen ahead.

After 30 minutes passed by, a knock disturbed him who was talking to his manager about the next model.

"Why did the secretary not inform me?" Taehyung frowned, Y/n was busy with her schedules and won't have time to come here, it was definitely someone he didn't like.

Letting the person come in, his thoughts were confirmed when Seeing Na Yeon enter.

His face suddenly went cold and made it obvious that he didn't want to see her.

She came in with a smile, putting down the lunch she made for Taehyung.

"Um I made your favourites, and it's nearly your lunch time." She acted as if she'd always come here and feed him.

The manager stood there awkwardly, not knowing if he has to leave or stay. Na Yeon eyed him, telling him to leave him.

"Stay, we still have things pending" Taehyung glared, "who told you to listen to someone except me?"

The department manager smiled in pain before apologizing and going back to reviewing.

Na Yeon gulped in awkwardness before she walked towards Taehyung and linked arms with him, "Tae, first eat your food."

He slid the lunch bag to his manager, "Eat it up, don't waste it." And unclasped the hands that were circling his arms.

She started to play with his hair that Y/n did for him, feeling irritated, he stopped her right there.

"I have a wife, Miss Jung." He warned, "you have no right to come over to my office uninvited, I gave an exception because you're my sister in law."

She was shocked, was he really the same Taehyung that she once was in love with?

The manager who stood there, just wanted to run away from there. Feeling dejected and hurt, She left his office.


It was 5 in the evening, he texted Y/n.

"Y/nnie, I hope you're done with your shoot. I'll be coming home soon."

It had been 2 hours since the text and she hasn't even seen yet, forget about replying. He sighed, she could just reply to him even if it was only one word. But still, she had been shooting all day, she must be tired. Be more understanding Taehyung.

He finally got off work at 8, and was driving off to home. He glanced at the screen of his phone that lit up, he quickly stopped the car and checked the message out but it was just one of his friends completing a dare.

He started to drive again, and finally arrived at the mansion. Half hoping Y/n was already there.

Opening the door with the password, he went in  and firstly took off his shoes. The living room was dark and no one was in sight, thinking Y/n was still at work. He sighed, missing her more, sitting on the couch he rubbed his temples.

"Y/n....come home." He muttered.
He was so exhausted that he didn't hear the light footsteps that came into the living room.

"Taehyung," Y/n called once she reached him, she turned on the lights to look at him. He immediately opened his eyes and stared at her wide eyed before sighing with a smile. Happy that she is here.

She moved closer to him to untie his tie that tightly clasped around his collar, "exhausted?" She asked.

He nodded quickly, trying to gain some affection from her. "You didn't reply."

She helped him take off his blazer and unbuttoned the first button, "I didn't want to text you back when I got time. Much better if I talked to you in person."

With that sentence, his heart was giving him a hard time, Y/n had a way to with her words that affected right in the feels.

"It's okay, you were probably busy." He said before holding her hands with a gentle squeeze.

"Get up." He simply did what she told him and followed her to their room and to the bathroom.

She told him to undress, which he hesitantly did. When he stopped on his pants, he nervously laughed. She stood there with her arms crossed so he undressed his pants too. Left only in his underwear, she let him sit on the bubble bathtub.

"Just relax." She muttered, and massaged his shoulders, "should I shampoo your hair?"

He hummed in reply, wetting his hair, she squeezed out shampoo and  put on his hair.

She thoroughly massaged his head, and Made sure he was having a relaxing time.

"Na Yeon visited my office, with lunch box," he paused.

"Hmn, then?" She said to give him assurance.

"But I gave that to my manager and then she had the audacity to mess with my hair that you did for me, and even linked arms with me."

Y/N's face darkened, but none the less, she continued to massage his head with gentleness.

"Then I said, 'I have a wife, Miss Jung. You have no right to come uninvited to my office, I gave an exception because you're my sister in law.' although I felt bad, she left the office quickly."  He explained his events for today.

Y/n chuckled at his words, how ironic that months ago, she was the one who was supposed to be the sister in law.

"You did Great," circling his thumb on his cheeks, before kissing his dry forehead. He smiled at her with adoration in his eyes, "now go wash yourself." She quickly added before washing her hands and leaving the bathroom.

"Y/n...!" He yelled in annoyance, she always leaves him hanging.

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