Chapter Twelve

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Crosshair was the first one off the Marauder when they reached Coruscant. He practically tore through the barracks to reach the medbay. Any poor soul who happened to be unlucky enough to be standing in his path was promptly and roughly shoved out of the way.

The Batch had gotten delayed on their way back, having to stop for fuel as they didn't have enough for the journey. When that happened, Hunter had sworn Crosshair was going to strangle them all.

He had begged Tech to let him fly back, but Tech disagreed, saying "if we die before we get there because you're flying too fast and dangerously, you'll never be able to apologize to her," which had made Crosshair huff angrily but sit down in his seat. He had folded his arms over his chest, tapping his fingers nervously as he chewed on a toothpick. Tech's leg also bounced slightly whenever Wrecker would whisper something about you, and Hunter would perk in a way that suggested nervousness.

As he made his way down the halls, shoving people and occasionally earning a rude comment from them, his mind went wild. He thought of everything that could have happened during the few hours that you were apart.

You could have been shot down on your way to the venator. The venator could have been attacked. You could have lost more blood. You could have lost too much. You could have died.

No, he thought to himself, shaking his head briefly. You were stronger than that. You wouldn't die. You couldn't. Not yet. The Republic still needed you. The Jedi still needed you. Dohbar still needed you. Crosshair still needed you.

After a few minutes, Crosshair finally came to your room. He stood outside, watching through the transparisteel as a nurse tended to you. His body was rigid. You had your torso wrapped up, and there were many different things connected to you.

He slowly moved to stand in the doorway, and after a few seconds the nurse noticed his presence. She smiled softly at him before glancing back at you.

"General Jinn will hopefully be fine," she said.
"What do you mean 'hopefully?'" Crosshair asked, his tone holding a hint of sourness.

"Well, she lost a lot of blood and is very weak. Her comatose state is making it hard to gauge how her body will function when, if, she wakes up."

"If? You're a nurse and all you can say is if she wakes up?"

"There's nothing much more we can do for her right now."

Crosshair let out a string of curse words under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking up at you again. He started to take a step inside, but the nurse was quick to stand in his way.

"I'm sorry, but you cannot be in the room with her. We can find you once she's able to have visitors, but until then you must leave," the nurse said while blocking Crosshair's path.

"What? Why?"

"Because, she is in no condition to have visitors right now."

"She's Karking unconscious! How would she even know if she had visitors?" He nearly yelled at the nurse.

"Please, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

He swore under his breath again before he turned and stormed away from the room you were in. It was ridiculous, all he wanted was to just be by you. To touch your hand and feel it's warmth so he knows you're still there.

As Crosshair was walking through the halls, he looked up to see Sans standing with some other clones. His fury boiled over as he approached him. His fists clenched involuntarily and he stepped right up to the Commander. Sans barely had time to turn and meet Crosshair's gaze before Crosshair grabbed him by the front of his undersuit and slammed him into the wall behind him.

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