Chapter Twenty Seven

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS IN THIS CHAPTER!! I included a scene of unwanted advances, and then mentions of those advances after they happen. I do not want to make anyone uncomfortable or trigger any sort of reaction to these, so please, if you do not want to read these parts, look for the warnings before and after so that you can skip over them.

The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed and the sound of deep singing coming from outside of your bedroom. With a mind still tired from sleep, you yawned and threw the covers off, standing and wandering out to your living room. You yawned again and blinked away your sleep, and when you did, you saw Wrecker at your stove. He was no doubt the deep singing you heard, as Tech, Crosshair, and Hunter were all chatting with each other on your couch.

"Good morning," you said, scratching your back as you walked over to join them. Crosshair smiled and chuckled softly to himself, earning a questioning look from you. He stood and reached up to move a strand of hair your back into place, kissing your forehead after doing so.

"You look fabulous," Hunter joked, and you stuck your tongue out at him as Crosshair pulled you into a hug.

"You're mean, I just woke up," you mumbled, closing your eyes and letting Crosshair's scent fill your nose. "And you smell like mint."

"Is that a scent you like?"

"Mmm, yes."

"I'll have to remember that, then."

A ding from Tech's holopad gained the attention of everyone but you, and you yawned for a third time as they all curiously listened to what the message was.

"Ah, yeah, let's go!" Wrecker said, cheering as he placed a plate of food down on your table. "Good thing I made you this breakfast, you'll be nice and fueled up, ready to go and fight!"

"What?" you asked, blinking at him in confusion.

"The mission that Tech just read," Hunter said, looking at you as if you were slightly not right.

"What about it?" you asked, still not understanding what was going on. "I honestly wasn't listening, I was thinking about ebrauh."

"Of course you were," Hunter replied, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, what can I say, noodles and cheese is a classic meal."

"She's not wrong," Crosshair agreed. "The mission said that we were to go to Onderon, being led by you."

"Led by me?" you asked, surprise waking you up a bit more, "why am I leading you?"

"The mission debrief said that we must take a Jedi general with us, and this shall be one of our choosing. And, as you are the only general we are willing to take orders from, I read it as we will be taking you with us."

"How do you even know that I'm available to take you?" you asked, taking a bite of your breakfast. "Oh my gods, Wrecker! This is amazing!"

"You're welcome, y/n," he replied, giving you a pat on the head.

"Well, I guess we could have General Skywalker take us then," Tech shrugged, and you snorted in amusement at that comment.

"As if you would listen to him."

"Perhaps General Krell, then?"

You instantly snapped your head to look at Tech, and your expression was the most serious any of them had seen in a long time. "That is not a funny joke, Tech. Pong Krell is not allowed anywhere near my men, and therefore is not allowed anywhere near you guys."

"We are not your men, though," Tech pointed out, earning a harsher look from you.

"When it comes to that sentient slime bag, you are," you said, and your tone meant that the discussion was over. Crosshair gave his brother a smirk and mouthed, "that's my girl," to him, to which Tech mouthed back, "thank the gods, you can deal with her attitude."

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