Chapter Twenty Six

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"Alright boys," you said, slipping your lightsaber back into your belt, "looks like we're done here. Everyone regroup and start heading back to the gunships." You let out a sigh, looking around at your men as you wiped your brow. This was the third mission the battalion had been sent on since you'd returned from Dohbar, and you could tell the men were in need of more than a couple days off to rest. Thankfully, all the missions had been successful, but they had also been long, especially this one. It was wearing everyone down, and falters were beginning to be made.

"When I said I wanted to go off planet for a couple weeks, this isn't exactly what I had meant," Steele said as he, Hex, and Sans approached. "I was thinking more of a vacation."

"What, you didn't enjoy the soothing sounds of enemy cannons through the night? Or the beautiful sight of explosions on the horizon in the mornings?" Sans joked, and Steele let out a huff.

"Are you kidding? My favorite was obviously watching the smoke curl into the clouds to make strange shapes."

"I'm sure we'll get our break when we get back to Coruscant," Hex said, interrupting the other two. "They've worked us pretty hard lately, so it would only make sense."

"Well, the Council isn't exactly focusing on how tired you guys are," you said, joining in on the conversation. "They're more worried about keeping ahead in the war, but I'll make sure we get some time off the battlefield."

"Yeah, and we've got a little girl to go see as well," Sans said, giving you a grin. "Favorite uncle still needs to be decided."

"As if you'd ever get that title," Hex commented with a roll of his eyes.

"We've had this fight TWENTY THREE TIMES! I AM WORTHY!"

"Just keep telling yourself that," Aid said, walking by and clapping a hand on his commander's shoulder.


"WHY ARE YOU STILL YELLING?" Steele shouted, causing Sans to whip his head around and look at him.


"IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP, I'M GOING TO GLUE YOUR HELMETS TO YOUR HEADS AND SILENCE YOUR MODULATORS!" Hex yelled, causing both of his brothers to clamp their mouths shut. "Thank you."

"Y'know, y'can't be yellin' 'round lil' babies," Tie snickered, earning glares from his brothers.

"You know, I don't think y/n would appreciate it if you taught her daughter to speak in shortened words. Since, you know, she's a princess and will probably be giving formal speeches at some point."

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Commander Sans," Tie replied, straightening up to stand taller. "I speak in complete words and sentences, using the best grammar any clone trooper could wish for."

"Right, Tie speaking like that is as consistent as Palpatine's non-suspicious behavior," Steele mumbled to Hex.

"Even that's a bit too generous," Hex replied.

"Alright, when you boys are done bickering, feel free to board the gunship so we can leave," you said as you climbed into your starfighter. "Be up in the next five minutes or we're leaving you." Sans and Steele both gasped at your words, the latter clutching a hand to his chest.

"You would never," Sans accused, and you smirked while quirking an eyebrow at him.

"Oh really? Would you like to find out if that's true?"

"As a matter of fact, I would," he replied sassily. You just let out a laugh before starting up your engine.

"Alright, well, times-a-ticking, better decide if you boys want to come home with the rest of us or spend your flight back all alone in your gunship." With that, you closed the top of your starfighter and took off, giggling to yourself as you looked down and saw Hex beginning to argue with them.

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