16. Back to rock

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After having to rest for a long time, she finally called her agency and told them she would be coming back.

Having dinner with Taehyung, she spoke, "I am getting back to the industry, I thought 6 months would still be less but now, it's feeling like forever."

Taehyung looked at her and nodded, "okay, if you want to."

They continued to eat together, "and the first brand you're modelling for is my company, Y/n"

He smiled at the thought of her wearing Gucci, she nodded. Her poker face still there, but she still had the gentle but sharp look even if she had no expression.

"I found Na Yeon." She spilled.

Taehyung stopped eating his food, glanced at her before drinking a cup of water.

Motioning her to continue, "I found her through the book she just published," she stopped, "and she is currently in Seoul too" adding that she finished.

He stayed silent, so Y/n took the initiative. "Do you want to meet her?"

He licked his lips, and then looked up at the ceiling before shaking his head. "No"

She understood why he didn't want to meet her, because she was the who one ran away not him so she should be the one coming back.

The next day, she went to the agency and talked with them about her come back. And when the news of her coming back was known, companies letters came filling in.

After that, she went to the doctors to have her health check but an unexpected twist that made her weak in the knees.

The original doctor was on a trip to another city for his patient so instead of him, another took place. And that newbie was Hong Joong.

But holding her composure, she acted professional and told him about her health.

During the time, it was uncomfortable because he kept staring at her.

"Why did you leave New York without any notice?" He asked while she was standing up to leave.

"And you got married too?" He asked.

Y/n took a second and turned around to look at him, "because I was needed here."

"Needed for Marriage?"

Y/n glared at him, "You don't know my situation, Joon." She smiled while saying this, and turned around to walk away.

"But weren't we still dating?" He asked, his eyes soft due to seeing her alive and breathing.

"Don't you remember your break up text?" He gulped before running towards to her to stop her by her wrist.

He was going to say something but A lady dressed as nurse came and called, "oppa?"

Y/n looked between the two before smirking in disgust, "Bye, doctor."

She looked at the lady dress in white who was holding His arms, checking her out, her disgust was clear. She didn't stay any longer because if she did, she'll curse out every single person here so better leave.

Hong Joong wanted to run after her but the girl kept holding him back with her questions.

She came back to her and Taehyung's house, to see Taehyung there with a gift bag.

She took out her shoes and went in wearing her slippers, She just dropped her bad in the living room without Greeting Taehyung who was standing there with a wide smile.

She went and removed her make up quickly before splashing it with water and hold the sink for her support.

She wondered if He had been cheating on her even when they were dating.

Coming in to check because of how sullen she looked, Taehyung came rushing in.

"Are you okay?"he asked.

She nodded and dried her face with the towel Taehyung gave her.

"You rest for a while, I'll make you food. Okay?" She nodded and slid in the bed.

After some time, Taehyung came in with a tray of Food, with jajjangmyeon and kimchi.

"Taehyung, I'll gain weight by that." She said, and set aside her book.

"Gaining a little bit of weight won't hurt," he put the tray on bed table, "also, I bought this for you." He shyly handed out a Gucci bag.

She took out what it had contained, smiling at what he gave her. He nervously distracted himself by cooling her food down a bit.

She stood up and wore the necklace, checking it out in front of the mirror.

She was happy, but her face still was the same but more gentleness in it.

"Thank you" she said before hugging him.

"Your welcome" he patted her back to make the hug last longer but it was cut short when his phone rang, she motioned him to take the call while she sits down to eat her food.

He went to the balcony, and he was informed about Y/n officially signing to model for his brand, she will be on the cover of Magazine's back again.

Seeing her eat the food, he had a gentle, at least she eats her food.

"Who was it?"

"The news of Y/n coming back." He teased and she gave a small smile before going back to eating.

"Did something happen today?" He worriedly asked.

"I went to check my health up but my assigned doctor was on a trip so instead of him another doctor took place, I must say I don't like him." She said, not caring to hide anything from him.

"Did he do anything wrong?"

"Nothing in particular, turns out he is My ex." She muttered, and It was Taehyung's cue to be angry.

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