Chapter Fourteen

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I'm back yall. Did you miss me? How touching

It was a little more than a standard week since you'd gone to Scipio with the Bad Batch, and since you'd kissed Crosshair. Well, more like he kissed you, and then ran away. You'd be lying if you said it was the only thing you could think about, though. While it was constantly in the back of your mind, there was something else on your mind. Something you were currently arguing with Kwol about.

"If I have to go, you have to go, Kwol" you said, folding your arms to imitate the holo projection of a man in front of you.

"But they're so boring," he complained.

"Believe me, I know. But at least you have someone to go with," you shot back.

"You can always take Sans," he countered.

"Sans would let it get to his head, and then I'd have to deal with that," you said while rolling your eyes. "Look, it's literally just for the night. Ahni is already going, and I doubt she'll let you get out of it."

"But who will watch the kids? You can't babysit Ringo and Tayah, so I'll have to stay here."

"Ask Mrs. Dure. She loves when they visit the bakery," you suggested.

"She loves it until they make a mess."

"Look, you're going, whether you like it or not. You're not getting out of it."

"This isn't fair," he groaned, letting his arms fall to his side.

"What isn't fair is the amount of complaining I have to hear from you. Look, I gotta go, me, Ahni, and Padmé are dress shopping and I still need to get ready. I'll talk to you later," you said. "Have fun," he responded, and the two of you said your goodbyes before you ended the holo.

Next week was the celebratory dance for the leaders and senators of planets that are aligned with the Republic. You, as the queen of Dohbar, were invited to go. Kwol was also invited since he was the king, but like you, he didn't want to go. You weren't really one for formal occasions, and especially not ones where you had to be on show as a queen. You had tried to think of everything to get out of it, even begging the council to send you and your battalion on a mission, but Codo had seen right through your plan. Him, being the lovely buir that he was, made sure that you wouldn't escape this, much to your annoyance.

You heard a ping from your data pad and nearly jumped across the room to grab it. You had been constantly talking to the Batch ever since they dropped you off, and they had yet to talk to you today. You opened your messages, but frowned when you saw it wasn't from them. Instead, it was from Codo.

"I hope you have fun dress shopping, my child :)" he had sent.

You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but to smile at his message. You knew he was only adding to the teasing, but he meant it with love.

"I hope you have fun thinking about how miserable I'll be," you sent back before you tossed your datapad to the side and started to get ready for the day out shopping.

You weren't really a fan of shopping, but Ahni and Padmé had insisted you go. You had tried to tell them that you would just use one of your old dresses, but they nearly burst your eardrums when they screamed their disapproval.


"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! You're a queen! You can't rewear dresses!" Padmé had said, looking at you incredulously.

"It's just a dress? And who would notice, anyways?"

"There's always people who will notice," Ahni had pointed out. "And this is a perfect excuse to have a girls day! I haven't done anything fun in Maker knows how long, especially not with you since you've been at war."

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