Chapter Twenty Nine

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Run in here and get y'all juice @Echoxbuggs @AthroFire  

It's been a quiet, peaceful few days since you and Jawa Squad helped out the Bad Batch, and you've been lucky enough to be able to enjoy them with Crosshair. The war is at a bit of a stalemate currently, and everyone is taking the brief pause in fighting to be able to relax for a few days.

Crosshair had suggested going to Dohbar, but you'd immediately turned down the idea. The excuse you gave him is that you had just come from there and didn't want to go back so soon, and because you wanted to enjoy your time with him instead of getting dragged into royal duties, which wasn't a complete lie. You also aren't sure how to possibly explain the sudden appearance of a child to him, especially one that looks like him and one that he is unknowingly the father of. That's also when you decided to start making a plan on how to tell him, because you knew it had to be soon. The tides of the war were shifting, and it felt like it was coming to an end sooner than you'd expected.

This morning you wake up to an empty bed beside you, and when you look around you notice a note left on your datapad from Crosshair. You briefly read the message that he's been called to report back to the Marauder before getting up and starting your day.

A knock on your door interrupts you as you go to begin making breakfast, and you tell them to let themself in. A few moments later, Codo appears with plates full of what you can only imagine, and smell, are breakfast foods.

"Good morning, my child," he says, setting the plates down on your table, "how would you like some freshly made breakfast from your favorite chef?"

"Oh, Ahni made this?" you joke, earning a huff and eye roll from your former master.

"Well, seeing as this clearly isn't up to your standards," he says, beginning to lift the plates up, but you quickly grab them and hold them down, earning a chuckle from him.

"You know I was joking, Codo," you say, desperately trying to keep him from taking it all away.

"I know, my child. I just want to hear you say that I'm your favorite cook."

"You're my favorite former master, father figure, and cook," you say, and he smiles at you before setting everything back down.

"And you are my favorite former Padawan, surrogate daughter, and Jedi."

"Actually, that makes me wonder something," you say, taking a bite before continuing, "you've never talked about whether or not you had a Padawan before me. So, did you?"

"I, like you, was not the biggest fan of the idea of taking on a Padawan. In fact, I had told the Council once that I would only take on a Padawan if I felt as though the particular individual would help me improve my own ways with the force and my own training as a Jedi."

"And did I do that?" you ask, setting your drink down after taking a sip.

"You did that, and so much more, my child," he says. "I wouldn't be anywhere close to the Jedi that I am without you, nor anywhere close to the person that I am without you. You have done so much more than you realize to shape me into who I am, and I am more than grateful for everything you've done for me and taught me. You are the one person in this galaxy that I would do anything for. Although I'm sure you already know this, I want you to hear me say that you truly are my daughter, and I love you unconditionally. Taking and training you as my Padawan was the best decision I have ever made." You don't know how to respond, so you just get up and hug Codo. He chuckles and responds by wrapping his arms around you as well, and you relish in the comfort of each other for a few seconds before your comm starts to go off.

"General Jinn, you're needed in the hangar immediately," a voice calls over your comm link.

"Is everything alright?" you ask, not recognizing the voice.

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