32. The End

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Y/n was now in her 30's, she quit the modelling industry once she gave birth.

Taehyung has earned money of a lifetime to provide his own family which was formed and continued to work from home.

Y/n and Taehyung moved to the country side with both their kids who were now 3 years old. Twins, one girl and one boy.

She grunted while standing up, her back ache was painful and the heavy weight in her stomach seemed to be growing each week.
She tried not to frown when standing due to the pressure put on her.

She made breakfast for the kid's before calling them down to eat food. The kids were seriously good Kids, she had heard about Kids who are very naughty and make trouble all the time but Her babies were quite and silent in their own atmosphere. Although they are hectic when they see their father, they don't trouble Y/n as much since she was carrying a baby in her womb.

"My love come down" she called, waiting for the thumping of foots steps on the stairs.

"My love we're coming down!" The two kids shouted,coming downstairs with heavy steps although carefully stepping down.

Y/n smiled, she placed the food plate on the table respectively for the each of them. She glanced at the clock, it was now 9 and Taehyung hadn't come home yet.

Just when the kids were going to start eating, the door opened signing someone came in. But Y/n and the kids all knew it was the footsteps of their love.

"Appa!" Both the kids yelled.

Taehyung came in smiling, Y/n wanted to laugh at the sight. His face was smudged with mud and his clothes were too. He looked funny.

The kids didn't mind their father's dirtiness and jumped to claim the hug.

Taehyung continuously kissed the two kids before putting them down. He smiled before making his way towards Y/n, but Y/n stopped him in his tracks.
"Tae, don't come near me with those clothes."

He pouted before stubbornly walking towards her and kissing on her cheeks making her giggle.

The kids were going to bathe after the breakfast but it was going to be more fun since their father was going to join too.

It seemed that Taehyung was trying to help an Uncle to carry the loads when he fell with the whole carriage and landed on wet mud.


After the morning bath, it was already 10:30 am.

The kids were in their cozy room playing after wearing new clothes. They didn't give attention to Taehyung anymore saying it's Mom's attention time now.

Y/n bought 2 cups of green tea before keeping them on the balcony table. Their balcony was big and it had a very beautiful view. They were all surrounded my mountains and houses near by.

They had built this house together, didn't take them long.

Taehyung sat on the wooden sofa and spread his arms to let Y/n lay her head. Y/n didn't waste no time before she was coiled around her husband.

"Y/n, isn't this too perfect?" Taehyung muttered, while playing with the strands of her hair.

Y/n thought for a while, "nothing is perfect, but perfect varies from person to person. And for us, this may be the perfect we know."

Taehyung smiled, over the years after quitting modelling, he noticed a lot of difference in her expression. She had more emotion's and expression in her face. She had been away from modelling for almost 5 year's now.

But now they're 13 years into their marriage. They got quite old but they still felt their youth in them whenever they would dance in the middle of night.

"What are we supposed to name it?" Y/n asked, rubbing her belly.

"Strawberry," Taehyung muttered.

Y/n scoffed before hitting his chest, "be serious Tae."

"If it is a girl, we will name it HyeJin and if it is a boy, we will name it Tae In." He said, y/n smiled at the choice of names. HyeJin because Jin was quite upset when he didn't get to name the twins so his name as compensation.

"After that, we have to name 2 more Jagi." Taehyung smirked before pulling her closure.

Y/n sighed, she imagined her giving birth to 2 more babies while in her 40's or might be in her 30's since Taehyung is quite fast.

"I hate you. Why can't you give birth instead of me?" Y/n complaint.

"I wish I could, but don't worry. I'll take care of our kids till we're old." He said and kissed her lips.

Taehyung was happy that moment, everything had went the same way they planned together. Living in the countryside with their kids.

They already planned for the kid's future too, they might have to move to Seoul for their higher education but for now, the school in here was also quite good.

Y/n wasn't much in touch with her sister anymore since they decided to move to another state. She heard that Jun and Na Yeon are in love now, they both plan to stay together.

Namjoon has kids now too. Jimin visits every holiday to come meet them and the kids. Jin and her girlfriend broke up but he met another entirely different girl but eventually fell in love and are married now. Hoseok had opened a dance academy and it's going quite well except the mother's coming in everyday to get a clip of him.

Yoongi is the biggest fan of the kids, visiting any moment since he also decided to live in the country side with them.

Jungkook has found a girlfriend, and are travelling together while taking beautiful pictures on the way. He visits on holidays too.

Y/n glanced at her husband before sighing with content.
For them, right now was the perfect they looked for.

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