26. Rejected again

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We were getting ready for the pool party, and Y/n just went to change. I sat on the hotel bed, waiting for her to come out.

I was just waiting when the door was knocked, and I went to open it. Revealing, the most hated man I ever met.

"Hong Joong...." I muttered, just why is he everywhere.

He looked around my and Y/N's room, I frowned and blocked his view, raising my eyebrows asking what was he doing here?

"I was invited to this party, Mr insecure." He deadpanned and i scoffed, "then what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked.

He was in his shorts and loose stripe print shirt, must say he looked hot but that's not important.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked, and I looked at him, the audacity of this man..

"That's not your business." I said and slammed the door shut. Scoffing continuously, I wondered what goes on inside his empty head.

"Who was it?" Y/n asked once getting out of the washroom, she was wearing a two piece, although I don't know much about bikini's, she looked damn hot.

How did she even get that body, damn.

"Hm?" She hummed, asking again. "Hong Joong somehow is invited to the party."

She frowned, and nodded, before saying, "change your dress,and wear the one I chose it for you."

She pointed at the clothes hanging on the hanger, I smiled before giggling, "Do you wanna twin with me?"

"Yes." She admitted, and my smile grew more, she doesn't know she gives mini heart attack when she brazenly admits all of the little things.

"Okie"I said before changing right infront of her but she didn't even budge a little, she didn't look my way. Feeling offended, I walk towards her and put my finger under her chin to make her look at me.

"Why don't you look at me?" I asked.

"Do you want me to stare at you while you're most probably naked and make me a creep?"

"I don't mind." I said, trying to be the dominant one for once, she looked at me with her brown eyes and raised a single brow before saying, "Then I'll stare at you every time you're changing, it's a treat for my eyes anyway." She said.

Pursing my lips and trying not to smile in front of her was a very big task, she openly says such heart tingling things.

I grabbed both of her cheeks and kissed her, "You," kiss, "Make," kiss, "me," kiss, "suffer"  and kiss.

"But I know it makes you happy." She said, while smirking.

I rolled my tongue inside my mouth,  looking up at the ceiling to conceal my smile, I gulped before looking back at her.
"If this is what I call suffering, then I would willingly suffer it."

She stood up, unbuttoned of my buttons of my white shirt, before exposing my collar bones a little.

"I should let people know that this person is mine," she muttered before sucking on my collar bone, and I was shocked before a moan escaped my lips, she sucked on it for a long time making my arms circle her waist,pulling her in to do it more.

She finally stopped, and looked at the hickey she gave me, she then looked into my eyes, "This should be enough."

Before I could say anything, she added, "the party may have started, let's go."

My jaw dropped, she always leaves me hanging in such a tight spot, "Y/n...." I whined.


In the pool party, Y/n talked with one of my friends girlfriends and was getting along well.

While I was busy interacting with other brand owners, I met Jun once again.

"Hey, bro!" He came running in to hug me.

"This is my son, Han Jun." Mr Han said, and I was surprised, that's why he was invited to the party. But I saw Na Yeon walking in from behind and stood beside Jun. "This is my soon to be daughter in law." Mr Han said again.

I looked at her, before smirking, she wants to get me back yet she's the daughter in law of a brand owner. "Jun, I didn't know you were engaged." I patted his chest, he laughed and looked at Na Yeon.

Something was fishy. Oh but who cares, looking at Na Yeon, I don't even know what she has become.

I talked with Jun but someone spilled drinks on him so he went back to change, I tried to find Y/n but na Yeon stopped me, grabbing me by my wrist.

She dragged me somewhere far away from the crowd.

I looked at her as if she's gone crazy. "what is so fucking urgent that you dragged me here?"

She pushed me against a wall, "You want her just because of her body, right?" She scoffed, "didn't know you were same as other men, Taehyung."

I rolled my eyes, "who told you I want her for her body? And who are you to ask me that?"

I could she saw the hickey on my exposed collar bone, I smirked.

"So she gives you good sex?" She asked in her low voice, almost like a demon.

I didn't say anything, because we haven't even consummated our marriage.

She repeated her question again, and I was forced to answer, "unlike you, we haven't done it yet. But I do know she'll do it better than you."

Her eyes shook and was unable to answer for a moment, before she tries to lean in and kiss me.

I immediately push her away from me, keeping a good distance. I glared at her, "Na Yeon! You're engaged to someone!"

"I don't care. You're mine, why is she having you!"

"I was. And don't you dare try do anything ever again, other wise I'll forget you're her sister" I warned before walking away but she stopped me again, making me very annoyed.

"Taehyung, you really don't love me anymore?" She asked, on the verge of tears.

"I  once fell in love With the Na Yeon 3 years ago, and the one standing in front of me is someone I don't know, why would I love you? I have a wife I am in love with now." I snatch my wrist and walk away.



I looked at Na Yeon kneeling down and tearing up.

I saw the commotion between the two, I felt bad. Not because she's rejected by Taehyung but because she's my sister.

The person she's become now is totally different from the sister I had since birth.

I handed her tissue and she wiped it without looking, "thank you." She said.

"Welcome." I muttered and stood beside her, seeing her vulnerable form I waited for Jun to come back and take her to her room.

Upon hearing my voice, she quickly looks at me before throwing away the tissue I gave her.

"You're having fun, huh?" She asked, standing up.

I didn't say anything and just watched her loose her shit, "you seduced him didn't you? Like every other slut?"

"Just because you're blessed with a body, you wanna ruin my life?" She blamed me for her mess which I found it totally childish.

I looked at her with a cold face, "I hate people who play the victim for the mess they made"

Before continuing, "I never ruined your life, Aera. You ruined it yourself." I said, stomping the tissue that I just gave to her that was lying on the ground, "and for the blessed body, I worked hard for it and I wasn't just given."

I see Jun running towards us, searching for my sister.

"Na Yeon, are you okay?" He asked, before looking at me discreetly.

"Tell your fiancee to stop seducing my husband, it's an eye sore to see her being rejected again and again. And I remember  that wasn't her name." I said, before leaving the two to just rot.

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