Chapter Two

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You sensed the boys approaching and slowly came out of your meditation.
"Settling in fine, I hope?" You asked, standing to greet them.
"Yes, the room is very nice. We were wondering if you could show us around the palace now?" Hunter said.
"Alright. What would you like to see?" You asked as you led them back inside.
"The kitchen!" Wrecker said, running excitedly to your side. You turned and led them towards the kitchen, pointing out the smaller and less important rooms along the way. When you entered the kitchen, you felt the shock come from Wrecker.
"It's so small..." he said, almost disappointedly.
"It was a bigger room before, but because the king's family and I are really the only ones who live here, we often don't have anyone cook for us. We prefer to make our own meals, as having a large team of servants for that just seems unnecessary. We do, however, have meals prepared when we have visitors, so you'll have a nice big dinner tonight."
"Ohh boy, we're getting the royal treatment!" Wrecker said, pumping his fist in the air. You laughed at his excitement before you turned towards the door.
"Come, I'll show you the rest of the palace."
As you led them around, you talked casually with them, getting to know each other. You learned a lot about them. They're experience and skill was definitely unmatched by any other clones in the army. You wouldn't admit it to anyone, but you thought they were better than your own battalion. You didn't show it, but it slightly angered you that the other clones and Jedi didn't seem to respect them as much as they should. They were clearly great men, and deserved more honor than they got. But, you also realized they didn't care too much about recognition, as long as they had their fun and stayed together.
They also seemed interested in your own stories. Well, at least Tech was. You told them how you were adopted by the former king and queen, as your father was a Jedi master, Qui-Gon Jinn, and your mother had passed away after childbirth. You also told them of your training, as you had stayed on Dohbar with your master, a Mon Calamari named Codo Daawa, instead of going to the temple. You explained how the royals did not approve of your training, but did not deny it, either.
As you talked with them, you couldn't help but have Crosshair in the back of your mind. You wondered whether he would come around or not. You hoped he did. When his brothers talked about him, he sounded like a very interesting person. Maybe not the most outgoing or friendly, but it made you curious to know him personally.
You were silently sitting in the garden now, gazing off into the distance as the boys wandered around you. Wrecker was pointing out plants as Tech was studying them, taking pictures and entering information into his data pad on them.
"What's this one?" Wrecker asked, pointing to a small flower that had a cluster of blooms.
"That is a jebwa flower, it comes from-"
"And what about this one?" Wrecker said, interrupting Tech before he could ramble on with boring information. Tech merely glared at Wrecker before saying, "that's a mysess blossom."
"Something on your mind?" Hunter asked, coming over and sitting next to you. You waited a moment before turning your gaze to him and responding.
"I'm just wondering about Crosshair. You told me he'd come around in time, but I don't know if I believe he will. The force was very stubborn with him, but he did seem to care a lot about you and your brothers. He's certainly a fighter, and I can understand why he's upset, but I also felt that he needs to relax. I think he needs this the most out of all of you," you explained. Hunter took in your words, trying to come up with a good response.
"He works hard, and carries a lot of weight for the team. And you're right, he does like fighting, but you make a good point of him needing to relax."
"I just hope he can find it in himself to do so."
"Well, I think if anyone can influence him to, it's you," Hunter said.
"Me?" You questioned. "He doesn't even know me and already hates my guts."
"He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't know you, like you said. He's always like this at first, so don't take it personally."
You nodded, though you couldn't help but take it slightly personally. It wasn't your fault you were sent on this mission. You didn't want to be the one to make him do something he didn't enjoy. You just hoped he could find it in himself to relax, even if he doesn't end up being your friend or liking you. And who knows. After this he would probably never see you again, so would it really matter if he didn't like you?
"So, what do you do for fun around here?" Wrecker asked, coming over to you.
"Fun?" You repeated. "I don't think I ever really did much for fun here. I grew up training for my diplomatic and Jedi duties. I rarely had time for myself. I suppose there's games here, somewhere." You led the boys through the castle, trying to think of where games might be. You thought of asking a servant for help, but you were enjoying wandering around with them, so you decided against it.

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