Chapter One

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"A Jedi? Really?" Crosshair said as Hunter told them about their next mission and who was to lead it.
"Hey, it wasn't my choice. Sometimes we have to follow a generals orders," Hunter replied. Crosshair rolled his eyes, biting down into the toothpick in his mouth.
"Maybe they'll be fun!" Wrecker said enthusiastically, earning a glare from Crosshair.
"I doubt it."
"Cmon, we have to give them a chance. They can't all be sticklers for the rules," Hunter countered.
Crosshair didn't respond, he merely went back to chewing absentmindedly on his toothpick, eyes narrowed while scanning the hanger they were waiting in. Clones wandered around, some coming back from missions while others preparing to leave. Crosshair wished they could just be on their way already, so that his time with this Jedi would be over quickly.
"Do we know anything about this Jedi?" Tech asked, busily scrolling through his data pad.
"No, nothing yet. General Windu just said that he would bring them here to meet us before the mission," Hunter responded, watching as Wrecker was about to try and mess with Crosshair.
"Not even a name?" Tech said looking up.
"Huh," he said, going back to his data pad.
"Well, if my information is correct," he began.
"Ah, not this again with your useless info," Crosshair mumbled before wheeling around and grabbing Wrecker's collar, pulling his face down to his own eye level and glaring at him, earning a brief "ahh!" in the process. Tech shot Crosshair a look before continuing, saying, "The generals that are currently engaged in battle right now are General Skywalker, Kenobi, Secura, Fisto-"
"Ah, just tell us who isn't fighting, that list HAS to be smaller," Wrecker said while trapping Crosshair in a headlock.
"Well, that would be General Windu, Plo, Tii, Yoda, Jinn, Mundi..." As Tech rambled on, Hunter looked across the hanger again, wondering why they had not been given more information. Was this Jedi notorious for something? Did they have a bad history that Windu didn't want the clones to know about before the mission? Was it Pong Krell?
"And, by my calculations, which are rarely wrong," Tech spoke as Hunter tuned back in, "that leaves the possible Jedi to lead us as General Unduli, Tiin, and Jinn."
"Let's pray we don't get stuck with Unduli," Hunter said, "I know she's strictly by the books."
"Yes, and General Tiin seems to be similar by my data."
Hunter was just about to question Tech about the last General, General Jinn who he had never heard of, when he saw Windu enter the hanger.
"Look, there's Windu now. Oh," Hunter said, "looks like we got a lady Jedi this time."
Crosshair huffed in response, turning to look at who he was pointing to. He took in your appearance as you walked next to Windu. You wore a simple shirt with simple pants, not the traditional Jedi clothing that many humans wore. Your boots looked worn and scuffed, almost falling apart. You had a soft expression on your face, not quite excitement but a level of interest. Boring, in his eyes.
"Hey, she's kinda cute," Wrecker said, nudging Crosshair in the side. He merely shot him an annoyed glance before turning back to the two approaching Jedi. The batch all seemed to straighten up slightly as you approached, saluting to you and Mace.

"General Jinn, this is clone Force 99. Also known amongst themselves as the bad batch," Mace stated, motioning to the clones in front of you. "They are genetically modified with favorably enhanced abilities, and are an elite Squad that never fail a mission." You nodded as you took them in, certainly different from any clone you had seen before. "You may inform them of the mission details when you're enroute. Unfortunately, I must be heading back to the council immediately, so you'll have to make your own acquaintance."
"Not a problem, Master Windu," you said, bowing slightly to him before he turned and left.
"So," Hunter said. "General Jinn, is it?"
"Yes, but please, call me y/n. I hate formal titles," you said, extending your hand. Hunter gave a small smile, accepting the gesture.
"My names Hunter, and this here is Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair," he said, pointing to each one individually. Tech looked up and gave you a brief glance when his name was said, before going back to his data pad. Wrecker gave an enthusiastic wave, and Crosshair just stared at you, chewing on his toothpick.
"Tech here is a master of technology, hence his name. He's the smartest of us as well, and he might try and tell you some useless information if he gets the chance," Hunter explained.
"It's not useless information if you might need to know it some day," Tech countered.
"When do we ever need to know your information?" Wrecker questioned, and Tech just merely huffed and continued scrolling.
"He's also the most talkative of us, so if you want to have a long conversation, I suggest going to him first." You nodded, taking mental notes on the clone. He looked younger than any clone you had seen before, perhaps from his genetic modifications. His goggles made him look cute and smart.
"I'm Wrecker," Wrecker spoke, pushing Hunter to the side to shake your hand. "I'm the strong one, and I love to blow things up!" His massive grin almost made you laugh as he violently jerked your arm up and down.
"Nice to meet you, Wrecker," you said, rubbing your shoulder after he released your grip. "I'll make sure to remember to let you press the button if something needs blown up." Wrecker was the biggest clone you had ever seen. He was taller and more buff than the rest, clear indications of his strength. You felt bad for the droids that encountered him, clearly he would easily destroy them.
You looked to the clone who was seemingly bored with the introductions.
"Crosshair isn't much of a talker," Hunter said. "He prefers to brood around like he's better than everyone else." That earned a sneer from Crosshair who flicked his toothpick from his mouth at Hunter.
"He has incredible eyesight, so he's our sniper. I don't think I've ever seen him miss a shot. He's the best shot there is in the entire clone army," Hunter stated.
"Try best shot in the galaxy," Crosshair countered. You guessed he was the oldest of the group, as his grey hair stood out from the others. He was also very lean, and looked like he held himself above others. You noted the crosshair symbol tattooed over his right eye, which you assumed was the one he used to aim.
"And you?" You said, looking at Hunter. He was quite handsome for a clone, who you thought were already pretty good looking. You took in his longer hair, and his half skull tattoo that covered most of the left side of his face. He looked the most respectable out of the group, and you took a mental note to talk to him more. "What are your special enhancements?"
"I've got heightened senses, allowing me to pick up on electromagnetic frequencies. I'm more trustworthy than a map," he said. "I'm also the so-called leader of the group, as my senses will help us determine the best course of action."
"Well, I don't think you'll be needing to do a lot of scouting and leading for this mission," you said.
"No offense, y/n, but we would rather trust my abilities than yours," he said.
"Oh, no, I'm not saying I'll be doing that. I'm saying that we won't be needing anyone to do it," you replied.
The clones looked at each other, confusion on most of their faces.
"Care to explain?" Tech said.
"On the ship," you replied. They nodded and Hunter led you onto the Havoc Marauder, Tech going to the cockpit to begin the journey.

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