30. Violence over peace

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Me and Taehyung went home the next day, it resulted of him to carry me bridal style because of my wobbly legs.

When we arrived, right after an hour the friends of Taehyung visited us, accurately him.

"I'll head in." I announce and tried to go to our room when Taehyung stopped me.

He insisted for me to stay, Jimin stayed monotone, it seemed that he still has his sassy mode on.

Clicking my tongue, I sit beside Taehyung and looked like a statue. I didn't know what to say in the conversation but I just sat because Taehyung asked me to.

"I met with Na Yeon." Taehyung said, holding both of his hands together and putting it against his lips.

He glanced around the room to look at the reaction of the guy's and they just stared at him.

"I met with her too." Jimin popped up, making me glance at him before I folded my arms.

"So what did you guys talk about when you saw her?" Namjoon asked.

"She tried to take me back but I told her I'm not some object that she would like to take back once she needs it. Then she purposely invited Hong Joong into the party that was held to seduce Y/n and Na Yeon to try to bed me." Taehyung gave a brief explanation.

"Ay Taehyung, I know you're angry but that doesn't mean you can shame her like that. Be a man." Hoseok said, patting Taehyung's shoulder telling him to man up while it was the truth.

"That's exactly what happened." Jimin confirmed.

The boys looked between Taehyung and Jimin before panning towards me. "It's true." I said.

"I was fine with everything she did until she started to slut shame her for something that Y/n didn't do. She said more inappropriate words that I didn't surely like which may infect someone else's mental health, as a sister she failed." Jimin said.

Taehyung frowned, "what kind of words?"

"I shall not reveal." Jimin said, sitting like a Queen.

"Oh come on Jimin, I know you're itching to reveal it."  Yoongi said after being silent for a long time.

"Ok fine! She started to say how Y/n may have had sex with people to work her way up to fame and plastic surgery to look like a model. And I may have kind of taken violence over peace." Jimin confessed, glancing over at the boys to look for nods.
"And the violence is, throwing a cup of water at her."

I smiled and smirked, heads turning towards me, "should have done more than that."

Their eyes widened, "but isn't she your sister? Aren't you supposed to be the nice one since you got the male lead?" Namjoon frantically asked, looking quite betrayed of the romance books he read.

"If your own sister wants to destroy you, why not do it back? Equality exist. You may have dealt with Na Yeon who is a nice person and doesn't like Revenge, but don't expect that from me. I'm not a very nice person, and I'm not that kind of person who has a big heart." I honestly admitted before keeping my left leg on top.

Taehyung looked at me before smirking underneath, the boys looked like they just saw satan itself.

"Now I really feel like I should have done more, where's Jin? He'll give me ideas." Jimin asked,
"I'm on the phone." Jin said,peeking his head out from the kitchen and Jimin shook his head in disapproval.

"Jungkook has been quite for a while." Namjoon said, looking at the Maknae.

Jungkook hissed and wondered for a while before speaking, "I wanna ask Taehyung hyung if he doesn't like Y/n, because she's exactly my type. I have been wanting to ask her out since the day I met her but this massacre happened and I had to process all that in before coming to talk to her."

The boys sighed.

"Sorry but she's mine." Taehyung said, smiling but almost in a warning tone.

"What he said." I say when Jungkook looked at me. He cried out in despair.

"It's okay Jungkook. You'll find another one just your type. In fact, Y/n is the 60th one." Yoongi said, chuckling a little which the younger only glared back.


A/N : Happy Birthday ARMY's 💜

Thank you for the love and support you gave to this book.
It's sad to say but this book is near it's ending and I hope this book gave you happiness even if it was for a little amount.

And again, MY ASS IS EXCITED FOR 'Permission to Dance'

Anyways moving on, goodnight^_^

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