Chapter Eighteen

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*just a note, I will be explaining why Tie talks the way he does in further detail in the future in a separate story, but a very brief summary is that he did it as a cadet to get on the Kaminoan's nerves. It is in no way supposed to be offensive, and if anyone finds that it is, please let me know and I will repost it with changes made. I will not be mad, I want to make sure that no one is hurt by my writing, and if you are, I would very much like to know so i can change it

Months went by and your time with Crosshair and the batch remained fleeting. You learned quickly to cherish every moment you had with him. Every glance across the hangar was ingrained in your mind, every soft touch was felt for days after. Every lingering kiss was still tasted on your lips long after you had gone your separate ways, anticipating the next time you would be together.

As the months went by, so did the war. It became more deadly, spanning farther across the galaxy. Your time was being split more and more between royal duties and Jedi duties, and you felt more exhausted then you let on. Every time you saw someone, you put on a shield, disguising your stress as tiredness from a long battle. A battle that just didn't seem to end.

You were currently with Jawa Squad, hanging out with them as you awaited a new mission. You hadn't been on one for over a standard week, and the boys were getting restless.

"No way, I can't believe we're actually working with them," Steele said as he looked at a datapad, reading the details of the mission you'd just received. You looked over at him questioningly, briefly losing focus in your grappling with Tie, which he used to his advantage to take you down to the floor.

"Kriff, damnit!" you said, struggling on the ground under him.

"Can' git distracted on the battlefield," he chuckled before letting out an "oof!" as you kneed him in the gut and shoved him off. You quickly climbed on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Using his legs, he tossed you over his head, and you barely managed to flip over him, landing on your back and knocking the air from your lungs.

"Alright, don't kill her," Bomber laughed, helping you up after you caught your breath.

"Well, ya know she was the one who wanted tuh grapple with meh," Tie defended. "She knows 'ow I fight."

"And for some reason that doesn't stop me from trying," you mumbled, rubbing your back. "Did you say we got a new mission, Steele?"

"Yeah," he replied, "and you won't believe who we're working with."

"Who? It better not be Krell, I'll kill him before we get on the venator."

"No, it's not Krell," Hex assured, walking over with Sans. "We're working with Clone Force 99."

"The Bad Batch?" you asked, taken by surprise. "But they don't work with regular troops."

"Well, seems like they are this time," Hex shrugged.

"Looks like we git tuh meet y/n's man finally," Tie said to Bomber.

"Yeah, and maybe he'll be able to understand the way you talk," Bomber laughed back, and Tie just rolled his eyes.

"I can talk perfectly 'proper', as the Kaminoans call it, when I want to. I just prefer not to," Tie said matter-of-factly. Bomber just shook his head with a small chuckle, turning when Aid stepped closer.

"There's something you guys missed," Aid said, holding up a datapad. "It says here that it's just Jawa Squad, y/n, and Clone Force 99. Not the entire 17th."

"Just us?" you questioned, looking around at the six clones.

"Huh, I guess they really don't like working with regular troopers," Sans said.

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