Chapter Nine

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"Y/n," a quiet voice called out. "Y/n, it's time for your next watch." You slowly opened your eyes, grumbling as you willed yourself awake. It was still dark out, and the cold hadn't gone away. You shivered before looking to see who had woken you up. Crosshair was looking at you from a few feet away, amusement hidden in his eyes.

"Good morning, princess cyar'ika," he said as you sat up slowly.

"S'not morning."

"Snot morning?" He asked teasingly.

"Shut up. You know what I meant."

"Mmm, all I heard was snot morning."

"It's not morning, there."

"Well, technically it is."

"Alright, Tech," you joked, to which he just rolled his eyes before motioning to his side at his helmet.

"Need my helmet again?"

"Mhmm," you nodded, stifling a yawn as it escaped you.

"Don't worry, it won't be long," he said while handing it to you.

"Have you gotten any sleep yet?" You asked him. The sniper looked tired, and it wasn't even his shift before yours, so you didn't know why he was awake.

"I'll rest when I need to," he answered, partially avoiding your question.

"Cross, you need to sleep. We had a long day."
"I'll be fine. Plus, someone needs to keep you awake."

"M'fine," you said before yawning under his helmet.

"Yeah, because you sound fine," he said while rolling his eyes. "Besides, maybe I'd rather talk to you than sleep."

You were thankful for the helmet and darkness as his words made color flood your cheeks. His earlier words also came back to you, "Princess cyar'ika," the mando'a word he had used was very familiar to you.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" You asked, moving passed the fluster you felt.

"Anything, as long as it isn't some boring Jedi lesson." You giggled at his comment, knowing exactly just how boring Jedi lessons were, having gone through many of them yourself.

"How about you tell me about your trick shot from earlier," you suggested, taking a second away from watching outside to glance at him.

"Trick shot?"

"Yeah, when Hunter threw the knife and you shot it into the explosive that Wrecker threw."

"Oh, that was nothing. We've done that hundreds of times," he said while smirking.

"Seriously? It was so cool! How did you even figure out how to time it and aim right?"

"Tech did most of the math, but he taught us how to aim and time it."

"Well, I doubt anyone else would be able to do it as well as you," you responded.

"Definitely not Kwol. His shot was worse than yours."

"Mine wasn't even bad! You were the one who messed with the scope!" You said defensively.

"Mmm, a good shooter would have recognized that when they were shooting," he chuckled. You huffed and folded your arms over your chest, shifting to turn your back to him.

"Is the princess pouting now?" He teased from his spot. You lifted his helmet off briefly, turning back to him to stick your tongue out before looking outside again.

"You're ridiculous, you know that, cyar'ika?"

"Mmm, but you enjoy it," you taunted back.

"Maybe I do," he muttered, just barely loud enough for you to hear under the helmet.

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