Chapter Seventeen

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I'm so sorry for the long wait, I kept changing ideas and couldn't find creativity. This did end up being terribly long, so I apologize for that as well. I just hope it's all worth it

"Right, and so what are you going to do about it?" you asked, blocking a punch as Kwol tried to score a point. You were on a brief diplomatic leave to Dohbar, and all your official duties had been finished, so you decided to spar with Kwol until dinner was ready.

"I'm not sure. Ahni thinks we should send them to the temple with you, but I just...I don't know," he responded, catching your arm as you punched towards him and he threw you to the ground. "That's five more points, I'm ahead of you now."

"Oh, shut it," you said, jumping back up and sweeping his legs out from under him as he laughed. He fell to the ground as well, landing on his butt.

"Hmm, five more to me, we're even again," you snarked before turning serious. "But Kwol, you have to realize, if you want them to learn the ways of the force, they have to go to the temple."

"I know, I just wish they didn't have to leave. I mean, they're my kids. Both of them would be leaving." Kwol drew his knees up and wrapped his arms around them, sitting in a ball on the floor. He rested his chin on his knees, and stared off into the distance. You felt his sorrow through the force, and you went to sit by him.

"Hey, I know it's tough. That's why I'm not making you choose a certain option. It's for you and Ahni to figure out."

"Yeah, but I would hate to send them away if it's not what they want, or keep them here if they want to go."

"Well, I know they're young, but why not ask them what they want? Explain the situation as simply as you can, and let them choose to stay or go," you suggested.

"I can't explain that, what would I even say? 'Hey, kids. Do you want to go away to this old temple to learn cool magic skills and have a cool weapon like aunt y/n, but never see me and your mother, or do you want to stay here and grow up with your parents, but let those magic skills disappear?' I can't say that to five year olds."

"Either way, a decision has to be made. The council won't accept them if they get too old."

"They took Anakin in when he was nine," Kwol countered.

"That's because my father was insistent. He believed Anakin was the chosen one."

"And do you agree?" Kwol asked, lifting his head to turn and look at you. You pursed your lips, thinking about the question.

"I don't know," you finally said. "And I don't think it's my place to say." Kwol was silent, nodding briefly to your answer before he stood.

"Come on," he said, extending a hand to you, "let's keep going. You beat me last visit, I gotta start my win streak again."

"You mean add to your losing streak?" You joked, swatting his hand away before jumping up. He immediately tried to kick you, but you moved to the side in time.

"Watch it, you don't want to test me," you said, eyes flashing with competitiveness.

"Oh, you sure? I think the queen's been away a little too long, you seem a bit rusty," Kwol countered.

"Oh really? How about I prove you wrong, then?" you said before taking a few steps away. Kwol looked at you curiously, and before he could realize what was happening, you ran forward and jumped into the air. Without using your Jedi abilities, you weren't able to jump as high as normal, but you could still jump pretty well. At the last second, he realized what was happening, but it was too late. Your legs wrapped around his neck, not tightly, but enough to hold you in place. You used your weight to tilt the two of you backwards, and as he fell, you maneuvered around so that you could kick off of his chest. He fell to the ground with a rough "oof," the wind knocked from him as you landed on your feet in a crouched position. Standing and walking over, you gently rested a foot on his chest as he caught his breath, not pushing down but keeping him from rising up.

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