Chapter Ten

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He stood watching as your figure grew smaller the farther away you got. He could feel his heart clenching as his mind screamed at him not to let you leave him, not to let you walk away from him. You didn't turn around when you got in the elevator, and his eyes bore into your back. When the elevator doors closed behind you, he sat down and waited.

He didn't know how long he sat on the boarding ramp of the Havoc Marauder, waiting and hoping to see you exit the elevator and come back to give him just one more chance. He knew he wouldn't mess it up this time, he just knew it. He would treat you right. He might even stop calling your princess if you really wanted him to.

It was only hours later, when his brothers managed to convince him to join them in the mess hall for dinner, that he moved. When he entered the room, he paid little attention to the other clones that were in there. He kept his eyes down, merely following his brothers and getting a tray of food, sitting down at a table in the far corner of the room. He did, however, look up when a group of clones started to become loud. They let out hoots and hollers, mixed with whistles and cheers. He looked up to give them a glare before he recognized a familiar thing on the armor they wore. Their armor had markings the exact color of your lightsaber, and they fit the rowdy description you had given them. These were the men of the 17th, the men under your command.

"There she is!" He heard one of them call.

"Hey, Commander! It looks like your lady's finally home!" Another said while nudging, who Crosshair assumed, was their commander. He saw him jerk his head around as a massive grin split his face. He stood up and adjusted his armor briefly before he walked towards the entrance of the mess hall. Crosshair turned his head to see you walking in, shaking your head at the boys of the 17th battalion.

"My love, mesh'la," the clone said as he approached you. You had your own grin on your face as you rolled your eyes. He took your hand in his and he knelt down on one knee, kissing the top of your hand gently.

"You've been gone for far too long, my love."

"I was only gone for what? Five days? Stand up, Sans."

"Five days is far too long to be away from you. I swear, mesh'la, that I will never leave your side again. And I swear, when this war is over, we will live happily together on Dohbar."

"Seriously, Sans?" You questioned with a hint of laughter. Crosshair's eyes narrowed as he watched from across the room, the toothpick in his mouth about to snap from the pressure he was biting on it with.

Sans stood up where he was and pulled you in close to him.

"Yes, my love. Seriously," he said as he let his hand trail down your back, and a little lower.

"Hey, keep the hand at a respectable level," you said while giving him a look. He rolled his eyes as he brought his hand back up to the small of your back.

"I missed you so much, and I was so worried about you," he said while glancing down at your lips. He let a smirk come to them before he started to lean in.

That was the breaking point for Crosshair. He slammed his fists down on the table and abruptly stood up, toothpick in his mouth snapping in half. He said a quick and harsh, "I'm going back to the ship," through his clenched teeth before he left the room.

"What was that all about?" Hunter asked after he watched his brother leave the room.

"It would appear that Crosshair is...jealous," Tech said while adjusting his goggles with the last word. He motioned over to the scene unfolding behind Hunter.

"Okay, tone it down some, big boy," you said, putting a finger up to stop Sans's lips from coming any closer. You were already leaning back in his hold, an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on your face.

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