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Known as Queen Y/n Monako on Dohbar, and Jedi Master and General of the 17th clone Battalion Y/n Jinn on Coruscant, you were known among those who needed to know you. You ruled Dohbar beside your best friend, King Kwol Barren, and fought alongside other friends such as Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in the Jedi order. You could be reckless, but in the end your ways were some of the best. Many often compared you to your father, Qui-Gon Jinn, who you had only met once when you were 17, days before he was killed by the Sith Lord Maul. Your master, a Mon Calamari named Codo Daawa, had been a close friend of your fathers. He had been asked directly by your father to bring you to Coruscant and later take you as his Padawan. Your adoptive parents, king and queen Monako, did not let you leave Dohbar to train, so Codo had to train you on your planet. He had become like a father to you, the only one besides your friends Ahnimaka Caree and Kwol Barren, that seemed to care about you. Finally, when you were 22, Codo took you to Coruscant for your trials. Shortly after you were knighted, a separatist attack on Dohbar resulted in the death of the king and queen. You and Kwol took the throne as king and queen, and he married your mutual best friend, Ahnimaka. Despite now being queen, you spent most of your time in the Jedi order on Coruscant after Dohbar joined the Republic. At the first battle of Geonosis, you displayed great skills that led to the council granting you the rank of Master. When the clone wars began, when you were 27, you were placed in charge of the 17th Clone Battalion, led by Commander Sans, Captain Hex, and Major Steele. These three clones quickly became some of your most trusted friends in the war. Now, you were being sent on a mission with a squad of clones you had never even heard of before.

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